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Part 4: Amber at last =========================================================== This message was last edited by the GM at 16:24, Fri 18 Oct 2002. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you, Prince Julian." Cyan bows. "I am willing to vouch for Ares, though my word means little here." She feels a stab of relief. It would be simply unfair if Ares were punished, despite his crimes (whatever they were), for attempting to give them genuine aid. Relaxing slightly, the redhead glances around the forest, trying to pick out any other watchers. With a shrug, she waits to see where they are directed next. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Tander ----------------------------------------------------------- Otandal attempted to move closer to Julian, at least close enough so that a loud whisper could be heard by him, but not by his troops, if at all possible. "That is not all, my lord Julian. Rumor has spread around Cadiniagart that an Amberite killed the king and his sons. No doubt King Random should be notified as soon as possible." he whispered the dire information freely. "In fact, we were on our way to do so. It's good fortune we ran into you, who knows what luck we'd have had speaking to Random.." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian fixes Otandal with an icy stare, "Odd... Caine is due to go there in two days, as far as I'm aware there is nobody there. Or do you mean an ambassador or the like? Somebody working for us? And he's murdered their king? This gets more serious by the minutes. Follow me please." He wheels the huge silver-grey horse about and starts to lead away along the road, while most of his men fan out into the forest to each side, and the two hounds trot ahead, their heads low as they scan the road and the forest for danger. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan follows, quietly. Interesting news...of course it was possible someone was simply pretending to be Blaez! Rather simple of them not to have considered it before. After all, she HAD heard of shapeshifters before. And, of course, there was nothing preventing someone from moving through the infinite worlds to find his twin. "What do you think, Berd?" she asked her friend, quietly. Berd stared up into the sky at several wheeling black specks worriedly. He glanced back at Cyan and uttered a quiet *bleek*. "My thoughts exactly." One way or another, we're caught up in it, well and truly. She wasn't planning on abandoning Ares. Despite the man's rather surly attitude since they didn't indulge his desire to poke his nose in the pouch, he had done them a great service, leading them here. Shooting a narrow - eyed glance at Derek, she grimaced slightly. Keeping secrets, the redhead thought in annoyance, recalling how he stated he could have done the same. This, despite the fact that Ares obviously did not wish to continue further without looking in the pouch. If the outlawed man got in serious trouble over this, Cyan would have to have a talk with Derek, concerning his responsibilities to others. Assuming he isn't one of those types who thinks he has none, she pondered. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Ares ----------------------------------------------------------- Ares spurs his mount forward, not wanting to irritate Julian if he can help it. After all, he has a delicate subject to mention, "Well Jul..... Prince Julian, it was reportedly Bleys who murdered the king of Cadiniagart, not some servant or ambassador." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian pulls his mount to a stop and turns in the saddle. "When did this happen? Bleys was gored by a beast out of Chaos while hunting up on Kolvir, and has been laid up with an injured leg for the past week. It must have been an imposter, perhaps part of this same scheme you spoke of... " "I think I'd better take a look at this satchel, if you still have it? I can call Random without travelling all the way there if necessary." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Derek ----------------------------------------------------------- With a deep breath and the explosive release of air, Derek produces the satchel from beneath his tunic and holds it up for Julian to see. Edging his mount forward he waits for the elder Amberite to grab it. "Here is the satchel we got from the woman in Cadiniagart." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian takes the satchel, and says, "There is a clearing just a little way along the road, we can stop there to examine this." His horse starts forward again, and the whole group moves along with him. After perhaps fifteen minutes he turns onto a barely noticeable track to the right of the roadway which runs a short distance into the forest and finally enters a clearing, where there are several large ents set up. Julian dismounts and leads the way to one of these tents. Inside he lights a lamp, then places it on a folding table which stands in the middle of the tent. As the lamp brightens it reveals the interior of the tent. The contents are simple, but of good quality. Folding chairs of canvas and metal, a hammock, a wooden rack holding a handful of assorted weapons, a wooden chest, probably for clothing. Julian gestures for everybody to take a seat, as guards take up positions outside and he spreads the contents of the satchel out to look through them. After several minutes he goes to the chest and removes a small velvet pouch which he fetches back to the table. "Did any of you see this 'Bleys'? I only ask to see how good a resemblance it was." He opens the pouch and produces a deck of what looks like playing cards. Sorting through them, he draws one out and lays it on the table, "Did he look like this?" The card shows a picture of a man, red-haired and bearded, but since none of the group saw the Bleys in Cadiniagart, none can say if he resembled the image or not. With a grunt of disappointment Julian puts the card back in the pack and draws another, which he leaves face down on the table. "A pity... These documents look genuine. Letters, orders, reports... all seeming to indicate that the Courts are up to something again. A major attempt to destroy the Golden Circle, which ties in nicely with the assassination of the king of a Shadow that was about to join it. All of this is aimed at destablising our ties with Shadow and driving allies to turn against us." "However... I don't have anybody called Cylla working for me, and I feel it unlikely that she would give a false name with her dying breath, especially if she wanted you to reach me. She'd be more likely to give a name that I would recognise and trust." He thinks for a few minutes, then, "I have no hold over the rest of you, but I can offer Ares a chance to redeem himself. The rest of you I can only ask... as a favour. I don't want to weaken Amber's defences at this time. Nobody would associate all of you with myself or my family, so you may have a little more freedom to act than my own agents. Would you be prepared to help in this matter? I would have to confirm it with Random of course, but I'm sure a reward would be made available for anybody who chose to help." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Ares ----------------------------------------------------------- "Are you saying that such a reward might include a pardon for my alleged crimes?" Ares asks, phrasing his question in such a manner that he doesn't admit to anything. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "If something is threatening the Kingdom of Amber," Cyan note soberly, "then I will pledge myself to aiding in its defense." Destruction of Amber by the Courts of Chaos would only lead to an imbalance in the realms of reality. That should be avoided at all costs; many innocent people will lose their life. As well, everything she has heard of Random (save tidbits of gossip) have painted him as a just and kind ruler. Surely, the Kingdom is worth saving. "So long as we," and she indicates Prince Julian as well, "may verify this with King Random, I will lend my assistance. No offer of reward is necessary." Berd shoves his head in her backpack in disgust. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Morgan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Time tells the truth to lies, they say. I am curious as to the truth here. I will make no promises to take a path that might bring me enemies on either end, Amber or Chaos, but so long as our path does not lead to that, I am....agreeable." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Derek ----------------------------------------------------------- Derek nods at Julian's proposal, his thought turning in similar directions. A threat to Amber had to be investigated and since at least one minion of the enemies already knew him, which made him an ideal agent in this case. "Alright. Since Cylla's murderer, a guy named Beldrin, already knows me and is on the loose, I'm in." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Duncan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Me also, for dhe same reason as Derek." Duncan nods, and adds, "Just tell me what I must do." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- As various members of the group swear themselves to aiding Amber, Prince Julian nods in satisfaction. He reaches for the card laying face down on the table, and at that moment there is a commotion outside the tent as the hounds start baying at something. Julian draws his sword and heads out of the tent, pausing only to say, "Stay here, and touch nothing." A few minutes later he returns, followed by two women - a striking red-head with startling green eyes and her left arm in a blood-stained sling, and a small woman with pale silvery hair and a look of danger about her. These are followed, in turn, by a large wolf. Julian finds a chair for the read-head, but the other woman remains standing near the entrance, the wolf leaning against her leg. "This is my sister, Fiona, and her friend is Kalika Wolfblade. It seems Fiona was attacked on her way here along a supposedly-safe road, and Kalika intervened to protect her." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Honourably done!" Cyan notes, rising to bow to both. "Princess Fiona, Lady Kalika. It is my pleasure to meet you both. I am Cyan, an itinerant bard." It's always best, she knows, to get the naming out of the way quickly. That way the royalty can go about ignoring you again, and one can continue on one's business without concern of interferance. Berd snorts at her words, and stares down at the Wolf suspiciously. He snorts again, this time emmitting a puff of sweet smelling smoke. "Quiet, you," the redhead* whispers. "That thing could probably eat you in a single bite." Berd grumbles dismissively, but continues to watch the Wolf. *Cyan, not Fiona... :) =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- Kali follows a step behind Fiona, Hunter at her heels. Her guard raises when the enter the camp, she's not sure how these men will take to her presence, regardless of Fiona's reassurances. They are led into the tent, and Kali takes in it's inhabitants. She nods her head once in greeting to them all, her yellow eyes lowered for only a fraction of a second. Soon they are raised again, examining everyone boldly. As one, wolf and woman look to the second red haired woman who introduces herself. A soft laugh comes to her lips at being addressed as 'Lady'. That's one title I never thought I'd hear before my name she thinks, the slight laugh becoming a small smile. "Please" she says, her musical accent a slight undertone to her words "Kali is more fitting" her smile widens little when she spots Berd and his puff of smoke, but the expression does not reach her eyes "It is... nice to meet you and your friend as well, Cyan" she nods her head quickly in a more personal greeting, her long silver braid swinging at her back with the motion. At her side, Hunter watches Berd for a long second, then yips quietly, amusement in wolf's eyes. Kali smiles as well, this time her eyes dance with emotion. "Your friend need not worry, he is too lean for Hunter's tastes" she says with a laugh, their demeanor projects the joke in the words. It is obviously not meant as a threat. Kali then turns her attention to Julian, and bows deeper to show respect. "I did my duty" she says calmly, head raising to meet the Prince's eyes once again "Princess Fiona has been delivered safely, per our agreement. After collecting my dues, we will be on our way, unless we can be of furhter assistance?" she asks with passing innocence. [Private to Dworkin: Kali will have asked Fiona for proof of their meeting and of Kali's completed service as a bodyguard. She needs these tokens to show her people she has completed her task of serving in shadows when she returns.] =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Fiona nods at Kalika's mention of dues, and asks "Of course Kalika... Will a letter confirming the facts of our aquaintance, with my personal signature and seal be sufficient, or do you need a specific token or other evidence?" "I will, of course, be glad to provide you with whatever you need. I am more than happy with the service you provided." She smiles, and adds for the benefit of the others, "Kalika and Hunter make a very good team, resourceful too... " Julian cocks his head to one side, his interest piqued by Fiona's remarks, "Really? Kalika, would you be interested in transferring to my service for a while?" =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- "A sealed letter should be sufficient, but a token cannot be questioned" Kali responds to Fiona, glad to be doing so well so soon. At Julian's offer, the petite woman gets a thoughtful look on her face. "What type of employ do you offer Prince of Amber?" she asks in her odd way, she looks up at the Prince, her youthful face expressing her interest in his answer. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Duncan ----------------------------------------------------------- Duncan bows to Fiona, and nods a greeting to Kalika. "Duncan iss my name, I am honored to meet you Lady Fiona, Kalika Wolfblade." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian smiles at Kalika, "These people have discovered what seems to be a plot against Amber... " he turns to Fiona for a moment, where she sits to one side, "I'll explain to you later Sis... I have asked them if they would be prepared to investigate further. I have my own agents who could do this, but these have no immediate connection to myself or my family, so they are less likely to attract attention. Fiona seems impressed with your skills, I was wondering if you might be willing to join them and lend those skills to this venture?" "I'll ensure you get any payment you require, of course." He pauses, then adds, "Assuming Random approves, that is... " =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- "It is nice to meet you as well Duncan" she smiles, liking the man's accent. Any further discussion is stopped as Julian answers her question. "A plot against Amber?" she asks rhetorically. She seems distracted for a few moments and then bobs her head "As I have been released from the Lady Fiona's service, I would be honored to move into yours Lord Julian" she says, formally accepting the Prince's offer. She takes a step back from the royalty, joining the group she just met. She didn't want to crowd Julian and Fiona. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Fiona nods approval of Kalika's decision, then asks, "Julian? Is there anything to eat? I'm starving. You now how things are when you're recovering from an injury." "Eat? Of course, sorry, where are my manners? I'll send for something right away Sis. If you others would like time to discuss the offer, and a bit of food, there's usually something to eat at the mess tent, even at this time of night. If you want to go over there I can get somebody to take you?" "That'll give me a chance to have a private word with Random too... " =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you, your Highness." Cyan bows to Julian, and Fiona. "We will go there immediately." Enough of this cursed stale bread! Berd perks up at the mention of the food. Cyan motions to the others. "After you," she says, waiting for them to precede her. She eyes the newcomer appraisingly, but not in an unfriendly way. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- "Yes food would be great" Kali echoes Fiona's sentiment and moves to exit with the others "Thank you" she adds with a smile. After exiting the tent the small woman takes in a lungful of air, grateful to be back outside. Hunter leaves her side, seeking his dinner in the surrounding woods. She walks comfortably next to the red haired woman, Cyan. She seemed the most talktive of the bunch. Looking up Cyan, Kali jerks her thumb to indicate the others. "Your friends don't seem to talk much... do they have names?" she smiles slyly, a mischevious look in her feral, yellow eyes. This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Fri 25 Oct 2002. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian calls for a guard to come and escort the group to the mess tent, making it clear that even if nobody wants food, it would still be best if they went, for at least a short while. The guard leads the way to the back of the clearing, away from the road, and down a short path to where a large tent of dark canvas stands almost invisible in the blackness of the night-time forest. Inside, the tent is lit by oil lanterns, and the canvas can be seen as being dark grey, blotched with green, brown and black. It is obviously thick enough to prevent the light from seeping out of the structure. The guard orders a platter of cold meats, bread and cheese to take back for the Lady Fiona. He leaves, after stating that he'll return as soon as Julian wants the group fetching back. The cook, a thin, tired-looking man smiles and asks "'Hello, what can I get you? I'm afraid that there's only cold cuts available right now, but you've got a choice of boar, venison, or pheasant. Plus we have some nice cheese and bread, fresh today, and I can do you some tea." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan grins at the smaller woman. "The green one is Otandal, the minstrel woman Alex, the sullen one Ares (though he does have reason), the one with the fearsome meatchopper Duncan, that one is Derek, and this Morgan." She slips into the dinnertent, holding the flap for the others. "All of the above, my good man. No need to hurry, though." Grinning at him, Cyan cocks her hip and waits. Berd begins to drool, slowly. Irritably Cyan pushes his face so he isn't dribbling on her silk shirt. The ground steams slightly where his froth lands. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- Kali looks at each person as they are named and bobs her head in a quick acknowledgement. She enters the tent and adds to Cyan's order. "Yes, enough for all of us... please" the platitude is added on as an afterthought, and her nose wrinkles at the thought of eating bird. "So how did your lot get pulled into this mess?" she asks Cyan as they await their dinner. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Morgan ----------------------------------------------------------- Offering a grin to Kalika, Morgan nods his head to her. "Honored, lady, and the day is made better for having met you." Looking towards the cook, Morgan waves a hand negligently. "Whatever is closest and easiest, neighbor. I'm in little place to be a picky man." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- The food, when it arrives, is as described for the most part, although the cook has forgotten to mention the various herbs and spices which have obviously been used in the preparation of the meats. Those who have spent time at military encampments have certainly tasted far worse fare. After perhaps an hour the guard returns to lead everybody back to Julian's tent. Inside Julian and Fiona await, although the woman does not stay long. She hands Kalika a thick envelope sealed with red wax and stamped with her own personal mark. "This contains a letter detailing your service to me. Dates and places, as requested, and I've also added that your skills and resourcefulness in my service have led to you being taken on in an important role by none-other than King Random of Amber. There is in there also a brooch bearing my personal arms, the only thing I could think of as a token of identification and satisfaction." "Now, if you'll all excuse me, it's been a very trying day..." Fiona gets up and leaves the tent. Julian stands in thought for a few moments before speaking. "Random has agreed to take you all on as agents, for this one mission. Even you Ares. I have been authorised to offer you a full royal pardon for all crimes committed in Amber prior to today, and currently known to be your work." Noting that Ares seems about to say something, the Prince quickly interrupts, "What? Did you think we'd pardon you for everything, even stuff we don't know you've done yet, or things that you're planning to do in future? Be grateful, the things you're being pardoned for would have been enough to get you shut up in the deepest dungeons for life." "Kalika Wolfblade, my sister tells me that you need letters to prove that you have served, so that you can earn status as a bodyguard and warrior among your people? You will be given whatever proof you need that you have worked for King Random himself in this matter." "For the rest of you... well... you will be well rewarded. Goods, money, services, whtever you desire. Just let me know what you want, and you will receive it upon your return here." "Within reason of course." Julian gives a tight-lipped smile, before continuing. "All that we ask is that you don't reveal what I am about to say to you." This message was last edited by the GM at 06:57, Mon 28 Oct 2002. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan happily relates the story of their involvment to Kalika, not missing a single detail. When Julian and Fiona enter, she stands, waiting to hear what they say. Berd doesn't bother. He just keeps eating, every now and then casting a suspicious glance at the wolf. Cyan nods at Julian's words. "Well, I give you my word, Prince Julian." Berd snorts once, spraying chunks of meat, and keeps eating. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Duncan ----------------------------------------------------------- "I will speak to no one about dhis meetink." says Duncan, raising his right hand and placing it over his heart, "I swear to dhis, by my honor as a warrior of dhe Kingdom of Rydhusskal." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Ares ----------------------------------------------------------- Ares grins and tips his head to one side, "I'd swear too, but you'd never take my word." He spreads his hands and shrugs, "What can I say?" =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Morgan ----------------------------------------------------------- Tossing a grin at Ares, Morgan nods to the Prince. "Speak on, good Prince! We await your words with breathless anticip........ation!" =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Derek ----------------------------------------------------------- Derek just nods his assent to Julian's request. He had been very quiet all the time, sometime in thought, most of the time soaking up the nuances of their surroundings, awaiting what life has in store for them this time. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- Kali thanks Cyan for the rundown of the situation and eyes Morgan a little suspiciously. She doesn't understand how her meeting could make anyone's day better. After eating, she follows the other's to Julian's command tent, Hunter silently coming to her side. She accepts the envelope from Fiona, and gives her sincerest thanks to the Lady for the payment. "I will accept your assignment, Prince Julian of Amber" Kali makes the formal acceptance before getting to the nitty gritty "Will we be debriefed on all pertienet information before taking up our duty?" she asks, hoping to get more information on the story Cyan shared with her earlier. [Private to Dworkin: Hello!! I was wondering if I could please get the basic rundown that Cyan tells Kali posted... if you'd like I can read all of the previous threads.. but it would be easier to get the synopsis. Thank you!] =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian looks at each person in turn as they give their assurances of silence. Finally he leans forward, hands flat on the table, head bowed. He stands like this for a short while, then he stands up again with a sigh. "I'm not sure what's happening here... I spoke to Random while you were having supper, and it seems there may be more to this than meets the eye. He was contacted a short while ago by an emissary we had sent to the Courts: it seems that there is a similar plot going on there. Somebody delivered a satchel there detailing how we were trying to overthrow them!" "It looks as though this Cylla may have been bait for any passing would-be heroes... no offence." He starts to pace back and forth. "Random thinks somebody is trying to stir up trouble between Amber and Chaos, maybe start another war for some reason known only to themselves. He wants me to ask you all if you will investigate this for us. You have no known connections to Amber as far as others will know, other than Ares of course, and he's a known exile." "Will you help us?" =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "I would be honoured, Prince Julian. It is obvious that someone, for their own nefarious purposes, is formenting war between the two polar realms." Cyan bows. "I will do whatever I can to stop it." Berd yawns during this little speech, then freezes, mouth still agape, as three, particular words tumble out of Cyan's mouth. His eyes glitter with terror. ...whatever...I...can.... The little Dragon flaps over to her backpack and stuffs his head inside. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Ares ----------------------------------------------------------- "So it comes down to this..... stay here and go to prison, or put my life at risk, but avoid prison. Well..... I was never a fan of Amber's jails. I'll do what I can to help." He glances towards Cyan, "Your drake seems slightly less enthusiastic about this venture than you do." This message was last edited by the player at 06:47, Thu 31 Oct 2002. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan shrugs. Whatever Ares reasons are, they mean he will give assistance. Hopefully whole-heartedly. "Berd exaggerates," she says, waving her hand in the dragon's direction dismissively. Berd's head comes out, and he stares at her in indignation. "So. Where do we begin?" =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- "I yours to command in this matter Prince Julian" Kali replies, glad that their mission was finally starting to take shape. "I believe there are a few places we could start" Kali replies to Cyan's question "We could return to Cardingart to try to get more information about this Cylla woman... or perhaps work on tracking down Beldrin or...." she smiles devilshly "We could go to these Courts to investigate the occurence there, to search for any common threads. I know little of these places, so I will leave the choice to you... unless there are other suggestions of course" =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Duncan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Dhese are good ideas. Cadiniagart would be a good place to start." Duncan smiles at Kalika. "Dhe Courts could be a good place too, as long as dhere iss no danger of tippink our hand." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Well I can see that you have some ideas of your own on how to follow this up. You can camp here for the remainder of the night, if you wish, and set out fresh in the morning. I'll have a guard show you where to get settled." Julian hesitates for amoment before continuing, and the pack of cards reappears. The prince rifles through them and slides one across the table, face down. "Take this. You can use it to speak to me if need be. Keep it well hidden though, and only use it if you really need to. There is a certain school of thought that suspects that others can listen in on such conversations. I don't believe that myself, but it's better to be safe than sorry." "Any further questions." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan reaches out casually, and flicks the card over with her finger. "Interesting." Picking it up, she studies it for an instant. "Thank you, Prince Julian," she notes, looking the card over. Berd, perking up, flies to her shoulder again, and peers down as well. After a moment, she slips it into a pouch at her belt, and bows. "Well, then, gentlemen and ladies, perhaps we ought to discuss exactly how we plan to solve this little mystery." Pondering, Cyan nods. "I agree with heading back to Calingport - the Courts, I understand, are a long, long distance, and Calingport is no doubt on the way. The scene of the crime, as it were." This message was last edited by the player at 12:46, Sat 02 Nov 2002. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- Kali nods as she moves to exit the tent. "It is settled then. We will leave for Cadingart at first light. I shall meet you at this camp in the morning. Sleep well" Taking her leave of the group, Kali exits the tent, Hunter at her side. Woman and wolf head into the forest for the night and soon are swallowed by the foliage. [Private to Dworkin: Hello! Kali plans on kicking it in the woods (close to camp) for the night. :)] =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Ares ----------------------------------------------------------- Ares nods to Kalika as she leaves, and says, "Don't go too far, these woods are full of Julian's men, and some of them can be a bit..... over-enthusiastic about dealing with intruders. Be careful, any troops who haven't been in the camp might not realise you're a guest." =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Kalika Wolfblade ----------------------------------------------------------- Kali pauses and looks over her shoulder at Ares's words of warning. She knows he only means well, and doesn't mean to insult her. He... they... just don't understand the ways of her people. She smiles confidently, her strange yellow eyes sizing him up as if for the first time. "I will heed your warning..." she pauses, searching for a name "Ares" she smiles again and waves, pleased that she remembered the exiled one's name. [Private to Dworkin: In light of this new information, Kali will take wolfshape once she is out of sight from any humans, and spend the night in that 'safer' form.] =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Well," Cyan says cheerfully, "I have no problems sleeping here. Berd will like the leftovers, in any case." With total disregard for the fact that she's in an eating tent, Cyan snaps out her bedroll, and flips it onto the floor under the food table. Crawling under after it, she pauses to give everyone in the room a quick look and a wink. "Note there is only room for one under the table. Best to keep it that way." Throwing her pack down, she uses it as a pillow, and lays back, staring at the wood above her. One thing Cyan has learned from being on the road so long. You take your rest when you can, and you take whatever shelter is availible. Getting caught in the rain is never as romantic as the ballads make it out to be. Berd, sitting down near her feet, begins to snack on a plate of cold meats. How the plate got to the position is a mystery. =========================================================== Re: Part 4 - Amber at last by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Julian seems satisfied with the idea that the group can make their own plans, and he leaves them to it. Before he leaves them though, he remarks, "I will likely not see you again before you leave. I will be riding out with a patrol before dawn. I wish you luck for your efforts on our behalf." =========================================================== |