Part 33: The face of the enemy
Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
The day draws on, and the remaining companions take the opportunity to
rest for what seems like the first time in days. As evening
approaches Cargach leads a party of thirty or so of his warriors out of
the village, taking Tobias with them, heading for the work camp.
At sunset, the jungle seems to spring to life, with a cacophonous
chorus of roars, shrieks, and howls. If it had an aura of
hostility before, in darkness it becomes even more threatening.
Something big crashes against the stockade around the village, causing
the bracing beams to creak and bend ominously, but they hold, and the
thing lumbers off into the blackness of the forest.
There is nothing to do now but wait for Tobias' signal...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan, sitting quietly, deep in thought, carefully goes through her
pack, searching for anything she feels she might need. Irritably,
the bard flicks away a small, scuttling creature; Berd pounces on it
and chews it up with a certain, desperate disgust. The little
dragon makes a gagging noise, then waddles over to sit down next to
her, nosing at the equipment she sets aside.
It's a pathetically small amount. They aren't exactly well stocked.
One large knife. A small pouch of food. A waterskin. That's all. Everything else, including her palanquet pouch, goes back in her bag. The bard stares at the three items
for a long moment, her amethyst eyes enigmatic. The, with a sigh,
Cyan settles the pouch, waterskin, and knife on her body, then picks up Kirilindë, waving toward her pack. "Jack...I am going to
leave this here, on the chance that things go poorly for some
reason. I would rather not lose what lies within, so...it might
be best if the group keeps it until I can summon them."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
The Shadow man had been quiet and distant the day
through, keeping separate. He spent much of the time staring off into
As evening drew near he at least did not
speak quite so loudly, but his voice held a rough quality as if he had
a cold. “Of course Cyan,” He said softly I’ll look after it for you.”
He his hand found her hand and he gave it a light squeeze. “I’ll take
care of anything you need me to.”
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
The night grows darker, and hotter, more humid. Something must
give, it seems, and shortly before midnight, the sky itself tears
asunder as lightning flares across it, shattering the stillness.
Moments later the rain starts, and the temperature drops dramatically
as natives and visitors alike race for cover from the deluge.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
“This could be a bonus, or it could bode
ill. Berd... Is this yours? Is it natural” Jack asked softly from what
cover as he could find. He stokes the ravens head for a moment as he
pulls his black leather duster from his pack. Pulling the hood up to
cover him from the rain.
Despite the sudden down pour and his recent distance, Jack seemed more relaxed and at ease.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan, ducking under shelter, glances to Jack, Berd sitting alert upon
her shoulder. "No, not Berd's; I-" Suddenly she tenses,
amber eyes flashing in the dim light. "Something - bide a
moment!" The bard's brilliant eyes close....
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Aaron was quiet, solemn, considering the upcoming responsibilities that
would be required not only of him, but of his entire group. The rain,
to him, was a welcome respite in contrast to the overwhelming humidity
of the past day, and its following night.
For a few moments, Aaron stood alone under the downpour, raising his
face to the sky and truly not really thinking about whether the rain
could kill him or not. He let it cover him, rinsing the sweat and
grunge from his clothes, his hair. Once he was satisfied, and almost
completely soaked, he shook his head and returned to cover, wringing
water from his long hair and wiping his face.
He heard Cyan speak, and he ran a hand down his face to get the remainder of the water off of it as his eye sought her out.
"Is something wrong?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
The storm hammers the roof of the shelter, and water starts to trickle
down the inside of the walls in places. A woman of the tribe, who
had brought food for the visitors and been forced to wait out the
deluge, looks up to the roof, "Is 'ad stor'. Not seen a stor' like this in 'aybe t'enty years."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
“We will bide Cyan.” Jack said as he pulled
his leather duster off and took it out to the native woman in
silence setting it on her shoulders. He would not go against their way
by taking her back in. However he would give her his protecting against
the storm and stand out in the deluge in it with her.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"Something is wrong, but Tobias stands ready," Cyan hisses back to Aaron, then raises her hand to Jack. The hand snaps to Kirilinde's
pommel, and, holding the unsheathed blade ready, Cyan reaches out one
hand, eyes flickering like rubies in the light of a crash of lightning.
"Bring me, Tobias," she says, Berd focusing his strength upon control as she does.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
A shimmer of rainbow light, and Cyan is gone...
A shimmer of rainbow light, and Cyan is there, her hand gripped in Tobias' own.
The gate is before her, a ring of metal set into the floor of the
roughly circular chamber in which she finds herself. It is thirty
feet in diameter, the ring, and revolves slowly. The floor
vibrates beneath Cyan's feet, and dust occasionally trickles from the
domed ceiling.
There is a definite impression of being deep in the earth, some subliminal hint of the tons of stone and soil above her head.
The only light in the chamber comes from a pale aurora flickering above
the centre of the gate itself, and from the candle that Tobias holds.
Turning, she sees two passages behind her, sloping upwards, the leftmost one more steeply than the other.
"There is trouble, Cyan. There were more
guards on duty tonight, for some reason. Something must be
happening that I didn't know about. Cargach and his people were
forced to provide a diversion." Tobias shrugs, his expression in the dim light one of helplessness, "They are fighting up there now, in the storm."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Reaching out, Cyan grips Tobias by the shoulder. "Well done, and
my thanks, Tobias. This is a brave thing you do." Her eyes
catch the candlelight, throwing it back like a cat's, and the bard
shifts her shoulders, unconciously standing even straighter against the
pressure of tons of stone. "That is...disturbing. Best we
move swiftly, then. I shall bring the others to me the moment
that Jack achives contact. Quickly - take us to as close as we
can come to the suppressed area, and I will summon them."
Her sword remains in its sheath, for now. For his part, Berd
slowly swivels his head, questing out with his arcane senses but not
touching, not changing, doing nothing that might alert the Enemy.
He remains veiled behind a psychic cloak.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Jack didn’t waist time, he stepped only so far into the
shelter to give himself unhindered use of Cyan’s card before focusing
on it and letting his mind go. The world around him ceased to exist as
he stared at Cyan’s image on the fragile looking piece of card stock.
It was foolish to make this his first attempt at trying to
use his new found discovery, but part of him could not resist tinkering
even now. After all iusing these cards was already something he knoew
how to do. Now it was time to see if he could do it better. As he
focused on the image he let his mind flow letting go of focus at the
same time opening himself up to the flow in the power that the image
tapped and trying to ride the flow with it instead of trying to force
it, he made himself empty to become one with it.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
The path curves upwards, a tight helix climbing towards... something.
Back in the village, Aaron and the others watch as Jack attempts to
contact Cyan, concerned that it seems to be taking some time...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Jack gave up on playing around and getting a little
desperate he focused all the force of his mind towards making contact
the old fashion way. Worry plain on his face.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Berd, hunkering down on Cyan's shoulder, draws in upon himself, almost
cringing the higher they rise upon the stairs. Cyan, driven to
silence by the weight of what she feels, glances back at Tobias in
worry, to see how he fares. With Dorian's gift, he might find
himself a trifle more...open to such things.
She swallows, once, eyes of dull jade turning back up toward the darkness the bard feels above. And we seek to challenge the being of whom this is only a piece....
Berd's shroud falls over her and Tobias both, to shelter as much as hide.
With a shake of her head Cyan clears her thoughts, only now becoming aware, as they close in upon the barrier, of the contact. Opening her mind to the contact, she prays it is Jack. If we have done something wrong, and this...thing is awake, and has sensed me...I will be a leaf in a hurricane.
"I am here. Who speaks?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Casting a curious gaze in Jack's direction, Aaron nonetheless loosened
Ilsefranvir in her sheath, preparing for the unkown himself, and hoping
everyone else was as well.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
“Aaron! James” Jack snapped a note of command in
his hoarse voice “Lend me your power on making contact.” There is no
room for question in his voice “Failing that you two take over and keep
trying for contact! I'll call a cab! JONNEE! Where are you!”
He thought maybe Kalika's Old friend could cover the distance
quicker and more safely. If not there was a way, there was always a way!
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
"I'm there." Aaron spoke, sounding somewhat distracted for a moment. He
stepped forward and placed his hand on Jack's shoulder, sending his
mind through the link that Jack was attempting and adding to the
Trump's effect.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James was already standing, blade in hand awaiting the call to action
from Cyan. He was put off for a moment by Jack's urgent summons,
largely because he knows so little of such things.
"I am with you Jack." He places his
free hand on Jack's other shoulder. Lacking direction he forms as
clear an image of the bright-eyed bard as he can in his mind and
directs his will towards making contact. He is out of his league
in such an endeavour, but anxious to help.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Tobias stops, whispering to Cyan, "I think this is as far as we can go. Bring the others."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
"Push harder guys, focus on the image!" Jack called out.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan's bright eyes slowly turn toward Tobias, and she studies him for a
long moment. Berd's head comes up and the little dragon's
glittering gaze fixes upon the man, suddenly burning in the darkness.
"I am here, Jack," she whispers quietly, nodding to her guide.
But, just now, she makes no attempt to bring the men through.
Instead, she eyes Tobias speculatively for a long moment. "The
contact," the bard states quietly, "is very difficult. Strained, somehow. It may take a moment."
In the dimness, her eyes are no longer bright. Instead, they are deep shadows in her face, shimmering obsidian pools.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Tobias glances upwards, then back at Cyan, "Odd...
usually the electronics will work at least this close. Maybe that
magic of yours is more sensitive. Unless... unless the field has
He looks distinctly worried as he thinks of that possibility.
"Maybe we should go part way back down again?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan relaxes slightly, shaking her head, her eyes lightening to
sapphire. "I will make the attempt here, first...if it should
fail, we will move down a trifle."
Jack...there is no issue with Tobias, as far as Berd can
determine. I am prepared to bring all of you here - come if you
Berd, for his part, swings in behind her mentally, and puts his own, considerable effort into holding the palanquet linkage.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
"Jack, I trust Berd, and I know you do. Best that we get to Cyan while we have the connection, before Tobias gets any ideas."
We're coming through, Cyan. Aaron bespoke to her through the shared link, and awaited Jack's own response.
Yes, he trusted Berd, but more to the point, he trusted Arianne. In
times like this, information was at a premium, and having as much of it
as possible helped him greatly.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
“Yes of course I trust Berd.” Jack said flatly, that was never the question Sorry Cyan, I guess I am being paranoid. Get us through as soon as you can Cyan. He held the link in anticipation, so many things that could go wrong
same as right. “Anyone who is coming grab on and be ready for her to
pull us through.”
If you cant I am turning the card over to Aaron while I find us other means.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
At Jack's insistence James redoubled his efforts at forming the contact
with Cyan, but he kept being distracted by feelings of doubt. I wonder if I'm doing this right?
His hand already tight on Jack's shoulder it should be no problem to
pull James through the link. Indeed, he had been about to ask
permission to go through at Jack's mention of a trap. He braces
for the transition...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Cyan reaches, and her hand grasps Jack's. She pulls, and meets
resistance, as if she is trying to move an object through some viscous
liquid, but finally her companions stand with her on the spiral stair.
To the new arrivals, the sensation of pressure is immediately noticeable, battering against their psyches.
Tobias looks nervously upwards again. "Look, I brought you all here. There is only one road for you to follow now. Can I go? Please?"
His voice is quiet and steady, but fear and madness can clearly be seen
behind his eyes, clawing at his mind like crazed animals.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Jack is there,
suddenly, the others moving in behind him, and Cyan clasps his hand
briefly, hard, before releasing, the titanic pressure above her
suffocating any relief she feels at his presence, at their presence. A small salute to Aaron, a slight bow to Dorian, and a
quick smile for James...suddenly the bard wonders if she brings her
friends here to die, or worse.
Quickly, Cyan turns to Tobias, topaz eyes shining in the
near-darkness. "Yes, Tobias...as I said, I will put you somewhere
safe. Somewhere that they will not be able to find you, and where
you will be comfortable, and lack for nothing. I can assure you
of this much. I leave the choice to you - you can do this, and we
will come to you after and place you where you wish, or you can go your
own way. Let me know which, that we can assist you either way."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Aaron was glad to be back in Cyan's company, and he felt the immediacy
of Arianne's return, agreeing with the feelings she had been sending
He didn't like this place. Not at all.
"Good work, Cyan." he said with a nod before turning his attention to
Tobias and placing his left hand, the free one, on his shoulder. In his
right, Ilsefranvir's blades rotated independently - Arianne keeping
herself open to dangerous sensations.
"Cyan is correct, Tobias. We can take you wherever you wish to go.
You've helped us this far, and risked your life for it. Ask, and we'll
do our best to make sure you're taken care of."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
Immediately upon 'arrival' James lets go of Jack's shoulder and moves
to a guard position a few steps up the corridor. It seemed their
presence was still undiscovered but it never hurt to be careful.
Listening to the conversation behind him, James says, without turning around, "But
we don't have time for that now. If you want us to help you,
you'll have to wait. If you take off now we may not be able to
find you again later. You might be safer in the short term, but
you'd be on your own."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Lowering his arm, he sighed and nodded at James.
"You're right." he said, his hand clenching around Ilsefranvir's hilt.
"Jack," he spoke up slightly, wanting to get the man's attention.
"Do you feel as fogged as I do in this place? It's more than likely our
proximity to that negation-field that the pyramid exudes, but I can't
help but feel..." he shook hsi head.
"This place is almost frightening in its capability. If something like
that field got near the Pattern in Amber..." agian, the shake of his
head. "I can't imagine what it would be like. It's like a numbing in my
No... a numbing in the Pattern. In Ilsefranvir, too.
Inside, he felt a strange anticipation, like the rising hackles of a cornered dog.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Dorian restrains himself from snorting at their treatment of Tobias.
His willingness and courage had all been artifical; implanted
suggestions and impulses, desires. It was like thanking a programmed
computer. If anyone should deserve thanks, it was himself, the
"Whatever the prisoner's fate, it would seem only fair that I undo
what I have done to him at some point, though there is no time for it
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Jack's hand fell
softly on Cyan's shoulder as he linked psyches in a multiple defense
against the the psychic powers bearing down on them. “Link minds, we
can stand better as one. “Where are we at? Where are we going? What's
the next step and how do we accomplish it? How are we going to
dismantle the gate?” Jack fired off rapid fire questions, after
listening to Aaron.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
A hesitation, then...
I'm here. There's a substantial gap between us, though. I don't like it. The numerous blades on his segmented sword attempted to shift and
rotate, but there was a hesitation in that as well, as if its
shapeshifting abilities were being stalled.
Aaron expanded his mind, attempting to encompass and link up with the
remainder of the group, but the going was tough, and the numbing nearly
constant. He carried Arianne along for the ride, feeling they'd need as
much help as they could get.
As he did this, he grabbed onto his previous realization and stuck it into the back of his mind for later disection.
To Jack, he spoke.
"Well, what do we know about this so far? The field cancels any
manipulation of power that comes anywhere near it. Is the portal
causing the field, or is the field merely a defensive set-up to protect
the portal from outside interference? I'd say the latter, though that
might be obvious."
Finally, he sighed.
"First, though, we need some damn light in here. Once we can see what we're dealing with, then we'll take the next step."
Clenching his fist against the hilt of Ilsefranvir, Aaron attempted to call forth the burning fire that the aged Sjardring blade could once convey. After a few moments, he gave up with a
dropping of his shoulders. The flames only emerged once in a while,
when he and Arianne were focused upon a singular goal. There was so
much interference, and so many other things to think upon, he couldn't
even gain a spark.
"Anyone have a match handy?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James reaches into his pocket. "I've got some matches, but it will be a miracle if they're not spoiled from damp after our walk through the jungle." Sure enough, the box he pulls from his pocket is a soggy mess.
"This numbing you speak of, I don't feel it so much,
I just feel a little wool-headed. I guess there have to be some
advantages to not being so closely attuned to the Pattern. Just
show me the portal and I'll close it the old-fashioned way if I have
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Tobias smiles at Cyan, "I'm glad I could help. Even if I did need a bit of help from him," he jerks a thumb towards Dorian, "to see that I wanted to. But I'll be glad to go anywhere away from here."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"Fairness indeed," Cyan says, impressed despite herself for Dorian's
thinking of that fact, even in their situation, "and fairly said.
Berd will remove Tobias from here...and you can return him, perhaps a
happier man, to his true state of being. Hopefully he will learn
something good from it." A nod to Jack, and Cyan immediately
allows him to bolster her own defenses with his own.
Cyan frowns, once, nodding to herself. "As you wish," she
whispers to Berd as he turns his eyes upon Tobias, their glittering
speeding up, faster and faster. Reaching out, she takes Tobias'
hand. "Good luck - be careful. Berd will settle you
somewhere safe, and we will come for you. It is in a world just
off from my own...at right angles, as it were. My thanks...."
There is a rushing, as Berd's eyes reach a greater intensity, and Tobias is gone. The dragon slumps.
"...and goodbye." A raising of one, thin eyebrow to Dorian,
then. "He will await your ministrations, Dorian. Safely."
With a shake, Cyan turns to the matter at hand. "The portal does
not cause the field. As a matter of fact, it is because we are
near the portal," she whispers, "that we may continue to use our
abilities. The higher we go in the pyramid, the nearer we come to that-"
her quick, emerald glance upward indicates the terrible presence above
them, hovering, crushing them down beneath its awful weight "-the
weaker we become. This is the point where we lose everything - we
will be close enough to it."
Berd leans over, now, and with guttering strength breathes a small
cloud upon James' matches. Not enough to create, not enough to make...but enough to change. To change the ruined matches into more...functional bits of phosphorous and cardboard.
Cyan's grin takes in James' comment. "Yes...the old-fashioned
way. My abilities are limited to begin with, and it is Berd who
suffers more greatly under this. But it is not the portal we seek
- I would leave that open, so as not to attract the attention of the
Wheels. I do not know how it might be broken. First, we
must discover this thing that weighs down on us so. We must find
it and capture it, or destroy it." One hand comes up,
flexes. "As James said, perhaps with the 'old-fashioned' way."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
For a long moment, Aaron's singular eye was focused somewhere else, his attentions pulled inward. Those attentions were soon returned as Cyan spoke, and Aaron frowned noticibly.
"It's unfortunate, but you're right. My thoughts agree with yours,
Cyan, in that we shouldn't shut the portal down. I honestly don't think
it would matter much if we did, considering the sheer span of our
enemies' resources."
Gazing upwards, he inhaled a deep breath and slowly let it out. With a
nod, he turned and made sure he met eyes with each of his group, those
who were less experienced with the Archon's methods he met eye-to-eye
for slightly longer.
"The further along we go, the less we'll be able to touch our
respective powers and abilities. The fact that our minds are linked may
not even be a match for this structure's nullifying field."
"I suggest you prepare yourselves accordingly, while you still have your abilities in-hand."
Turning around, he faced Cyan and nodded.
"Care to take the lead with me, Cyan?"
That question asked, another point of focus touched upon the soul in his sword.
Are you prepared?
Again, that hesitation...
I'm as prepared as I can manage. It's up to you
to decide which state you wish this blade to bear, but considering that
the protection of the little Sjardring magic I still retain will be
completly shot, I'd suggest the sword-state. Stay linked with me up
until the last thread, and I should be able to warn you of anything you don't already sense.
A mental confirmation, and then he was alone, Arianne nothing more than a familiar - if distant - presence.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
With Tobias removed to safety, there is nothing more to be done here. It is time to move onwards and upwards.
The stairs rise in a tight spiral, and the nature of the walls changes,
becoming more uniform in construction. The pressure upon their
minds increases, and one by one familiar powers and abilities slip away
into oblivion.
At the head of the stairs is a corridor, curving away, and it is clear
that this is the only way to go. It seems to continue for much
further than would be possible within any structure, but eventually
there is a door of metal, bronze perhaps, blocking the way. Light
shines around the edges of the door intermittently, as if an electrical
storm were raging beyond, but there is no sound of thunder.
The door is icy cold, radiating a numbing chill into the corridor before it.
It swings open without being touched, and behind it is a large,
pillared chamber, frost rimed and filled to knee-height with pale
mist. Something flares and flashes at the far end, but the room
seems eerily silent.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan stares at the door with some concern as it opens.
"Expected," she whispers, staring into the room. It is a scene
from an epic, the frost, the light, the silence...unnerving and cruel,
this cold emptiness. The heart of the Broken God - desolate.
The bard breathes out a small cloud in the chill air, her deep amethyst
eyes darkening, highlights flickering with the intermittant glare from
deeper within. She glances to Aaron, then behind to where James
stands, blade in hand. "James," she whispers. "Move up here
with us - we three will enter the room together."
Kirilindë slides out of its scabbard, the wood held in Cyan's
left hand. Berd looks back at James with cold, dead eyes, nary a
glitter to be seen...save one.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Dorian turns abruptly, looking at those behind him through narrow eyes.
His fingers flex around his gnarled driftwood walking staff. His eyes
move calculatingly over the group, their weapons, their stances. ”Something is missing,” he says at last, almost as an afterthought. Perhaps it he’d been about to say it before he turned. ”We are not in… a vacuum.”
He flattens himself against the wall, letting the others pass. Despite
the dry chill, beads of sweat dot his brow and his hair appears
slightly damp. He shakes viably.
”Alone,” he whispers, and his mind withdraws from the others,
withdraws tightly into its own solitude, wrapped up in itself. Eyes
shut. He concentrates on isolating himself solely within his own mind,
completely passive, forgetting the world around him.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
He recognized familiar presences in his mind, and some not so familiar,
but even those felt distant here at the edge of this powerless desert.
But powerless wasn't the right word. Whatever lay before
them in that room, eminating that icy glow that pulsed in his bones and
crushed out his flares of Pattern and then, even Arianne's comforting
presence, was far from powerless.
One psyche wasn't close to them, though, at least not that he would
have recognized. He felt Dorian distance himself from them, physically
and psychically, and though he knew he could do little to stop the man,
the fact that Dorian was "alone" gave him something to worry about.
Aaron adjusted his position, allowing James room to move up with them,
so he, Cyan and James could form a wedge as they approached the door
and eventually entered the room. The remainder of the group would then
follow close behind, with the other warriors covering their backs.
"Jack..." Aaron whispered harshly, creating a plume of breath as he did
so. "Come by me. Your two eyes are sharper than my one, and I'd rather
Cyan and James be paying attention to what we don't see."
But Aaron felt that Dorian was right.
Something inside said they were being watched.
"We move as one, slowly, surely. Ready?"
Hoping so, he took the first step forwards...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Jonnee has been quiet since the group arrived at the decision to come
to this place. He has faced Brand Reborn, and fought monsters on
a world where the sky burned with nuclear fire.
But there is something about this place that really makes
his wrists itch, and a spot between his shoulders too. He's not
even sure he would trust Hunter to watch his back here. As it is,
he left the wolf downstairs, knowing it will come if he calls it, wherever the call comes from.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Slowly the group enters the chamber, alert for any more-overt threat
than that of the omnipresent pressure on their minds. All links
are broken, and even thought itself is difficult, as if there is a
constant stream of distraction attempting to shunt the cognitive
processes into side channels and dead-ends.
The walls are bare, and the pillars, too, are devoid of
decoration. The only light in the room, apart from that brought
by the heroes, comes from the thing which flickers and flares upon on altar-like slab at the far end of the
hall. It is from there that the flesh-numbing cold and the
mind-numbing pressure also seem to emanate.
Closer, they move, and the object becomes more clearly visible.
Something flat, like a platter, laying on the top of the stone.
And now there is a low droning sound too, seeming to come from the same
Finally they are close enough to see...
There is a metal hoop, three feet in diameter, and stretched upon the
hoop, like the head of a drum, is the skin of a human face. The
eyes are closed, but the lips move, constantly mumbling words which
never quite come clear. The face seems to be that of an old man,
judging by the grey beard and moustache.
Suddenly the eyes fly open and light pours forth. The mouth opens wide, and the Broken God speaks.
"Help me!"

Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"Spirits above," Cyan whispers, amber eyes wide and horrified.
Nerves acquiver, she turns to look at the others. "This...this is
no Enemy! This is something being used!"
With a snap, Kirilindë is back in its scabbard, and Cyan
takes another step forward on shaky legs. "Berd...?
No." Swallowing bile, she reaches out toward the face, drawing
her hand back a moment later. "I...who are you? How can we
help?" That word, always the same word that catches her, every
time. So simple, and yet so...gripping.
Berd's head slowly turns as he stares at the Broken God. For an
instant, his eyes focus only on the tormented creature before
them. Something glitters, there, but fades almost immediately.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
"Impossible..." Aaron hissed, Ilsefranvir forgotten, the tip of the
blade slinding to settle next to his ankle. The... face... spoke, but
the sound felt like it was rolling through his head rather than into
his ears, and it made him shudder.
For a moment he is stunned into silence, almost unable to comprehend
such a catastrophe. That moment is short, however, and he regains his
composure somewhat faster than Cyan seemed to be.
"Hold, Cyan." he spoke, and his voice was somewhat sharper, though not
exactly steadier. "We know nothing of this being. It... it may seem to
be in pain, but how can we be totally sure? Our minds are being limited in this place, after all."
This field may even be making us more open to manipulation...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
”Fascinating,” Dorian whispers. His coal-black eyes shine with
all the glee of a mad scientist. He steps forward, examining the
creature the way one might preview a work of art from an unknown artist.
Seeming to snap out of his distraction, he adds, ”But do not be deceived. Perception is not absolute and all may not be as it seems. Act with caution here.”
He returns to his study of the thing.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
"Okay, now things are getting a little weird." Jonnee looks at the face, stretched across the frame, and then reaches
out a hand toward it, but stops short of touching it. "Hey! That's cold. Real cold. Wasn't that place you mentioned, where you saw the arm, cold too?"
"Wonder if it's fixed down?"
There is a snick as a bone spike slides from his wrist, and the young man uses it to test one edge of the hoop, seeing if it will lift or move.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
The hoop, prodded by Jonnee, slides easily to one side, gliding over
the icy surface of the stone. The face contorts, as if in pain,
and then relaxes again before speaking once more, "Please... help me." The lights behind the eyes move, and it seems that those orbless eyes now regard Cyan, "I cannot be rescued, it is ten thousand years too late for that, you must kill me."
Somewhere beyond the chamber a wolf howls, and the tortured scrap of life on the altar screams, "DO IT QUICKLY!"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Dorian bits his lip, considering the loss of such a great discovery.
Yet, inside, he knew this was not a thing to be studied. He glances
over at Cyan. She could be both soft and hard; would this be beyond
her, emotionally.
Speaking directly to Cyan, he says, "We cannot be sure if that
is the best course; again, I recommend caution. Perhaps a few questions
would be in order. If it indeed has waited ten thousand years, it might
be able to spare a few more moments. I will keep watch. Summon me, if
you need me to do... anything." It wouldn't do to insult
the female by implying she might pass on the duty of a mercy killing,
however he felt obligated (as one of the more callous beings in the
room) to offer assistance in the matter.
He stepped back from the others and extended his sense on the door they
had entered, then on the room itself. Someone had to be sure there
wasn't more here, while attentions were focused on the spectacle.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
<backpost>As requested James moves up to stand alongside Cyan and
Aaron. Without really thinking about it he takes the position to
Cyan's left.
The pressure in his head has been growing for a while now, making it
difficult to think clearly. It's disconcerting, but James is
confident that, courtesy of decades of training, his reflexes will see
him through if they hit trouble. Similarly, the cold, being
beyond James' power to change is best ignored.
It is more difficult to put aside the vision that greets them on entering the chamber. This thing is supposed to be a fragment of the very Enemy itself. Instead it
looks and acts like a creature depicted in one of Dante's circles of
hell. But is it legit? Ever since James got mixed up with
Bleys and Amber nothing he has seen has been clear and
unambiguous. The continual uncertainty is like a parasite gnawing
at his soul.
Jonnee steps forward to 'examine' the hoop. James raises a hand
in warning, but in the end is relieved to merely see the hoop slide
across the slab.
Then he hears the noises from below...
"Jonnee, that sounds like Hunter. We may be running out of time people. Aaron, you're our leader, decide quickly."
James drops to the back of the party to watch the door they just came through.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
"Indeed, I can keep watch, but armed confrontation is not my
specialty. I would merely slow the opposition but a moment without
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan's mirrored, obsidian eyes flash toward Dorian for a long moment,
agonizingly caught between decisions. Part of her wants to
protest that yes, there must be a way, somewhere, to assist the
shattered being before them. Somehow.
Another part of her gibbers in stunned horror at the thought of ten thousand years of the hell before her.
Kirilinde comes out of its wooden scabbard almost without her
volition. The bard shivers once, not only from the cold.
Berd's head swings toward Dorian, but with his spirit trapped within
his body, there is little he can do to communicate. "It must
die...he must die," Cyan grates between clenched teeth, giving
the poor creature before them the benefit of some respect. Her
sword is poised, the tip hanging dead steady above the face on the
hellish altar in the frozen room. "If you have questions, ask
them quickly, for I am going to end this."
There is no question in her mind of doubting. The pain she hears,
the agony...it is far, far too real to Cyan. Berd bites her ear,
hard, but she brushes his snout away without any acknowledgement.
"Give me your name," she whispers to the face before her, "that I can
remember it."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
"There are no questions; we could not trust the answers without more time to weigh them. Do it, then."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Turning at the sound of the howl, Jonnee unsheaths his second blade. "That is a worrying development."
He moves back along the hall, toward the door, alert for danger every step of the way.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
So many things weighed Aaron down, as Cyan prepared to deliver a fatal
blow to the being that hung suspended before them. Would the death of
it release something even more horrifying?
Then he too, thought of ten thousand years of imprisonment, chained to
a hell of almost Cenobite-level proportions. He'd seen such things
before, but never this great, especially to a single entity.
His eye was singular and locked only upon the thing before them. When he spoke, his voice was firm and directed at Cyan.
"I say make it sure and swift. If you fail, my hand will follow, as will that of any other here who is capable of it, should I fail. This I swear."
I would wish it, were I in such an awful state.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James dredges up a memory from school-boy English classes, "If 'twere done, 'twere best be done quickly."
"I have this nasty hunch we're going to have company courtesy of the portal down below. So do it already." James calls from his place by the door.
OOC: Apologies to Shakespeare, I think I'm paraphrasing Macbeth
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
"Tiphereth." the face groans, the eyes closing and the features falling into an expression which could only be described as shame, "My name is... was Tiphereth."
"Please, torture me no more. End this."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"The Bard's words," Cyan whispers, proving again that she has come into
contact with the works of Shakespeare, at some point. She nods,
eyes black and shining, obsidian orbs in her pale face. They fall
on the horror before her. "So be it. I shall remember your
name, Tiphereth."
Berd crouches down, almost as if prepared to spring.
The sword blade flickers.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Kirilinde descends, and at the last instant a voice seems to whisper, "My thanks to... ".
The blade of starmetal bites deep, and light bleeds from the wound,
pooling and running across the tormented face, even as the eyes dim.
The mind numbing-pressure vanishes, like the extinguishing of a
candle. A second wave of pressure replaces it, one that is
similar, but not identical. One which grows stronger with each
The luminescence trickles from the skin to the stone, then flows
further, finally pouring over the edge of the altar and down to the
floor, where it continues to spread slowly.
Hunter runs into the room, fast, almost knocking Jonnee flat as the big
wolf lurches to a crashing halt against the young man's legs.
Behind him there is fire in the stairwell, and a sound like the tolling
of a great bell which causes the very walls of the room to shake...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
As Tiphereth died, Aaron stepped back from the streaming light, but not
out of fear. Hunter stormed into the room, and Aaron turned, hand
clenched against his blade as its purpose was remembered.
Immediately, he sprung into action.
"One way in, and out?" he mumbled to himself, before yelling out.
"Jack, Dorian, search the room and see if we've got another way out of
He thought they might be able to hold off whoever was coming up the
stairs, but he wasn't sure whether the power he was feeling from the
death of Tiphereth was better or worse than what they had before.
Taking a few striding steps towards the door, he faced it right-sided,
Ilsefranvir's greater edge towards its portal.
"Prepare yourselves."
In desperation, he sought her out. If she could be contacted, perhaps the Pattern could as well.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Jonnee shakes himself, loosening up as the enemy, or potential enemy,
moves closer. His mind closes down to a razor-thin edge, all
distractions cut away from it.
There is the approaching danger, and there is nothing else of any interest to him.
When the danger arrives, he will be ready.
"Come and get your ass whupped, whatever you are." he murmurs, a feral grin spreading across his features.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
For a long moment, Cyan stares at the ruined remains of what once housed a tormented soul. Her fingers tighten upon Kirilindë's
hilt, and a muscle in her jaw jumps. "I'll not forget your name,"
she whispers, then slowly turns eyes black as obsidian toward the
"If our powers return," she whispers, "I have a quicker exit."
But Berd, sensing something coming, leaps from her shoulder, fluttering
high into the air, hovering there, then whipping about the room,
hunting for another way to leave.
Cyan focuses upon the fear rising within her, pushing it back for the
moment, fighting for control. The chains are slipping, and she
pours what focus she has left into her blade, struggling to see if she
can open a portal through the rainbow image, possibly still quiscient,
locked with the ithilinaur.
Her heartbeat begins to rise, breath coming more quickly.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
Fire floods the corridor beyond the room, and bursts in through the
entrance, forcing Jonnee back a few paces. The flames recede, and
a voice howls from somewhere beyond them...
Jack screams, clutching at his head, and collapses to the floor, where
his only action is to curl into a tighter ball, still screaming...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"No," Cyan whispers, eyes like ebony. "Hold them!" she screams, fumbling for her palanquet case. "We cannot fight this, not yet - hold them, and I will find us an escape!"
Quickly, her fingers dive into the case, searching for a familiar card, Kirilindë back in its scabbard, Berd diving down onto her shoulder. And
there it is...a forest, dancing lights, cave entrances carven of rock
and of surpassing beauty...the reality of this place no longer a
forest, though. But the card will bring her there.
Berd's will reaches out as he lands, pushing into the card as she
focuses upon it; Cyan steps to beside Jack, laying her sword hand,
still holding Kirilindë, upon that man. "Hold them until I can open a gate!"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
I'm... here, I believe. But... No! It's coming!
Arianne's mental warning was swallowed as Aaron leaped backwards, away
from the flame and heat that burst forth from the stairwell. The voice
that followed seemed so much worse than the pressure they had
encountered before, that Aaron stepped back, nearer Cyan.
"Jack? Jack!" Aaron turned, seeing his friend fallen and rushed to his
side, immediately taking him by the arm and making an attempt to haul
him to his feet.
"Hold them? Hold what?" Aaron mumbled, grinding his teeth
as he dragged Jack towards Cyan. He stopped when he stood near her, and
releasing his charge, stood before both of them.
"Keep trying, Cyan. I've no idea just what the hell we're dealing with, but we need to get away from it as soon as possible."
Slowly, his sword shifted, flexible for a long moment, before reverting to its original form.
"Everyone else to me! If it comes to it, we can't get bogged down by
singular attackers. We attack better as a group... if this thing can be
attacked at all. Whatever the case, we need to give Cyan time!"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Dorian bit his lip as he looked at Cyan. Until this point, he'd tried
to be as reasonably diplomatic as he could, which wasn't saying too
much. He knew she could do it, but he didn't know how long it would
take. Under the blossoming pressure of this new power, it might take
too long. He had to try to convince them of another way.
"There is no need to hold them off. If your way take a while,
perhaps we should try another way. I have a spell prepared, already.
Grab hold on me and it will take but a spoken word to leave. It won't
take use beyond this world, but it will buy us the time to open the
portal from somewhere else."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James retreats alongside Jonnee as the flames burst into the room.
"Aaron, I can use the Pattern, but it is hard and I
have little experience. It will take to long. Jonnee and I
can hold the door against any physical enemy, but...If Dorian can get
us out of here, let's go!"
There is no panic in James voice but a hint of stress comes through and a strong note of urgency.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Archon (NPC)
Then it is there, in the entrance to the chamber, the fires of the sun
and the voice of the whirlwind, embodied in a spinning wheel of rage
and hatred...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Too late...far too late for a palanquet under these circumstances!
Nodding along with James, Cyan hands her card to Berd (it disappears
under his wing) and, with a wrench, scoops Jack off the ground,
hurrying toward Dorian, eyes black in a pale face. "I
concur! Aaron, we fight or Dorian moves us! Choose!"
She feels the force beating against her back, the power of the Archon
like razored whips in her mind. It is here, now, and if they do
not act immediately, they will all be dead, or wish it were so.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
The unholy wind and fury imploded into the chamber before them, and
Aaron beheld a being of such startling anger that his first response
was a gnashing of his teeth and a vicious animal snarl that surprised
even him. He wasn't afraid of this beast. Exactly the opposite. This
being could only be an Archon, and it was spurring him into a violent,
and all-too-familiar rage.
Aaron beheld intermittent flashes of memory. The ship. His daughter. Jadus. Ishmael. The Witch.
He had heard Dorian's word, and Cyan's response only spurred him on.
"Dorian! Do it!" he yelled to the man, his teeth bared, though none
could see. His knuckles white as he clenched the hilt of Ilsefranvir,
his mind focusing only on the fact that they needed to get out...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Archon (NPC)
The Archon spins slower, dimming somewhat, and the temperature in the room drops down to something only just intolerable, "+YOU
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
"Hmmm... Yes, of course, we'll listen to you... grab on tight, everyone" A cool smirk plays on Dorian's lips as he holds his arms out and begins to concentrate on his spell, but not cast it yet.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
Taking heed of Dorian's instructions James takes a half-step
back. Without taking his eyes off the Archon he reaches behind
him, fumbles briefly for Dorian, then finds and grabs his forearm.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
One hand snakes out to catch onto James as he holds Dorian, the better
that they not all be bunched in a single clog. The other still
holds Jack over one shoulder. The bard's stance has become
dangerously relaxed, almost light, and there's a hint of a smile
touching the corners of her mouth. Her dark eyes are wide and
empty as she stares at the Archon, listening to its words.
Her opinion upon the allience she keeps to herself; talking, at the moment, is near impossible for the normally loquacious Cyan.
Berd perches atop Cyan's burden silently, staring at the Archon with glittering, dancing eyes.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
"An Alliance... yes... hmm." Aaron mumbled, more to himself than anyone
or even the Archon, as he stepped back and came into physical contact
with Dorian, standing shoulder to shoulder.
"I'm afraid my schedule is quite busy at the moment. You'll have to refer your request to my secretary."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Gazarniel (NPC)
The creature dims to a sullen red, then flares up again, "+I
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Dorian glances nervously at Jonnee, who, along with Hunter, remains out
of contact with the group. He doubted the group would react too nicely
to leaving one of their own behind, and the man had proven to be a
valuable asset, too. They needed to stall.
"First, why would you trust us; and why would we trust you? Second,
would this alliance end in the destruction or abuse of anymore worlds?
Third, we would need to discuss it amongst ourselves; how can we
contact you if we find such an alliance favorable?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Reluctant to back down, Jonnee does realise that sometimes it's better
to lose face than to die. He grabs Hunter by the scruff of his
neck and drags the wolf back to Dorian, never taking his eyes from the
"Yeah, you tell him Dorian, no deals."
OOC: Sorry, the only snow I've seen this
Christamas is from being snowed under in work. :( Will try
to keep up. :)
Just don't expect any decisions from Jonnee while I'm sleeping off my Christmas dinner. :p
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Gazarniel (NPC)
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
“Your offer is tempting; allow us a moment to consider it.”
Dorian bows his head in a moment of concentration, but keeps his eyes locked on the being in front of him.
“Archon, regrettably, I must report that my companions and I are not
amicable to your alliance at this time. Therefore, we bid you adieu.”
With that, the sorcerer began speaking lynchpins quickly, throwing his full concentration into the effort.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
As Dorian begins to speak the lynchpins, Berd's eyes flare like tiny suns.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
"+WAIT+ +WILL YOU... WHAT+ +YOU MU... +"
In the instant before the world shatters, the Archon attempts to speak,
only to stumble to a halt for a moment. As it gathers its
thoughts and tries again, the world seems to fly apart, fragments of
the chamber in the pyramid spinning away in all directions.
There is a heartbeat of time, during which entire universes of stars
are born, give rise to life and civilisations, and finally gutter out
to become cold, black cinders, hoarding the last of their energy, like
ancient wyrms resting upon their beds of gold and gems.
Then the world reforms. A village in the jungle.
Rain. Cargach's people startled by the sudden arrival in their
midst of the returning strangers, shivering, with ice melting from
their clothes.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Though somewhat dazed by Dorian's methods, Aaron took only a moment to
recover himself, shaking his head and getting the stars out of his eyes
- or eye, rather.
"We need to get out of here. That Archon will start looking for us soon."
Resheathing Ilsefranvir, Aaron turned and made sure the entire group was accounted for before he continued.
"Unless we have anything else we need to take care of here? Anything I'm missing?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan blinks once. Blinks twice. Her eyes catch the dim light, fading to ruby.
"Jack," she whispers, carefully laying the man down and bending over
him, searching him for a pulse, checking to be sure that he still
lives. Injured, perhaps badly, in spirit, but alive.
He has come back from worse. Changed, though. Perhaps yet again he will change.
A disconcerting thought.
"Aaron," Cyan says, quietly, gently attempting to rouse Jack, "we have
not yet freed Cargach's people. Our powers will be undiminished,
now, but we still must face the task of assisting those who have
assisted us, in turn. Do we not?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Nodding, Aaron sighed.
"I had been thinking of the same thing, Cyan, but you know the power of these Archons first-hand. More so that I do. And Jack," he
said, gesturing to their fallen comrade, "must know more about them
than any of us. He is our wild-card, and an asset that I cannot be without."
He frowned. Not to mention a friend... I can't think about that now, though.
"No. I won't let Cargach's people be a sacrifice to our enemies, but,"
and here he turned to the assembled villagers. "Those enemies are at
our doorstep as we speak. I don't know how much time we have before
that Archon discovers we haven't left this world."
Leaning his head back, he closed his eye and mulled.
"Evacuate? We've done it before, more than once, in my case... but that takes time."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
"My apologies, friends." Dorian whispers, pulling his cloak in tight. "I
had no time to explain the unique path we would walk to get away. We do
have some time before the Archon finds us, and if it does find us, it
will be weakened. I took the initiative to break into it's mind a
moment before we vanished... you remember how it stuttered a moment...
and I implanted some psychic suggestions, in case it should cross our
paths again. It will give us only a small edge, I had to work quickly
before it discovered the intrusion and resisted me. However, I am
weakened and running low on prepared spell. My usefulness is wanning, I
am afraid... until I have time to rest and work on my spells again."
He flet subdues. He'd taken risks at the last moment, but he felt
they'd pay off. He only regretted he could not discuss them with his
companions, first. He shivered and looked around for a place to sit a
"If we are to continue this fight, or if not, may I suggest a place
where time moves quickly so we might make preparations? Samhein is such
a place, and I'm sure we all know a few others, as well.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Jonnee, brushing ice from his clothes, then from Hunter's pelt, turns his head to look at Cyan. He grins at her, "Yeah. This place isn't fit for human habitation anyway, and I reckon the Archons under this" his voice shifts in timbre as he does a passable impression of an Archon, "SEPHIROTH are about to make it worse. My vote would be that, if we can't stop them, we at least make things tricky for them."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"No apologies, Dorian, for your 'unique' path," Cyan whispers, finishing her examination of the supine Jack. Unique...an understatement. This mystic is full of strange powers and shocking surprises.
Pushing an errant strand of hair from in front of her topaz eyes, she
gives the dark man a quick smile. "Accept instead our thanks for
our escape - likely as not, I would never have been able to extract us
from before that monster."
"That you were capable of placing something within its spirt...that you
were capable of breaching its spirit's defenses...that is a great thing
you have done, and food for future thought." Her eyes fall upon
Aaron. "I do not believe we can evacuate, nor do I believe that
Cargach and his people would agree. I think it might be better to
draw off the forces of the enemy - it is possible that, lacking their
purpose for being here, they may choose to leave, to cut their losses
and concentrate their own powers elsewhere. Jonnee," with a grin
to that deadly trickster, "gives sound advice. We can give them reason to leave."
A look down to Jack, then back up to Aaron. "Dorian, though, is correct - with him weakened, and Jack hors du combat,
it becomes necessary that some seek safer climes for the nonce.
Perhaps one group of us could depart with Dorian, while another draws
off the ire of the Archons? Should we give them something to
pursue," she states firmly, "they might find it prudent to leave here
while harrying us through the Myriad Worlds." She stares back
toward the distant pyramid.
"For now they are confused, no doubt, their work overturned, their
plans come to naught. And I begin to see an inkling of their
strategy, their methods...a power that can break the powers of
others...a 'transmitter', capable of collecting and launching that
power elsewhere...across the worlds? To Amber itself? To
the Courts?" The bard touches a finger to her lips, her other
hand lying atop Jack's chest, feeling his heart beat.
"Across the Myriad Worlds themselves? What effect might this have
upon the Great Pattern? With sufficient 'pieces' of the Broken
God, and enough transmitters...how much, how powerfully could they
affect the whole of reality itself?"
Berd nips her ear, lightly, and Cyan blinks.
"Best we discuss this later, and choose a course of action. James
- we have all spoken but yourself. Or perhaps our leader has made
up his mind already?"
Dorian, Jack, and perhaps Aaron to leave to plan strategy...for I
have a card for Aaron. James has experience with this sort of
warfare, from his words early, Jonnee has the ability, no doubt, and
Berd and I hold the necessary skills and power as well. If we can
confound the Archons, give them incentive to pursue while Aaron
discusses options with Dorian and Jack, and they have time to regain
their strength...
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
A tremor runs through Jack and his hand moved to Cyans on his chest clutching it.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
"Looks like Jack's decided to rejoin us." Jonnee grins, and winks at Cyan, "Man,
you timed that right. Dude, we really could have used your help
when we conquered the Archon homeworld, killed all their leaders,
enslaved the rest, and set them to work rebuilding what they trashed."
"I tell you, those two weeks, since you fainted, have been the hardest of my whole life."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James grins at Jonnee's jibe. He can't help it, it's doubless
unkind to bait someone recovering consciousness, but it feels good to
smile again after the wheel of fire and the walk between worlds.
He's almost sorry to have to undercut the little subterfuge.
"It's seems a sound plan, Cyan. In a place
like this I can make any of the Archon's followers wish they'd never
been born. Imagine leading squads of men into this jungle, moving
to push aside an unassuming fern and 'accidentally' putting your arm
into a nest of those wasp creatures. With judicious use of the
Pattern this place is a living booby trap."
"I'm only concerned because I have never taken on an Archon before,
there's not much point setting traps if they're just going to nuke the
continent. Still, at the very least we ought to be able to piss
it off enough to bait it into following if we retreat through a Trump."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Eyes still closed Jacks awakening is far
from peaceful, his hand had found Cyan's unconsciously. Seeking the
only comfort he knew. His eyes sill closed trapped in a living
Pause... again
For a brief moment it is as if Jack can see the whole world beyond his
cell filled with wheels of heat and light and steel. Uncountable
hordes of them, and every one watching him.
Then he staggers backwards under a lash of mental energy, and in an
instant, a thousand razors reduce his shirt to tatters, and slice his
back into bloody ribbons of flesh.
Eyes still closed now pressed hard closed against the light. Jack
arched his back bowing up off the ground until his whole body thrummed
and quivered like a bow string pulled to taught. He clutched Cyan's
hand to the point of pain as the inhuman scream escaped his lips
echoing out as both a a vocal scream and and an intense psychic scream
of primal feral pain. He had to protect the safe hand he cluched from
The unaimed powerword came out as pure primal defense with all Jacks
soul poured into it lashing out to survive, to live. Lashing out with
all he had for all of the injustice driven by all the pain and
suffering. Unfortunately he was still locked in the nightmare and there
was only friends around him.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
"Drama queen," Dorian sneers, beginning to look around his
environment with a critical eye, and not paying much real attention to
Jack. His brow knits in tight concentration. "Seriously, we don't
have time for this, now. We need to either put him back under or bring
him out, but he's in much too defensive a mindset for me to do anything
with him, for me to help him. We'd only end up mindlocked. Perhaps
Cargach's people have some kind of sedative?"
He returns his attention to Jack, still concentrating.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
The word booms from Jack's mouth, and it is fortunate for those nearby that he
is not capable of putting all of his power behind it. Even so,
undirected as it is, it still causes his companions to shiver, almost
as if somebody had walked across their graves.
Hunter's ears go flat, and his lips curl into a snarl as he turns his yellow-eyed gaze on the downed man.
Then the wolf's attention is redirected, as something the size of a
rat, with far too many limbs to be a beetle, crashes to the ground
nearby. Pincer-like mandibles click and snap, and translucent
wings move with feeble spasticity as the creature attempts to scramble
to its feet, but its segmented legs refuse to support its weight.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan shakes her head at Jonnee's quip, a smile touching her lips as
Jack obviously begins to rouse himself. She listens carefully to
James' explanation, nodding along with him. "I expected as much,
from your-" she begins, then Jack cuts her off, fear and fury boiling
inside, the power suddenly loosed upon them unexpectedly.
His hand is crushing hers. His strength is inhuman. And his
power washes over her like a wave of panic. Berd hisses,
furiously, and the psychic energies shatter like glass against his
suddenly shining, mirror-bright mind; Cyan shudders as the after-echoes
reverberate through her.
Dorian seems to have been unaffected by the brief, unfocussed impact of
the Word of Power (not surprising - by his own admission, the man has
likely seen and experienced far, far worse in his time...regularly),
but the others...and herself? With a snarl of pain, echoing
Hunter, Cyan tears her hand free at the bone-creaking point, and slaps
her palm down on Jack's chest. "Jack, enough!" she cries, caught
between fear for him and fury. "You are among friends!" Is he?
Dorian's advice makes perfect sense - she will attempt to bring him
out. She does not initiate psychic contact, thought, hoping her
voice and her focus of thought will penetrate - bad enough that his
vastly superior, panicked strength had nearly crushed her hand.
Worse yet to leap full into a mind terrifyingly stronger than herself
and lashing out against any perceived threat. If that does not
work, drastic action will be required.
"You will call the Enemy upon us, if you do not cease!"
Berd's warble is dangerously low, and the little dragon turns angry
eyes upward, power glittering within them as he shrouds the group as
best he can.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Much like Hunter, Aaron too growled, his hand inadvertanly rushing to
the hilt of his sheathed blade. That hand was slowly lowered, and he
shook his head in aggravation.
"Cyan, I trust you and the others can handle things here? I feel it
would be best if I took Jack and Dorian somewhere safer, where we can
plan, and they can build their strength back up, though I do hesitate to split our forces, even considering what we lack."
To Dorian he nodded in appreciation. "I'm pleased that you have such
effecient talents, and are even willing to place your own mind against
those of our enemies. It seems my initial attitude towards you was
obviously ill-found. My apologies."
Already his eye was cast upon the future. Its prediction was lost on
him, but either way he'd have to find a world that satisfied him as far as protection and time-speed.
Something pulled at him... but at his attempt to grasp it, the memory slipped away. He rubbed his temples and sighed.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Jacks deep blue eyes snapped open and stated to sit
up but Cyan’s hand restrained him “What- what happened?” he asked his
chest rising and falling as he breathed heavily. “Cyan…?”
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
"Lie still," Cyan replies to Jack. "Gather your breath, and look
around yourself. You are amoung friends, Jack of Shadows," she
finishes, slowly relaxing. Flexing her fingers, she takes her
hand off his chest, shifts backward to give him a hint more room.
On her shoulder, Berd stares at Aaron for a long moment.
Cyan's emerald gaze follows Berd's, to their leader. "I will
assist James and Jonnee," she slowly agrees, nodding her head.
"Do not think of this as dividing our forces, Aaron. We are
leaving a rearguard to cover a retreat while the main force gathers its
strength. Our purpose will be to harry the enemy, garner their
attention, not to strike out on our own. Jack holds a palanquet of myself - I fear I have not another to spare, as it will be necessary to give at least one to either Jonnee or James."
Another nod, a slight, almost unconcious approval of his words to
Dorian. They show grace and humility - one mark of many a leader
should possess.
Looking back down at Jack, Cyan sighs. "We are well, Jack.
But time is of the essence, and need places you with Aaron and
Dorian. They will move elsewhere, to recover, while we remain to
confound pursuit, and possibly give the Archons something over which to
think. Go with them - rest, and regain your strength."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Jack blinked listening and said in a rough voice
“No…” Flatly and evenly “Fill me in on what happened I’ll manage.” He
sat up he was not running and leaving people behind without knowing
more, the shadow man sat up and looked around.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Annoyed, Dorian chewed on his lower lip and turned away.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan blinks, once, then her eyes go flat. He does not even listen.
"No," the bard replies calmly and stands, brushing off her knees.
"Time is of the essence," she repeats. "Here and now, against the
Archons, you are a liability. You cry out our position and
collapse when they appear. Aaron, our leader, has made his
decision, and said you will accompany him." Brutal facts and
plainly put.
"If you cannot abide by logic, strategy, tactics, and the orders of our leader, I know not what to do with you."
Picking up her pack, she moves to where James and Jonnee stand.
"I stand ready, gentlemen," Cyan states, amber eyes flickering with
Berd lies down on her shoulder and closes his eyes until they are only glittering slits.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
Dorian breathed a slow sigh of relief. "Agreed," he hissed coldly through clenched teeth. "What happened is the group made a plan and the leader, Aaron, accepted it. You are either for us or against us, but you do not lead us. We act, now."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James holds the side of his head with one hand, wincing. He
briefly considers weighing in to the rapid-fire debate with the
newly-awakened Jack but decides against it. If he didn't accept
what Cyan and Dorian said, then nothing James could say would make Jack
happy to leave Cyan behind.
He doesn't want to speak over anyone so he remains silent as the issue
is resolved, but all the while James is planning. He's going to
need a word with Cyan and Jonnee very soon now.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Jonnee, still crouched by Jack, shakes his head, clearing the last echoes of the power word, then he speaks, "Hunter!" and moves.
There is a blurring motion, and Cyan is knocked aside, and a brief
slithering sound as a razor sharp blade of bone glides out to touch
Jack's throat, dimpling it, but not drawing blood. Then Jonnee
leans forward, and the blade retracts six inches, never breaking
contact with the skin.
Hunter moves to protect his back.
"You will ALL listen to what I have to say, because it's important." his voice is calm, but there is an edge to it, "I
can hold the blade part-way, like this, for a little while. But
it takes a LOT of concentration, because they are designed for popping
out and killing things, not for just popping half-way. You don't
want to, none of you want to, do anything that might break my
concentration, especially you, Jack."
"I'm sorry about this, but it seems to be the only way to get a
person's attention around here. Now, if we're all clear on why it
would be a really bad idea to try anything dumb, I'll begin."
There is a bead of sweat, trickling down by his left eye, and his hand is quivering slightly, "Now,
it seems to me, that ever since Aaron was chosen as the leader of this
gang, you, Jack, have done whatever the hell you pleased. Aaron
says, we will do this. Jack says, you do that, if you like, I'm going to do this instead, no matter what happens because of it."
"Quite frankly, I'm getting sick of being part of the Jack Show."
"Where I come from, when the boss tells you to jump, you jump.
The only other choice is to call him out, and pray that one of his
L.T.s hates his guts enough to back you and not him. You're
lucky, Jack. You have a third choice. You can walk away,
which isn't an option back home."
The man smiles, but only with his lips, "So,
decision time, Mister Jack of Freakin' High and Mighty Shadows.
Either promise to follow orders, or call Aaron out now, or walk away."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Aaron found that he'd been sighing alot more than usual, lately. It was an annoying habit he found hard to break.
Slowly he approached, his left hand raised towards Jonnee, his eye firm
as he recognized the man's familiar response. The fact that he had
gotten that close to Jack, and knocked Cyan down to boot, did not bode
well for Aaron... but what more could he do?
"Jonnee, during my times with Cyan and Jack, I have discovered that
they become quite stubborn if you attempt to apply brute force when
coming to any sort of personal decision. Such applications are not only
unnecessarry, but ultimately fruitless."
He neared, and stood beside both Jonnee and Jack, though his attention was on the former rather than the latter.
"Jack is not your problem, and it would do you well to back down. I have already made my decision regarding his place in our plans, and as of this point, you are the one who is holding us back and making us a target."
Now his gaze turned to Jack, and his eye was as firm as his voice.
"As for my old friend, I'm sure he understands that he would only be
making Cyan a target herself, if he decided to stay here and - 'help' -
in his limited and obviously unstable condition. She would be forced to
limit herself by taking his well-being into consideration during every
action. For Cyan, Jack would be nothing more than a distraction,
possibly a fatal one."
Crossing his arms, he gazed upon Jack; the socket where his destroyed
eye once lay began twitching until he stilled it, his brow furrowing in
"I need you with me, where your usefulness will be paramount. As of
this point, the rest of the group has zero time to deal with the three
of us. I have my own set of Trumps with me, and I'm sure Cyan will
inform me should anything of significance occur." Here he glanced at
her, already knowing his statement to be truth.
Aaron turned away, his jacket swirling about his ankles as he did so.
"I will tolerate no more dissension amongst my ranks! The more we stand
and badger amongst ourselves about decisions and disagreements, the
more worlds our enemies absorb into their collective, weakening the
walls of Reality even more! Should even one piece of that... that... 'Broken God', get near the Pattern..." Aaron's
arm snapped out, gesturing in the direction of the distant temple,
where the Archon no doubt raged.
Turning his head, his single eye blazed, furious at the thought of such
an effect that nullifying field would have all over Reality.
"We are all that stand in between Amber and the greatest threat Reality
has ever seen. If we can't stand up to eachother, how can we even hope
to stand against our most powerful foe?"
His eye found Dorian, Jack, and Cyan.
"This discussion is over. Jack, Dorian, you come with me - now. I will bode no disagreement." To Cyan, his gaze flicked, then: "Keep me
informed of any serious changes, my bard. I trust you will keep our
troops in good stead until we meet again."
Unsheathing Ilsefranvir, he clenched her hilt with white-knuckled force, gritting his teeth before he spoke.
"Harass our enemies! Do not stop until they hesitate before every
decision, and continue even after that! Even until they quake at the
very thought of our intervention! I expect that and more from such experienced people, and I go now with faith that you will succeed!"
"Jack, Dorian, let us depart."
With that he turned and began to walk. Should Jack pose any more problem - well, he had support.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
"Sorry, Aaron. I - I spoke out of turn. If he wants to call you out, it's your job to put him down."
Jonnee retracts the blade and stands back, his head lowered, "But
from what I've seen since I've been out here, he's worse than
useless. There's been times when I thought he was working for the
enemy. Vanishing when he's needed, in the way when he's not
needed, and arguing with every decision."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James grins again, it's all he can do to to stop himself from snapping
off a salute. This he knew, this he could deal with.
"Enough Jonnee, what needed to be said has been said." James speaks firmly but not unkindly.
"Cyan, Aaron's clearly placed you as his second and in charge of our
operations. I have a plan that I think has a good chance of
success. As you know I have some experience of these
things. Permission to speak?"
James waits for Cyan's response.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jack
Jack had been about to say 'Okay,' to Cyan
when Jonnee outburst came. Cyan's point having been driven home. Jack
calmly sat by while Jonnee held his life in his hands and drove the
point home that Cyan had made and others had made along the way. Right
or wrong they were right enough in essence.
He sat passively listening and nodded, the shadow
man crossed to Dorian and Arron's side. Casting a look at Cyan he
saluted by raising his staff.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
With an almost annoyed huff, Dorian half-turns to Jack near his side, but avoids looking at the shadow man. "It's uh... good to see you're okay, by the way. Welcome back."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan staggers under the impact, the sudden bump coming with no warning
from Berd - the Drake, in fact, seems to be examining his nails at the
time, but somehow manages to keep his balance, despite her stumble.
There's a glitter of silver at the base of Kirilinde's
brass hilt, between that and the wooden sheath. In the instant of
time it takes for Jonnee to reach Jack, Cyan has regained her balance,
loosened her blade and, most importantly, made a deliberate choice to
stop the reflex and not draw. There is little she can do with
Jonnee's bonespur at Jack's throat.
But she stares through the young man blankly, colour leaching from her eyes.
For a long moment Jonnee speaks and Cyan stands motionless as a
statue. Berd has rolled over on his back, apparantly unconcerned,
but one eye is fixed on Cyan's face, pale and empty, her eyes like dull
crystal, clearing, clearing....
Then Aaron begins to speak, and Cyan's gaze flicks to him for an
instant. The irises of her eyes seem to bleed for an instant,
ruby colour slowly growing in them, filling the crystal; she shakes her
head, once, and there is the faintest of clicks, metal on wood, as
fingerwidth of mirrored silver disappears back into its sheath. A
faintly sick expression appears on the bard's face, and she slowly
closes her eyes; when they open, the deep colour is fully set within
"We...we will do our best, Aaron." Cyan's reply is oddly hoarse,
and she nods jerkily in answer. As Jonnee 'releases' Jack, and
the Shadow Man salutes her, she does the same, left hand still gripping Kirilinde by the sheath. "Care to you, Jack," the bard whispers, before turning to James and Jonnee.
What am I to do?
"Jonnee...if you would join us?" If there is a hint of edge in
her tone, it vanishes the moment that worthy does move over to where
Cyan stands beside James. "James...though Aaron might speak of me
in such a fashion, I am not your commander. We three will be
relying upon each other, here, with no time to relay orders. As
such, I place myself at your disposal - you have greater experience in
these things than I. Jonnee and I will offer amendments to your
plans, based on our own experience and abilities, but I trust you to
guide us. Speak to us of your plan, James - we will listen."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
"First we need to speak to Cargach, firstly to tell
him what we have accomplished in the pyramid, which to Cargach and his
people may be little more than stick our collective arms into a
hornets' nest and secondly because out there his warriors are as
dangerous, possibly moreso, than we are."
"The wildcard here, as I mentioned before is the Archon. I do not
think it will summon more of it's kind, if it is ambitious as it
appeared in the pyramid it will want to finish this personally."
My first thought was to use the Pattern to strike at the Archon's
followers. I think a better course now would be to use the
Pattern as defence. If I concentrate on a visualisation of the
Pattern my mind is shielded somewhat. I do not intend to attack
the Archon, not even to probe, I intend to present myself as a target
to draw it off and distract it. If I can hold it off long enough
I hope it will become frustrated. If I can, I want to lure it
into a trap that Aaron, Jack and Dorian will devise."
"Cyan, I would like you to stay close by. I do not know if you
are capable of the same mental feats as Jack and Dorian but I will need
your support...and Berd's. If I am engaged with the Archon I may
also need you to protect me. Berd, if he gets the opportunity,
can use his abilities in the same way as I had initially thought to use
the Pattern. Having you close by will also make a speedy exit
easier if we need to get away."
"What you must not do Cyan is lose control. If you drop into that
state of mind where the only thing is the fight in front of you, then
we're in trouble."
"Jonnee, if you are willing I would like you to work with
Cargach. You are fast beyond anything I imagined possible.
If my plan is to succeed I need you to be our scout and
messenger. You must co-ordinate the strikes against the Archon's
minions. Attack, or better yet ambush, and withdraw. Never
overcommit, always secure an exit route. Do not attack their base
directly, stick to ground of your choosing."
"An old army saying where I come from is 'If in doubt, get the hell out'." James smiles, "Never official army policy, of course. But it will keep you alive where stubborness or even courage will get you killed."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dorian
"By the way, the mental suggestion I placed in the Archon's mind is
triggered by reciting the numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8,13. It will cause him to
feel his is among friends, but I doubt it will last very long. Use it
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Dworkin (GM)
There is a strange tension in the air of the village. Cargach's
people seem nervous as the weather worsens. From across the
jungle, in the direction of the pyramid, there are flares of reddish
light, more like flame than lightning.
Something slams into the outer wall of the compound, then again, and
soon there is an almost constant barrage of blows against the barrier,
which holds strong.
A villager, sent to the ramparts to investigate, reports that animals
are coming out of the jungle and hitting the wall, before turning aside
and following it around the village.
Not an attack, then, but a stampede. Away from the red flares.
Then James notices the smell. Smoke.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Jonnee
Jonnee listens to James' words, nodding in agreement, though he seems troubled.
When the animals start running into the wall, he moves towards it, glad
to have something to do now, something to take his mind off the other
business. He calls Hunter to him as he runs off, muttering to the
wolf as they look for somewhere they can both climb to the walkway.
As he goes he tries to assess the wall's condition, but he is no expert in such things. He stops and turns, "James! Cyan! Do either of you know about castles and stuff? How can we stop this wall coming down?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Cyan
Cyan listens carefully to James's words, nodding at certain points in
agreement. She waits until he finishes, then begins to speak.
"Berd can certainly turn the world against the Archons, though against
them..." She shrugs. "I have seen a single Archon slaughter
a hundred warrior-beasts, bred for battle, before finally being pulled
down. It is not something I would wish upon this world.
Perhaps there is something he might do, though..." she muses. "If
the Archon does not summon more of its kind, then...Cargach and the
dangers of the world would be more than sufficient to deal with the
Berd looks enigmatic; a small, scaly Buddha.
"Regrettably," Cyan states, "I do not hold the same level of spiritual
power possessed by Jack or Dorian. If the Archon attacks you, it
will be Berd who provides the majority of your defense from
without. His talents are...considerable. I will assist, of
course." A hint of worry and shame crosses her features. "I
will attempt to hold control as long as possible, James. And I
will...prepare for the possibility that I fail. It will not be
unless we directly enter battle with the enemy, I can assure you, and
even then I retain a certain amount of tactical knowledge."
Berd's eyes flare, and he stares at James for a long moment.
Then the assault upon the village begins.
Berd's eyes begin to burn, and Cyan shakes her head. "I know
little of how to rienforce them...but Berd can do so, subtly, without
too much concern for attracting attention. If we move, now, he
can also deal with the fire - but if we stay, the Archon may be able to
detect his workings! He can summon rain, dampen down the flames
themselves, but only if it will not bring further wrath down upon this
village! James, Jonnee, we must move, now!"
Cyan thrusts a palanquet into James' hand - it is of Aaron. "I can contact him myself! Where do we go?"
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by James
James locks eyes with Berd for a moment.
James listens to the villager's report, the reason for the stampede is
soon painfully obvious as the smoke reaches James' nostrils.
S***! The bastard is playing scorched earth.
James accepts the Trump from Cyan gratefully.
"I agree. We move now. We will see you later Aaron, time for you to go too. This way."
James leads Cyan and Jonnee (hopefully) towards the point on the
village wall furthest from the battering of the stampede. As he
goes he calls to mind the Pattern of Amber fixing it in his mind like a
beacon, sparing only as much attention as is absolutely necessary to
"I'm not too worried about the wall, I would expect
Cargach's people to have built it to withstand a fair battering.
Once we're out of here we head that way." James indicates a direction 90 degrees to the path of the stampede, more or less parallel to the probable fire front.
"All we need is a place to fight that will not
endanger the village. Going that way will open the perceived
distance between us and the village as quickly as possible." James doesn't bother pointing out the disadvantages of trying to cross the path of the stampede.
"If you get caught by a fire front remember you're
safest in the valleys not up high. In a pinch use a
palanquet. Jonnee, best stay close until we know how much of a
threat this fire is. Berd, wait until we're a little way from the
village then I need you to counteract the fire on as wide a front as
possible without stretching too far. The fire doesn't just
endanger us it deprives us of ground on which to fight."
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Berd
Berd, on Cyan's shoulder, hums briefly, his eyes glittering more quickly, more brightly.
Re: Part 33 - The face of the enemy by Aaron
Before leaving, Aaron hesitated as he listened to the discussion
between the remainder of the group. He said nothing, though, preferring
to let the others determine between themselves what their plans would
The fire and the stampede going on in the background concerned him, but
as of this point, he was more concerned with his own charges - Jack
Bending down to adjust his boots, he caught eye with Cyan and gestured to the distant gates.
"We must be off now. I will contact you once we reach our destination. Fight well, my friends."
A final acknowlegement to the rest of his comrades, and then Aaron led
Dorian and Jack towards the entrance. He knew it was like walking into
the lion's den, but even now he was already focusing on the path
leading to the gate... preparing to shift everything else around the
path, rather than the path itself.
He would be making one stop before he reached their destination. By the
time they did end their travels, Aaron knew he'd be short one person.