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Part 38: Arrivals and departures =========================================================== A thing there is, that cannot be touched, that lets a man walk on the waves. It allows the bird to ride the air, and the sun to ride the sky; To reach out for anything you must first possess it, for reaching without it leads only to failure. He told me, 'when you can truly answer the riddle, you will know the Power, and where to find it" Dorian turns to Cyan, eyes unblinking. In a quieter tone, laced with consolation and delicacy, he adds, "The tree told me, this was the same riddle he gave Jack of Shadows. He said the power was within him, waiting for those who would grasp it. I believe this is why Jack didn't share it openly. This is also why I expreseed concern at Aaron going alone. Jack left us, and so did the knowledge of this power. I would have rathered someone go with Aaron, in case one of them is lost in the future, but it is too late for that. Perhaps Aaron will share what he learns later, for this reason.... I also know that this is the same power that Argus tapped into, to gain so much power. It is also a power Berd knew once, long ago, but forgot and is only starting to remember." He gives the drake an apologetic, thin, smile. "This is, mostly, all I know. Forgive me, but it is hard to summarize all at once, like this. The only other thing I can do, perhaps, is to tough your minds and show you how to perceive this power. It is at the heart of everything. It flows in all worlds. It goes under and through all things. Having seen what the archons and Argus did with the power, I belive it can be powerful once understood." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan listens carefully to both James and Dorian, nodding along slowly as they make points that slowly begin to fill in the gaps of her knowledge. Surprise touches her topaz eyes, then, and she glances at Berd. The dragon stares back blandly, and after a moment, the bard looks away. "James, what you say makes sense...the world of the Archons is broken, somehow. Fluid. It...changes, dances to their whim. It has become what those of Amber name the Myriad Worlds. A shadow. A reflection of whatever reality they care to bring to it. If this is what the Seraphim plan...then the breaks. They are enhancing the breaks in a line through reality." She shivers. "Is it possible that this is their aim? To change the myriad worlds, all of them, into this...fluid reality, subject to their whims? Imagine an entire race of beings with the sort of power Berd holds over reality, able to shift it at their whim, but without any of his self-control? Imagine all of reality becoming not-real. An oil-slick on the surface of the water - disturb the water, and the slick changes...." "Your riddle is no riddle, Dorian. It is a clue, nothing more." Cyan smiles. "A small distinction, but in a riddle there are the seeds of the answer. In this, what the tree gave to you, gave to Jack..." For a moment a shadow passes across her face. "...there is no seed of an answer. It points the way to a secret. But you, now, know the secret of this power, Dorian...or I suspect its seeds lie within. Else why would you be capable of seeing this...Underflow, here and now?" "And you." She looks at Berd, narrow-eyed. "You know of this Underflow, too - it is how you BROUGHT us from there, and back here again. 'Underneath all things', your very words. You...Metatron said you broke the Broken God. How is this possible?" Berd looks distinctly uncomfortable for a long moment, then sighs, deeply. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- A gentle tapping, tap, tap, tap at the Mind's doors...of those who choose to open to Berd's polite request, including both Devlin and Serena - the information is passed in such a way that they can listen to Jonnee as well as understand the drake. And it is the Other Berd who speaks, now, not the old, alien voice, but the ancient, sonorous tones of the Other who sometimes bubbles to the surface. I am not...From Here, you might say. Recent events have returned to me some of my own memories for I am, in my own way, as broken as Broken God. Since some time ago, I have become more aware of what I was, what I am. Myself. The Underflow. The Archons. Luke. Luke.... Serena confirmed something I suspected since I spoke with Luke, standing before Argus...he and I are linked, 'related' in some, odd way. We share abilities, we share...an outlook, on certain things. And I remember him. His name. His names. He was not always Luke, as I was not always 'Berd'. The Underflow is critical to both of us. I began to remember it at the same time that Dorian first encountered it - our meeting with Argus and Aaron's brother. It was I who destroyed Argus - such a creature should not have access to this power. And yes, I planted the seeds within Argus that had it strike down Jadus - A flash, then, a memory, of Argus' final cry - 'Why, Jadus?' - then the bolt of energy it released into its creator. - for Jadus would only experiment further, endangering all. He held the knowledge, but not the wisdom. The weight of his death is upon me. And I shall explain this to Aaron, when he returns. I carry many such deaths within my spirit, as I have discovered. And Dorian...I apologize to you. Somehow what I did sparked reaction within your own mind...or perhaps it was Luke, or a backlash from Jack who attempted, unsuccessfully, to defend the Machine against me. I am uncertain. All I know is that somehow you were harmed during my brief attack upon Argus. That fault, too, is mine. I remember a battle, long ago. Perhaps two. Broken God? I know not. It shattered me, hurt me. What is left of 'me', you see in Berd. As for the Underflow...Dorian is correct. The Grand Pattern locks its power into its curves, giving focus. The Logrus does the same. The Broken Pattern actually bubbles the power through the breaks, and from thence comes the force. Palanquet does not even focus the power of the Underflow itself - it merely 'uses' the Underflow as a vibrational medium. Magic, too, begins in the Underflow. Life processes, spirit, all of it - the focused power that runs under everything. Flowing as it does, it 'does' nothing. When focused, though, by the spirit, through a lens.... Dorian holds the means to demonstrate better than I. I...it is not a learned thing to me, but a remembered one. I am a poor teacher. Dorian, by all means, show us. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Apologize not, Berd. It was I who did the damage. You see, I was attempting to trace the source of Argus' power and he began to ... slip away, as if he never existed. At the time, I didn't understand what was happening, and I thought something was making me forget. In an attempt to fight off the forgetting, I attempting something dangerous and difficult. I attempted to use the more advanced arts of conjuring, the art of the mind, to reconstruct my own mind into something that would fight the forgetting, even after it forgot... it is a complicated process, so I won't go into more detail. Needless to say, I misunderstood what was happening, and the results were not pleasant. "Yes, I had a hint of the power then, but it was cut off before I could really see it. It was on Aaron's world that I first truly discovered it and began to learn. "Now, follow my thoughts. I will show you all the Underflow...." Dorian leads all of them deeper and deeper, spiraling, into the fabric of the world, beyond the fabric.... Finally it is there before them, a Power which flows everywhere, in all directions at once. Once its presence has been pointed out, it can be seen to underlie and permeate everything and everybody, always flowing, ebbing. Contained within this Power are aspects of every Power that has ever been encountered. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- A long pause, while Jonnee absorbs the information from Berd and Dorian, then gathers his thoughts, before continuing. "So, they moved on, checking the worlds of the Cube, and from the stone circle gate, and they came to a place were the locals kept an arm in their church, like some holy relic. They would pray to it when their enemies came and it would protect them by cancelling the powers that the enemies had. It also blocked all other kinds of powers too, leaving our friends to rely on their skills and their wits for a while." Jonnee chuckles as Hunter starts springing vertically into the air and dropping back down to land almost on his snout, "He must've found a mouse or a frog or something." "Anyways, they moved on again, and started to hear word of something called Broken God. Leonardo, the guy you met, Serena, found there were problems on his home world with some sort of religious cult, and he picked up rumours of some kind of secret project there." "Then there was the spider world. A city of glass, filled with mechanical spiders. That was where they first met the Archons, well, I guess now we'd call them Seraphs, since we know more about them. They ruled over the spiders, but there was a resistance group, and it didn't take much to encourage them to believe it was time to fight back." "The Seraphs took a real beating there, and that's for sure." "Just after that, Aaron came back from a short trip, and he had an orb and a second Cube with him." "Leonardo's info led to a jungle world where another part of Broken God was found. Turned out that the thing was not exactly keen on the way the Seraphs were treating it, and it begged to be killed. Cyan did it, and gave the Seraphs another kick in the head. First they lose a world where the people, and they were people, even if they were robospiders, were making orbs for them, then they lose a part of Broken God." "Man, were they ever pissed?" Jonnee grins, giving the impression that a horde of angry, frustrated Seraphim is probably the finest thing he can imagine. "They sent some dogs after us, and we ran, because we knew we couldn't fight them straight on. Lucky for us that James knew a few tricks, and most of them walked into traps along the way. The last we caught and had a quiet talk with. That's when you came in, Serena." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- The sun springs clear of the horizon at last, and the air starts to warm a little. Insects rise from the earth, a few at first, and then more, taking to the air in their numberless swarms. And just behind them come the birds, hundreds of them, darting out of the ruins on narrow, curved wings, shrieking joyfully as the dart through the clouds of midges and gnats, catching them in mid-flight. And something else comes from the ruined fortress too, a human voice, "Hello down there! Might I approach?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee is on his feet in a single fluid move. The blades slide clear, and his cat-like eyes are sweeping the ruin for signs of life. Hunter spots the sudden motion and stops his fooling about, sniffing the morning air for what might have caused his friend to become so alert. Taking a step forward, Jonnee calls out, "Show yourself! Then we'll decide if you might approach, or not, as the case may be." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James sighs. He had been lost for a moment in contemplation of that mystery that Dorian had showed them. The voice from the ruins drew James back to reality, but also back to the painful necessities of that reality - constant vigilance and suspicion. Jonnee's reaction may be uncharitable but it is wise. James hopes the visitor is friendly, arms raised awkwardly above his head, James is hardly ready for a fight. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian withdraws his mind from the Underflow and the mindlink with ponderous reluctance. He'd spent some time considerable time here, and on other new things in his mind, recently. In some ways, it was a place of comfort and tranquility he could retire to, but a new pressing matter had presented itself; an intruder. Like shutters on a gloomy cabin being snapped shut, so to do Dorian's defenses and stiff posture return. The muscle above his jawline moves up and down slowly as he turns his attention in the direction of the ruins. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan is slow to disentangle herself from the vision Dorian has provided. She frowns, her thoughts also caught up in the confusion Berd's words have engendered. She studies the dragon long and hard with dark, ruby eyes, then turns back toward the ruins. Everyone else seems to have that pretty much in hand...James is still injured, though. But enough people stand between he and any possible enemy that he should be safeguarded. Any possible enemy.... Just for the sake of...caution...Cyan turns her back on the ruins, moving out to face in the other direction and hunkering down into a crouch. "Space, please," she whispers, and Berd immediately flies from her shoulder to crouch on her pack, settling down to watch. She hasn't fooled him, and knows it. Cyan just wants him off her shoulder while she considers the fact that, not so long ago, the drake attempted (possibly successfully) to murder Aaron's brother. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- There is a shuffling from the walls, and an old man steps out from behind a crumbling section of stonework. His hair, almost pure white, and tangled with brambles and dead leaves, hangs almost to his waist, as does his beard, which is similarly decorated. He wears a simple brown robe which ends raggedly just below his knees to reveal that his shins and bare feet are tattooed with interlocking circles which form a design reminiscent of the linking of chainmail, though in this case each "link" is about two inches across. Similar designs are visible on his hands, which are outstretched to his sides, palms forward and open, and on the areas of skin which are visible through his threadbare clothing. His eyes are as green as finest emeralds, and surprisingly clear for a man of his obviously advanced years. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I was asleep here, and I awoke to hear somebody mention food." He steps forward, sure-footed over the broken rubble, "I assure you, I meant no harm." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- He is unarmed and I sense no powers about him, Dorian assures under his breath to the group. Taking in a deep breath, he awaits the inevitable invitation from the rest of his party, though there was hardly time. Perhaps he could speed things up a bit. "We have plenty of food, sir, of that there is no shortage. It is time we are short on, and our business is pressing. Come and eat, but forgive us of our manners if we continue our business....?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Indeed," Cyan replies, standing from her crouch and turning back around. Berd has informed her that the man is alone...and that is all, for she again raises her own, psychic defenses to hold the drake out of her head. Quickly, the bard steps forward to assist the odd-looking elder across the broken ground to their camp, then pauses at viewing his ease of movement. "Please, sir. Come sit." Amber eyes narrow, slightly, but she waves toward their 'camp'. There is no suspicion in her eyes - only appraisal. The man's tattoos, his movements, his clear, bright eyes.... Berd, for his part, lies down flat on the ground, then breathes out a puff of golden, corsucating mist. It floats along the grass before coalescing into a small fire...complete with pit and wood. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "That's most kind of you. Just let me fetch my belongings, such as they are." He steps back, literally, once again navigating the rubble surefootedly, while his eyes move across the faces of the group. From behind the wall comes the sound of clattering of wood and metal, and his voice raised in conversation, "Of course, a traveller like myself doesn't carry much with him, it'd just make moving on too difficult." He reappears, with a heavy-looking pack, bulging at the seams, slung over his left shoulder, and the top part of a lyre projecting above his right. There is a circular wooden shield, two feet in diameter and studded with bronze, on his left arm, and a spear, tipped with the same metal, in his right hand. He walks towards the fire, sniffing at the aroma rising from the plates of bacon, sausage and eggs which have appeared there as if by magic. "The name is Gil, by the way. I see that one of you is a musician." He nods towards Cyan's harp, laying against a rock nearby, still in the case which does nothing to disguise its shape. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Relaxing, at least a little, Jonnee smiles at the stranger. "Gil, eh? Come and have a seat. All we can offer in the way of comfort is cold ground, but at least the food's hot." The old guy seems okay, but there is something about the way he moved across all that broken stone that makes sure Jonnee doesn't stand down all the way. "So, do you often sleep up here?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian measures the stranger's tack and manner with a critical eye, looking unhappy about the whole affair, but speaking with a light and friendly tone. "Cyan," he introduces. "Is our musician and storyteller. She calls her pet there 'Berd'. This is Jonnee, James, Serena, Devlin and I am Dorian. We also have a companion named Aaron, but he is not with us today. You appear well armed, may we know if there is danger about, Gil?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Danger? Gods, I hope not. I'm too hungry to be worrying about fighting just now." replies Gil, with a chuckle. "These are more in the line of what you might call Tools of the Trade. I'm a soldier, and a fine one too, even though I say it myself." "Well... Jonnee, he said your name is? Well, I've never slept in this particular place before. Not really sure where we are even. But I've slept in a lot of places like it over the years. Spent a lot of time wandering from war to war." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "A veteran, yeah?" Jonnee cocks his head to one side, "Got some interesting ink, too, I see. Where'd you get work like that done, Gil?" He shrugs his jacket off and shows the tattoo on his upper arm, "Got a little something myself, somewhere in Las Angelos. Always on the look out for places where I can get quality ink." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan bows when Dorian introduces her, moving to the 'fire' and gathering up some of the sandwiches for the old man. She offers them gladly, now knowing they won't go to waste. Skilled, this one. Very skilled. But old, too - seeming far past his fighting years, and yet...not by his words, in any case. So for now, she stays silent, waiting to see what he will do, what he will say to Jonnee. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin nods a greeting to Gil when introduced by Dorian, but says nothing. Instead he moves toward the edge of what now seems to be their camp. Moving slowly about the perimeter, his head tilted, he listens closely to the surrounding country side, he sniffs the air. He could watch the perimeter of the camp better as... yet he does not want to reviel that, at least not at this moment. And there might be trouble if he disappeared into the forest and then some animal appeared in camp. Devlin tries to imagine the sudden uproar that might cause... So instead he simply listens and sniffs the air, glancing at the others and Gil every now and then and wonders what will happen next. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Gil, looks at the tattoo on Jonnee's arm, then returns his attention to his breakfast, with a slight shrug. "What's it mean though?" he asks, his mouth full. Then he swallows before continuing. He puts the food down next to him, then tugs the neck of his robe down. There is a bare patch of skin, just below the collarbone, above his heart, perhaps five inches across. All around it are more of the interlocking rings. "The rings tell of my life. Every one of them represents a war that I survived. Not a battle mind you, but an entire war. They cover my whole hide, except for this patch here. I don't remember why I took the first, nor how many wars I'd fought before I thought to record them, nor even how old I am." "You'll see no scars though. Not old ones anyway. They heal up, over time, and eventually I forget the wars themselves. I just know that I get a new tattoo after every one." He covers the exposed skin again and returns to his meal, "Maybe when I've covered even that last patch of skin, it'll be time for me to die?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian's eyes and thoughts are distant for a moment. There was something he'd begun to suspect a few moments ago, and this last bit solidified his suspicion even more, like the mortar drying in a brick wall. "For a man to participate in and survive so many wars he would have to live an extraordinary long time. I know, for I have seen more than I can remember, myself. Your hair and beard gives you the appearance of one who was seen many years; but your movement and eyes are full of youth. So, warrior, might I as exactly how old you are and from where you originally come?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Like I said, my memory doesn't go back that far. I don't know how old I am." The old man anwers Dorian's question, his face growing thoughtful and his eyes seeming to peer back into his past, "But I remember fighting in a war that lasted over a hundred years. It didn't just seem like it did. They all seem to last that long when you're in them, but this one really was over a century long." "And that was more than... five... no... six hundred years ago." He chuckles suddenly, breaking out of his reflection and growing more cheerful, "Get on a battlefield, and most soldiers are scared to die. Me, I'd love to. It's the one thing in war I've never experienced." "And, before anybody asks, no, I can't just walk out onto the field and let myself get killed by the first green recruit I meet. I'm a craftsman, of sorts. I take pride in my work." This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 22:45, Mon 23 May 2005. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan swallows. Hundreds of years of war. Perhaps thousands. Over and over and over again. She glances at Dorian, at his admission of much the same, and pictures him suddenly, standing at the rear of an army upon a high hill, looking down on shifting sands as his disciplined forces clash with a howling mob of yellow-skinned, fanged beings sporting shining armor and bright spears. And all of this under a blood-red sky, violet jags of lightning striking from burning black cloud to cloud. In the vision, the dark-cloaked man whispers orders to his aids who send forth the signals with flashing lamps, while their commander turns to speak words of power swallowed up by the wind, focusing his will upon the enemy far below.... A blink of topaz eyes. The vision vanishes. She stares suspiciously at Berd for a moment, but no - he watches the stranger. Probably just her imagination, as usual. These people, these immortals, they see everything pass. The good, the bad, cycling over and over again...no wonder some of them care for only themselves, as I have heard of the Lords of Order. How does one keep altruism alive when century upon century of watching the same things happen, good and bad, batters it down? Dorian, silently awaiting answer, with them but apart. An Emperor, all alone. What have centuries of watching death, abandonment, and betrayal taught? To reach out? Or to build even more walls between himself and others? To let go, or hold what he gains in an iron fist? To do what he thinks is right, believing it to be so beyond what others say? Serena, the confident healer, she considers next. A fine healer, a good woman. Will she remain so? Or will she become hard inside, like her mother? Will she grow weary of healing the same wounds, brought about by the same stupidity, endlessly? Will she walk away from her path, turn her skills to a darker bent? Jonnee, their laughing wild card, to be flipped for killing. Happy, carefree, and with a savage, terrible side...but I have seen that happiness diminished. Kalika's death. He will see more deaths, of those few for which he holds care. If he lives long enough, from those tattoos, will the savage, terrible side be all that is left? Aaron, too, though their former leader is not here. I have already seen Aaron change, and though some is for the better, he has lost much of his brightness. Sombre, now. Weight of responsibility lies heavy on him, shadows his eyes, puts lines on his brow. Will he grow stronger, like the oak, only to break under the hurricane? Her eyes fall on James, a young soldier with old eyes. Yes, young, by his words. And one, terrible war almost shattered his spirit. He is not the sort to back from his duty - how many more? Will he break under them, finally? Or will they deposit grey pieces on the bone of his spirit, calcifying it to strengthen it, and cruch him to coldness? Like Dorian. This aged, master of secrets. This self-deposed dictator and warlord, who now cloaks himself in shadows and ice. Around the circle to James, and that leads back to Dorian...one of James' possible futures, in her eyes. There are more similarities between the two than she had suspected. The bard shivers. Perhaps it is best that we die, we, the 'shadows' of the Myriad Worlds. "I grieve for your loss of memory," Cyan speaks plainly, sadness in her voice, "though it is possibly a blessing. You are a Walker, then? You can move through the Myriad Worlds? Or were all of your battles here, upon this world?" It might sound crazy to simply blurt this out, but Cyan suspects that anyone who could last this long, live this long cannot simply be the result of a sorcerous curse. For his part, Berd's eyes sharpen slightly, narrowing as he studies the man. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "What are the Myriad Worlds? What do you mean by Walker?" Gil looks genuinely puzzled. Frowning. And then his face fills with comprehension, "Ah, now, I think I grasp your meaning! I have been to very many places in this world, and often, if I return to them, they have changed dramatically in the space of just a few years. I have sometimes joked with others that it is almost as if the world is not the same one as when I was last there." He smiles at his joke, and then the smile fades, "Sometimes wars that I fought in barely forty or fifty years earlier are not mentioned in the history books, and the weapons I carry are regarded as strange, or suddenly stop working." "Are you telling me that the world really isn't the same one?" "You aren't joking, are you?" A palpable gloom seems to settle around the man then, and he sets his breakfast aside and stares into the fire. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Yes, well, that was a little bit more sudden of a revelation than I intended," he gives Cyan a hard glance. "But, yes, you have grasped the fundamental truth of it. Most people don't live as long as you, I'm sure you've noticed, and they certainly don't walk between worlds. You might understand better if you think of the worlds or universes, as sheets of paper in a book-- and some people have the ability to move sideways from page to page, where most can only move about their own page. Interestingly, the pages nearest are always very similar, but if you travel far enough you're in an enirely different place. In addition, as you might well guess, the rules are different in different worlds. Time travels at different rates, technology may work different, and so forth. We are sorry to break it to you thus, but it is the truth. There is much more we could tell you, but that is a fair introduction to swallow, I think." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Every ring represents a WAR! There must be hundreds of them. Maybe thousands. Just how old is Gil? Jonnee is stunned. The man must be truly ancient, and it seems he can walk between worlds. That, to Jonnee's way of thinking at least, can mean only one thing. "Gil. Have you ever been to a city called Amber? Big city, between the base of a mountain and the ocean." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena had been struck dumb by the concept that every ring Gil wore was a symbol of a war he had survived. There were so many of them. Gil must be extremely well trained in the art of warfare and tactics Serena mused. Serena wondered who it was who trained him and decided now was as good a time as any to ask. "Gil, I know your memory is frgamentary but do you have any meries of who trained you in warfare. Do the names Benedict,Eric, or Corwin ring any bells with you? Perhaps you came acros them in your travels?" Serena asked rather softly. It would be a stretch that he would have come across any of them However,not an imppossibility. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan listens to the others speak, and nods, slowly, an abashed expression crossing her face. "My apologies," the bard says quietly. Always letting your tongue run away with you. No wonder they have treated you like a child in the past. Information comes then, and she turns and looks at Berd, her emerald eyes hard; they soften for a moment, and she nods again. "I believe I can answer your question, Serena, as well as shed some possible light upon our friend's strengths. Answers, as always, lead to more questions...Gil, I am sorry, but you have a strong memory within you. I know not if you are aware of it. It is of you in recovery from some injury. Blood is being exchanged between yourself and another man, who speaks with you - you seem to have been shield-brothers, in some battle." She gives Serena a glance, and then Jonnee. "I have met few of the Lords of Amber, but those I have met I shall not forget. The man who gave of himself to save Gil...that man was Prince Benedict of Amber. No doubt some of his strength came with the blood - not skill, for that is a learned thing, but the longevity? Might that be possible?" Slowly, she moves to sit down beside Gil, not far but not entering his space. "It is a hard thing to realize, is it not? That there are worlds other than your own, and that you have unwittingly stumbled between them? I am sorry. And while you have the capacity to do so again, perhaps at will, with practice...I fear that world may have passed you by. You are older, Gil. Things will have changed." Her eyes are downcast. "You will need to find a new place in the Myriad Worlds. Either you will settle, somewhere, or you will become a World Walker, much as we are." She shoots a narrow-eyed glance at Berd. When she speaks, her voice is wintery. "You might consider giving our guest the courtesy of privacy, Berd." The drake stares back at her for a long moment, a wisp of rainbow smoke rising from his snout, then curls up on his rock and stares at the fire. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "That's the problem. I remember hundreds of Bens and Benjamins and variations on that theme. Same with Erics and Corwins, though less of the Corwins. All of them are people I met in the last five... six... seven centuries even. Beyond that things get hazy, harder to recall." Gil shrugs, his expression still downcast. "It's like... like my brain is a chest, filled with stuff, and the newest stuff is at the top. The older stuff is buried, some of it is crushed by what's on top of it, and unless I know exactly what I'm looking for, and where it might be... well it's hard to find." He reaches for the spear, where it lays beside him, and starts to run his thumb along the bronze edge, testing its sharpness. Absently he takes a whetstone from a pouch hanging from a cord around his waist, and starts to hone the weapon. "My memory is good for maybe three hundred years. Back as far as five I can remember important stuff, like the names of close friends. Beyond that, it gets fainter and fainter and more jumbled." "I certainly don't remember any transfusion, or a city called Amber, or anything over nine hundred years past. About nine centuries ago I lost half of my left hand to a thumb-sized bullet fired by a man from a country whose name I don't recall. I can remember the injury, though. Things like that make an impression. Both my arms, and both legs were already covered with rings at that time." "I tried keeping a journal, but I lost it three times. Or was it four? The last time, it amounted to one hundred and thirty years' worth of notes and observations. There was a sneak attack, I couldn't afford to try and carry a trunk full of books away, and the camp got burned. Napalm doesn't leave much." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian sits and releases a long, deep sigh. His eyes grow distant as he remembers his own memories or such things. Certainly, his own memories didn't go back so far that he lost track of everything, but he could tell it would happen sooner or later. "Concerning memories, I may be able to help in some small way, Gil. I am a sorcerer, and I specialize in the mind. It's your choice, but I make the offer to you. I would need access to your mind, then I could try to bring forth some memories and fortify them so they don't fade so easily." There were more pressing matters, of course. It seemed quite a coincidence that they would run into another world walker, here, one who had--through whatever means-- the blood of Amber in their veins. "But, the more pressing issue is, what now? As Cyan says, you could settle down somewhere, we could teach what we know in the short time we have, perhaps. You could continue to wander from war to war-- or...." He paused to look around the group, knowing he was getting ahead of what they discussed. They were without a leader now, though. Someone needed to take some initiative. "There is a much bigger war, and it is the war in which we fight, and we could use the help of one so skilled and experienced as yourself. We would present to you all the details we know of the war, but suffice it to say our enemy seeks to destroy and transform all the worlds there are-- so that all you know, all you've forgotten, will no longer exist. Along the way, or perhaps after, there may be opportunity to reuinite you with Benedict and show you a place, or places, where others like yourself exist. Others, who also live a long time and who maybe could give you more of a challenge at arms, in practice and training-- if they agreed to it." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- "Dorian, you and I think alike. I was just about to offer to help bring Gil's memories back as well through Sorcery and mindhealing techniques I know. So, Gil there are two of us who can do that for you if you wish." Serena said part in offer and partially because she had just been about to offer herself. " Dorian is correct in saying we have connections to Benedict of Amber. I for one was trained by him myself as he is my Uncle. We could certainly use your expertise in the battle we face. If youw ish to got with us I for one would be willing to tell you whatI am capable of , and I believe the others would as well." Serena said all of this with a smile and in her soft way of speaking. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Some of the words of the stranger, Gil, are confusing to Cyan. Bullets, she understands, but what is Napalm? After her first, embarassing gaff, she is unwilling to leap in again. Besides, Serena and Dorian seem to have the situation well in hand - Serena offering to open up, Dorian the stabilizing, cautious force for the group. Since this looks to take some time, the bard fishes around in her pack, coming out with her large sketchbook and case of pens and inks. Fitting together a fountain pen, she flips open the book and begins to work, immediately, on a new sketch. Angular cheekbones...dark, brooding eyes...a hint of a sardonic smile...the lines begin to take form with breakneck speed. Dorian. On the other side of the 'camp', Berd's head comes up, but the bard shoots him a quick, sapphire glance, and he settles down again, looking miffed. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- "Well, I admit it'd be nice to at least remember something about where I came from." Setting the spear aside, Gil rolls his sleeve up and studies the rings there for a long moment. "I've often wondered about just how old I am. Judging from the rings, and making a rough guess based on how fast I've been covered by them in the time I can remember, I've thought maybe twenty or thirty centuries. But it seems as though there have been a lot more wars in recent times, and I don't know how old I was when I first started keeping count... so maybe forty or fifty?" "I thought that perhaps the mind can only contain so many memories, and when it fills up the older ones get pushed to the back, and finally lost for ever. From what Cyan, there, just told me, it now seems that might not be true." "So it comes down to this: do I want to remember everything I've seen? All the people I met who I'll never see again? The places I've been that are long gone?" A sigh, and the warrior rises and walks away from the fire, seeming almost to dance up onto a nearby boulder, he looks out across the valley, sniffing the air as he watches the birds swoop and dart in the morning light. "In a thousand years, nobody will remember this morning." he says over his shoulder, "The way the sun plays on the mist in the vale. The gleam from the river in the places where the mist is breaking. The birds." "All will be gone. If a war or two rolls through here, then even the river might be gone. Even if that doesn't happen, nobody will remember what it looked like today. It won't even matter to anybody." "In Heldrumaar there is a soldier's chapel in the citadel. Inside is a monument dedicated to The Unknown Warrior. Beneath it are the remains of a man who died in battle, and was never identified. When I was there, I would go to the chapel, and wonder if that unknown warrior was somebody I had fought beside long ago." Hopping down from his perch, he strides back to the fire. "It will be good if somebody remembers all the unknown warriors." "Do it, do what you must to help me remember." "As for joining this war, I believe I will side with your cause, at least for a while, since you seem to be good folk. And it's not as if I have anything better to do with my time." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James flashed a grateful smile at Serena. He had known the treatment would not be of the conventional kind, but this was amazing, the pain was simply gone. He stretches from side to side, gingerly at first, then with more vigour as he tests the limits of his movement. Good as new James marvels. James then turns his attention to Gil. There is a lot to learn. Veteran of maybe a thousand wars over four thousand years or more. Blood-brother to the peerless Benedict. Wielder of bronze spear and shield in wars that featured bullets and napalm. He may be further from home than he realises. In all likelihood the memory of home is lost to Gil. Maybe Dorian or Serena can bring it back. James is surprised at Dorian. Gil would certainly be a valuable companion but it seems most unlike Dorian for him to be so accommodating to a stranger. The word napalm brings back uncomfortable memories for James. He remembered watching the snub-nose, cylindrical cannisters falling. The dull thud of the explosive charge, the crackle as flames roared through the trees and the thin-walled huts of the village with equal ease and then the screams of the people burning, those who hadn't made it far enough into the safety of the jungle. Rolling in the dirt to try and extinguish flames that wouldn't go out. From his concealed position James delivered the mercy of oblivion as best he could using his sniper rifle until his CO threatened him with disciplinary action for wasting ammunition. Then there was nothing for it but to watch them burn. James realises something. Where there should be a common bond between soldiers, Gil's past fills him only with disgust. That a man could fight in so many wars, kill so many people and not seek a better way fills James with a disappointment so deep it borders on loathing. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena had returned James' smile with one of her own. It was alwaysa pleasure to take away someon else's pain. So long, as it was easy things such as broken rbs it did not even begin to tax her energy either. Serena listened carefully to everything Gil said. As he spoke about how eventually they too would be not even a memory in someone's mind brought about an odd feeling of mortality. It wasn't as though Serena thought she would live forever, but having it put in such a way was rather depressing. Serena also began to wonder if a trip down memory lane with Gil might very wll be a nightmare for whomever took him through it." Dorian, you offered first so if you wish to help Gil recover his memories that is fine. Otherwise I will do it." Serena had almost offered to work in concert with Dorian. However, she had the feeling that he not only would have turned her down. he would have done so abruptly and a bit rudely. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin has been listening quietly to the conversations. Gil says something about writing everything down and keeoing notes so that he could remember things. I few moments later Devlin speaks, it's hard to tell if he is talking to someone else or simply talking out loud to himself, "Good idea, keep a record. If I can find someplace safe in the univ... no multi, yes, multiverse. Find a safe ploace to store the record, don't want to be carrying around a ton of little books." Devlin then goes back to listening to the surounding countryside and sniffing at the air. The group he has found, well, though he's interested... he is a newcomer, only barely understand what is going on. Then he thinks about that thing that Dorian showed them all, the Underflow he called it. Devlin carefully reaches out, following the path shown by the other dark man. With his mind Devlin begins to study that Underflow. So this is where the power comes from. He decides that he will have to study this, perhaps he can use it to extend his own abilities. Perhaps to become smaller, or larger, now that would be interesting. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "No, Serena, it is my mind that you may need to rescue, if this doesn't go well. Now, Gil, this will take some time. For both of our safety, you'll take a nice nap and have some dreams of the old times. We should both get comfortable...." Dorian looks around to the group with a grim expression, "This will take some time. Some quiet is best. And whatever happens, please don't interfere... I will be deep in trance and unaware of my surroundings. Any interference could be perceived as hostile, since my own memories might be a bit confused...." He says this last part with a dismissive shrug, as if he does this often. Dorian and Gil find a quiet place away from the group and sit down, getting ready and begin... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan glances up, studying Dorian for a long moment. "I wonder..." she begins, then frowns. Her eyes snap to Berd. "I told you, I wish to be alone." Frowning, the bard goes back to her work on Dorian's sketch, then looks up again when Devlin speaks. "I suppose I am fortunate - I keep my record up here," she states, tapping her temple, then muttering a curse when she realizes the pen is still in her hand. Rubbing the black spot with some irritation, Cyan shrugs. "I expect it will never become 'full'." Is that what happened with Berd? No. He...fought something. Perhaps the Broken God was what destroyed his memory. Or could it have been something else? How many things has he battled? How many creatures has he killed? Has he...murdered before? As he did with Jadus? Feeling ill, continues work with the sketch. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Gil says nothing more. Instead he simply nods and settles himself on the ground in front of Dorian. Within a minute his eyes close and his head nods forward. He looks to be asleep, as does Dorian. Serena sits nearby, watching over both of them with an expression of mild concern on her features. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Finishing his share of breakfast, plus anything that nobody else wants. Jonnee stands and stretches. Nearby, Hunter glares at him then gobbles down whatever it is that he's found to eat in the grass. Jonnee tips his head to one side and looks at the wolf, "What's the matter? Kalika never taught you to share?" His face falls as he remembers that Kalika is long dead, of old age. It was Kalika who had first showed concern for him when he realised that he had been tricked into trying to kill Merlin two years ago. It was Kalika who had been his first friend in the new world he found himself trapped in. He turns his back on the others and starts to walk towards the ruins. "I'm going to scope out the fort. If you need me, just yell." he says, his tone subdued. "Hunter, here fella!" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin studies the world around him, and finds it pleasant enough; unspoiled and fresh, though the fort seems to indicate the presence of people somewhere nearby, at least at some point in the past. James tests his newly-healed ribs, and finds not the slightest sign that they were ever injured. Serena and Dorian continue their work on Gil's memories. The two men sit facing each other, almost close enough to touch, while Serena sits to one side, where she can observe them both. Cyan sketches Dorian, his face appearing on the page, so detailed and precise that it looks as if the eyes might blink at any moment. From time to time she gives Berd an annoyed glance, but the drake ignores her for the most part. Jonnee and Hunter disappear into the ruins of the fortress, lost from sight almost immediately, though Jonnee's voice occasionally carries back to the camp as he calls to the wolf. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd, rolling over on his back, suddenly sits up and stares at the sky. He studies it for a long moment, then makes a slight, nodding motion of his head. Then he curls up again on the rock, eyes glittering, as Cyan blinks a few times, staring out at the horizon with sapphire eyes. Then she goes back to work, switching from the sketch of Dorian to the earlier one of James. That one is next on her list, and the coloured inks come out now. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James finds himself idle. Looking around and seeing nothing that needed his immediate attention, James finds a suitable spot and sits in the grass, legs stretched full length before him and back resting comfortably against a rock. It was an army thing, but it was also common sense. Rest when you get the chance because you never know when the next chance will be. For all that, James doesn't close his eyes or go to sleep. With the rest of the group otherwise occupied, James' 'resting' spot was chosen so as to give the best possible view of the surrounding area. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian looks almost peacefully at rest for a moment. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd half closes his eyes, considering. Then he yawns, crackingly. Cyan's fingers clench, knuckles white, for a moment; then she relaxes and continues to colour, pen dipping into the inkwells and coming out again to move with quick, deft motions, across the paper. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian shifts for a moment, folding his arms across his body. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- A cluster of the fast-moving birds hurtle through the camp, only inches above the ground, shrieking as they weave around people and things, then circle the fire twice before darting upwards again. Berd's eyes gleam like gems as he observes that their flight is precisely chaotic. The individual birds move at random within the group, crossing each other's paths at wildly different speeds and angles, and yet the group as a whole follows a single course. This is similar to the group that Berd and Cyan are part of, at the moment, he notes; divergent courses, convergent purpose. Where the entire metaphor starts to break down, of course, is that none of the birds ever seem to collide or impede another's progress. The drake sighs. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- For a long moment, Berd continues to survey the flying creatures. Then he rolls over, stares at Cyan for a moment, and then looks at Dorian briefly. A glance to Serene, beside them, James sitting down and relaxing (sort of). His eyes unfocus, looking in on Jonnee and Hunter, before falling on Devlin, standing at the edge of the group, as always. And who knows where Aaron might be? Cyan, for her part, slowly raises her eyes up, staring after Jonnee, a sad expression on her face. The young man is still hurting, and she understands. All too well. He will likely hurt for a long, long time. Yawning, Berd snaps his mouth shut with a click. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee wanders through the ruins, peering into gaps in the rubble that might once have been doors and windows, climbing to the tops of crumbling walls, and generally exploring in a disorganised fashion. He takes his time, the others will call for him when they want him and, right now, Hunter's company is what he needs. Peace and quiet, without complete solitude. The birds remind him of home. But then, from what he's seen, similar birds exist on countless numbers of Shad- the Myriad Worlds, he corrects himself, with a wry smile. Cyan's way of thinking is infectious. "Hey, Hunter! Catch up, willya? I - " he stops and looks back at the wolf, but Hunter's attention is fixed firmly on a pit, maybe a well at one time. Jonnee approaches cautiously, "What is it, fella? What you found?" He looks into the pit. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- From the valley, where the mist is starting to burn away as the sun climbs higher, comes a distant trumpetting. It is repeated, from somewhere closer, and then again, still closer. A stand of trees in the valley bed, their tops rising above the ground mist, suddenly start to shake and thrash as the sun rises high enough to touch them... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan shivers, once, glancing around in confusion. Walked over my grave.... Putting away her inks, she stands, stretching, not feeling comfortable where she sits anymore. In the distance, Jonnee is speaking to Hunter... Then the trumpeting. The shaking of the trees. The bard turns toward Gil and Dorian, Serena sitting nearby, a question on her lips. It dies when she sees all three are ensconced in their task. "Wonderful," Cyan whispers, turning toward Devlin and James. "Something comes - I know not what, nor if it holds danger for us, but we should be prepared. Jonnee?" She cries, raising her voice. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin turns to look the way Cyan is looking, And listening to the trumpeting and the watching the shaking of the trees. "Must be big if it can shake the treetops like that." He comments, but remains calm as he focusses his eyes on the furthest point that can be seen just this side of the fog and waits to see what emerges. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee emerges from the ruin, almost before Cyan has finished calling his name. He stumbles over the rubble, sprawling onto the turf outside the walls, and half-crawls his way towards the camp until he finally gets his feet back under him. "Serena! Dorian! Get away from Gil!" He glances at Cyan, James and Devlin, their attention on the valley below. His eyes are wide, the pupils dilated to the point where they are almost perfectly circular. His hands shake. "What?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- At the commotion from the valley below, James rises smoothly to his feet and walks over to where Cyan and Devlin are discussing the phenomenon. "It seems it's coming this way, whatever it is. We may need to find a way to divert it around Dorian, Serena and Gil." Then Jonnee emerges from the ruin, falling over himself in his haste. James notes his shouted warning and the state of his eyes and hands. Shaking's gotta be worse than itching. In an instant Fangmir is drawn and James is moving at a flat-out run towards Serena and Dorian. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Very large," Cyan breathes, nodding slightly. "We need to-" "Serena! Dorian! Get away from Gil!" Jonnee's cry sparks the redhead into a twisting turn, pale amber eyes flicking to light upon the trio, towards whom James now sprints. A curse, in a fluid, Eldar tongue, falls from her lips, and she kicks off after him, covering ground in long strides, heading after the man, Kirilindë still sheathed in her left hand. It's possible he can safeguard both of them. But perhaps not, and perhaps he will need someone to 'cover' him, as she has heard the terms used. Berd, for his part, seems to suddenly awaken out of whatever daze into which he had fallen. His head snaps up, toward the shaking treetops, and his attention suddenly divides. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee looks towards Berd, then to James and, finally, to Gil. "There's a body, been dumped down a hole back there, it's looks exactly like him." A flicker of motion, and the young man is armed. "I don't know what's going on here, but I don't like the feel of it." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Something massive rears from the mist, an animal of some sort. It snatches a mouthful of foliage, huge paws resting against the branches and the tree quivers once more. Then the trumpetting sounds again, off in the distance, and the creature stops feeding long enough to answer in kind, before dropping back to all fours and vanishing back into the fog. The mist swirls, and another of the beasts steps out into the sunshine, followed by a third, half its size, close behind it. Then more of them. They are grey, and of about the same size as elephants, but there the resemblance ends. They have long tails, held stifly behind them, and tipped with a cluster of spines. Their bodies are covered with plates of armour and stubby horns. They pause, just outside the mist, until the last one joins them, bigger than any of the others, and the whole herd starts to feed on the brush and grass of the meadow. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd's eyes dim at the sight of the animals, and his head bows in relief. A quick, mental image flickers through the aether, dropped off at the front porch of the mental defenses of the group. An image of deer, moving through the predawn light, to a meadow where they can quietly consume tender, young vegetation. Animals...nothing more. And herbivores, to boot. Likely safe, if not angered. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- "Herd Beasts," Says Devlin uder his breath and then turns toward where Serena is watching over Dorien as he works on Gil's memory. Jonnee saying something about a body in a hole that looks like this Gil. If this man has really been in as many wars as he claims then Devlin does not likely stand a chance, but still he takes the steps needed to move the distance to where Serena sits. As he does so the gauntlet on his right arm flows and changes until he is holding an ebony blade. Arriving he takes Serena by the arm and as gently as possible, but as forcably as necessary, stands Serena up and pulls her back so that he is standing in front of her, blade pointed at whatever it is that's pretending to be Gil. Now what! he thinks. He has no idea what it is that Dorien is doing in it's mind and what would happen if he did more. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- In his relaxed state, Dorian's mouth draws into a slow, tight-lipped smirk. His eyes remain closed and his body unmoving. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Gil begins to stir, and then relaxes again, his breathing steady and slow. The behemoths in the valley are happily browsing, except the largest, which spends a lot of time watching the valley in both directions, occasionally reponding to the trumpet calls from neighbouring groups. Hunter stands where he can see them, his tail wagging slowly as he gazes at the creatures. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian's finger twitches. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- Seeing Devlin pulling Serena clear, James changes direction slightly and stops alongside Dorian. Bending over next to the sorceror, James pauses for an instant, he is not sure whether it is more dangerous to leave Dorian unwarned or to risk breaking his concentration. James compromises, "Look out Dorian, Gil may not be what he seems." He speaks clearly but does not shout and doesn't try to shake Dorian out of his trance, which was his first impulse. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd, humming quietly, flaps over and lands on Dorian's shoulder, eyes glittering. Cyan stands helplessly by, shifting from foot to foot. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee moves to stand behind Gil. His blades are out, and he is ready in case the older man makes any sudden moves. He catches James' eye. Gil is unarmed, but if he has some of Benny's blood flowing in his veins, then unarmed might not count for much. It's unlikely he'd be able to take down the two of them though, not before Cyan did something about him. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin looks from to James, then Jonnee, and then back at Dorian and the Gil look-a-like, "Now what?" he asks. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Nodding his head almost imperceptibly towards Dorian, and that almost cruel smile, while not taking his eyes off Gil (that name will do, for now, until a better one comes along) Jonnee answers Devlin's question. "We wait." he smiles, though his smile is neither so confident, nor so cruel-seeming, "Until we find out what Dorian thinks is so damned funny." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian and Gil sit almost entirely motionless,seemingly unaware, while around them the tension rises. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian stirs and then sits up, with a sigh. "Interesting," he muses. "This is the real Gil, by the way. Apparently, this is the fifth doppleganger of himself he's killed, that he can remember. Someone, somewhere, seems quite intent on seeing him replaced with a fake, for some reason. Perhaps the doppleganger's body will give us some clue...." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin sighs, noisily, it's almost a growl, and he shakes his head his eyes roll upwards. Devlin turns toward Serena and as he does so the sword begins to melt towards his arm as it slowly begins to form into the gauntlet once again. "I appologize for pulling you away as I did." he says to Serena and bows his head slightly. Then turning to Jonnee, "Why don't you show us this body you've found. Maybe we can find out what it really is." "Gil," Devlin says turning to the warior, "How long has this... doppleganger... How long ago did you kill it?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Just last evening," Dorian replies with another sly smirk. "And Gil can't respond right now, he's rather tied up at the moment, until we sort this out." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "Sure, no problem. This way." Jonnee turns away, moving back into the fortress ruins, crossing broken stone without Gil's sure footed skill. Deeper into the maze of tumbled walls he walks, Hunter following close on his heels. Finally he reaches a pit, perhaps some ancient well, partly choked with rubble. About twenty feet down is a body. It looks like Gil, but is missing the skinwork. There is a wide gash across the belly, and a deep wound in the chest, just about where the heart would be. Blood has crusted on his clothing, which is similar to the simple robe worn by the other Gil, but in better overall condition. "Looks like Gil really did a number on him. Must've been one-sided too, since Gil, the other Gil, has no wounds." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James follows Jonnee through the rubble and the ruins to the pit. Peering down he surveys the remains of the doppelganger. Gil gets no points for style but a high distinction for brutal efficiency. "Yes, one-sided and quick too, assuming that creature has a similar anatomy to ours. A simple belly wound to incapacitate followed up by an accurate heart strike to finish. Gil doesn't mess around. A lot of force would be required to cause that gash with a spearhead." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin also follows Jonnee up through the rubble to the pit where the duplicate Gill lays rotting. "I wouldn't mind examining him... it... if we can. Though its probably been dead for to long for me to discover anything, I'd like to see if I can tell what its supposed to look like." He looks at the pit again. "Any way we can bring it up here or am I going to have to go down there to examine it?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee looks down the well, paying attention the stonework of the walls, "I can climb that, no worries." He sits on the ground and starts to unlace his boots. "I used to do the odd burglary when I was a kid, got pretty good at climbing walls. I'll need a rope, or a strap, or something so I can tie him - it - to me. Ah - no probs, I can use my belt." Removing his boots and socks, he then stands and goes to the edge. "Back in a minute. he says, with a wink to Cyan, "Try not to miss me too much, Babe." Then he's gone, over the rim, and down. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee makes it to the bottom of the pit in one piece, and once there he removes his belt. He binds the corpse's wrists together, ensures they are secure, and manouvers it onto his back so that the arms pass over his right shoulder and under his left arm. Then he starts to climb again. Although weaker than many of the others, he's still far stronger than a typical Shadow dweller, thanks to his not-quite-human heritage. He climbs steadily, if slowly, and makes the top soon enough, dumping the body on the grassy earth. Untying the wrists, he moves aside to get dressed and give the others a little room. Close up the body doesn't look any better. It looks as though the belly wound would have killed him anyway, but given that such injuries often result in lingering deaths, the strike to the heart was possibly a mercy. The condition of the corpse seems consistent with it having met its demise within the last day or so. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan, from her vantage point half-way between the group around the pit and the small group around Dorian, grins at Jonnee's sally. "The burglar attempts to steal hearts, as well," she notes, the growing light dancing in her amethyst eyes. "I shall have to guard mine carefully." Guarding... With a frown, Cyan tugs her attention back to the other group, and takes a few, quick steps closer, coming within ten feet of Gil. Her sword is in hand, but not drawn. Not yet. Quite the rogue, that one. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Crouching low over the body, Jonnee starts to feel the ribs, then gently probes the edges of the two injuries, pulling the gut wound open to look inside, then finally opening the mouth. He runs a finger around the inside, lips moving silently. He straightens up. "I'm no expert, but he looks human enough. Right number of teeth and everything. That proves nothing though, because I don't have the right number. Not for human anyways, So unless we check Gil One over, we won't know what's right and what isn't." "His innards look normal enough though." "Oh, and Gil managed to seriously screw up three of his ribs when he punched that pig sticker of his in. I think he busted one, more like shattered it, then the shape of the tip snapped the ones on each side as it forced its way in." Jonnee shrugs, frowning, "Not sure I want to mess with him, after seeing this." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin kneels down beside the body, studying it with his head tilted. "Like I said, I don't know if this will work. It may be too long dead." Saying that Devlin places one hand on the corpse. His eys stare forward and look as if he's looking at something no one else can see. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Gill will continue to be out of touch, for now. Truthfully, he is in a near-dead state, much like those who enter deep meditation. I made sure to lock him down pretty tight when I heard the warning, just in case. He may be strong in body, but his mind is nothing more than human." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena had followed the others to the pit and listened as they spoke of the doppleganger of Gil in the pit. Serena was also trying to recall all that she could about what different members of her family had said about doppleganger's. As Devlin approached to check out the dead dopleganger Serena stepped close enough so that if whatever he was doing back fired she would be ready and prepared to assist himin any way possible. At the same time she kept one ear on the continuing conversations but did not volunteer anything at this time. Serena wanted to see what Devlin found out and to make sure he was all right before she voiced her own opinions. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Gil is as motionless as the corpse, though somewhat warmer, and Dorian is able to relax his own vigilance somewhat. Below, the great reptiles continue to feed and call to their neighbours, while staying near the fringe of the gradually clearing mist. All of them, especially the largest, seem wary. They frequently raise their heads to observe their surroundings, and then return to their grazing. Meanwhile attempts are made to persuaded the cadaver to give up at least a few of its secrets... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Something is wrong." Cyan moves a little away from Gil, trusting in Dorian's mental power, and watches the animals. "Something is very wrong. The animals are disturbed. Watch their movements." A number of emotions dance through her emerald eyes, and her mouth twists. "Berd?" she asks, reluctantly. The little dragon flits through the air to land, carefully, on her shoulder, perching on the end of it instead of near her neck. Slowly, Berd sniffs the air, his sparkling eyes raking the heavy growth below, and then turning up to survey the skies. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Nothing happens and Devlin stands. "I could find out little. Either this is the creatures true form or it is too long dead." He turns to look at the others. "Or perhaps it is as simple as our friend down there happening to stumble upon his double in this world. Not knowing he can move from world to world perhaps he only thought it some creature capable of taking his form." Devlin then looks down below where the others are standing around the still form of the other Gil, "I could try the same with the living one. In his current condition I doubt he could resist. That is if I even have the power to discover his true form. This is actually new to me. I can feel the form of a creature in order to assume that form, I just do not know if I can discover a shape changer's true form." His head tilts to the side, "It seems like a reasonable assumption." Then he shrugs. He heard Cyan's words, she seems to be worried about something that the big heard beasts might be leary of. "Should we return to the others? Or does anyone else have any ideas?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "I think you might have hit on it there." Jonnee speaks up, regarding Devlin with his head cocked to one side. "Cain once told me how he faked his own death by finding a copy of himself out in Shadow. He told me that when an Amberite, and by that I mean one of the royalty, spends time in a place, they start making reflections." "Now if Gil's been wandering about these parts for a few hundred years, with Benny's blood in his veins, then maybe he has reflections too? That blood might've made him a sort of honorary prince of Amber." "We need to take a look at him though." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Knowing Berd was more than capable of sensing any nearby danger, Dorian remains focused on his task with Gil. "I hadn't thought of that," he muses. "I'll examine his memories, to see if we can learn more about the encounters." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- With the body seemingly devoid of any dark and sinister secrets, and steadfastly refusing to return to life and attempt to murder anybody, attention returns to Gil... Hunter follows the others back to the camp, and goes back to studying the animals in the valley. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Yes," Dorian sighs. "Merely an unfortunate encounter, it seems." He walked over and sat himself down beside Gil again, looking the body over. "The conversation happened about like you would imagine it, I suppose. Surprise, suspicion, heated debates-- Gil does have a bit of a temper and it seems his other did as well. Gil was merely asking, perhaps demanding, answers from the other, while the other was accusing Gil of some sort of trickery-- and we can see how it ended." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee sighs at Dorian's words, and shakes his head. "A misunderstanding then? Perfect. If that's the sort of thing that can happen when Gil wants answers, maybe we should think again about taking him with us?" He seats himself near Hunter, watching the dinos, and his expression grows thoughtful, "Talking of which, I think I know where we can find an army, if we need one. When Aaron gets back, I'm going to suggest we go parley with some people who could be a big help to us in a fight." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- "Not a doppelganger then, just a..." James stops himself just before saying Shadow, "Another permutation of Gil." James imagines the likely confrontation between the two Gils. It's easy to see how it would have come to blows. To James, meeting his exact double would most likely be cause for a joke, but it would be disconcerting. "That's good to know Jonnee, but we don't know what, well, I don't know what we would need an army for?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan glances back and forth between James and Jonnee, all the while pondering both the situation and their words. A final glance at where Gil's body lies (from here, she cannot exactly see it), and then a jerk of her shoulder sends Berd up into the air, the dragon leaping off at the same time to flit, higher up into the sky. "Berd senses no predators nearby, for the nonce, which does not mean they are not in evidence - he is not infallible. He will watch with physical eyes. Perhaps the beasts are merely being careful...in which case we should be careful as well." The bard studies the creatures with worried, emerald eyes, considering their size, their apparant power...and wondering exactly what could be such a threat to them. Whatever it is, however large, or numerous, it is a concern for the group as well. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "I know Cyan and Jack used an army on the spider world. Local boys who did pretty good against the Archons. Just thought it might be handy to have an army on call in case we need it." Jonnee tips his head back, his pupils narrowing to slits as he stares at the sky, "Besides, there's something there I want you all to see." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin looks at the herd creatures again, his head tilts to the side as he studies them for a moment. "The seems to act like deer from home, but much larger." A pause here, "I could be wrong but I would say that the largest one is the male of the species. He is watching over his females, and maybe some young. Always cautious whether there is need to be alarmed or not. They could simply smell us and that is what has them concerned." His head tilts the other way, "On the other hand, what could worry a creature of such size. Whatever it is, even if it is not nearby, we should be careful while we are here. The predidors in this place must be rather large." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Gil stirs in his almost-sleep, and a few mumbled words slip pst his almost motionless lips, "...bert said I was... ... but I'm me... " before he drops back below the threshold of quasi-consciousness. Something shaped a little like a child's kite, and about the size of a dinner table, comes over the crest of the hill, and all the birds instantly drop like stones, laying still on the grass. The creature glides past, a sheep-like head regarding the group, with little interest, from the end of a serpentine neck. Then it continues down into the valley and, in it's wake, the birds spring into the air once more. The gargantuan grazers become alert as it approaches them, then dismiss it with almost-scornful snorts. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- At Gil's words, Jonnee is on his feet, and carefully makes sure that the man's weapons are well beyond his reach. "You still got him, Dorian?" Once again, he positions himself behind Gil, with blades readied. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Hmm." Dorian says with a bit of abruptness. 'This seems out of place... a classroom of sorts... sorcery? Give me a moment..." Dorian bends his head in concentration and begins to explore Gil's memories even further. "There is just a lot here... more than I can review all at once...." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd, eyeing the odd-looking creature warily, drops down swiftly to land on his boulder again. Cyan, for herself, keeps a close watch on the floating creature. It may be a small predator who frightens birds. It may be something else. She isn't certain, and so she continues to observe. At Dorian's words, though, she frowns. Sorcery, too? Perhaps. Dorian has not verified that, yet. Shaking her head, she waits for more information, from anyone. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- The strange flying creature circles the herd casually, changing course if one of the grazing giants appears to be getting too close to it. Then the long neck darts out, and the mouth gapes to snatch something out of the air. Then the herd leader turns its head back towards the river, still shrouded in mist, and utters a strange ullulating cry. The flying creature's entire body immediately ripples, waves passing across its kite-like shape, and it climbs and accelerates away from the herd. Berd's head lifts, as a breeze starts to blow from up the valley, tearing the mist into ragged streamers. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan's head snaps up, and she stares toward the mist for a long moment. "No, not yet," the bard whispers, then speaks up. "There are people out there, in the mist on the water. Perhaps they use boats...and there is something else with them. Something dangerous, though not immediately so to us. Perhaps they are hunters, and they have hunting...companions." Biting her lip, Cyan checks Dorian's position with ruby eyes, making certain to be between the two men (he and Dorian) and the possible threat. "Perhaps...they hunt the animals we see." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- From his position behind Gil, Jonnee looks up as Cyan speaks, "Company?" He glances down at Gil again, then back out across the valley, and back to the man. "With any luck they won't stop, but just in case, does somebody want to go give Gil Mk2 a quick burial in the well, just in case they're, like, family or something?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "No, no..." Dorian mutters. "Not sorcery, just some kind of science, I think. Gil spoke to somebody regarding his peculiar life, or rather they questioned him about his close resemblance to a certain legendary warrior. He had explained his life, and they had arranged for him to meet with a friend, a scientist of some sort. Okay, I'm going to wake Gil up, now. I think all is safe as far as he is concerned-- if there is any threat within him, it's beyond my ability to detect, which means we're all dead anyway..." Dorian releases Gil with barely any expression and then stands, looking out into the mist. He notes the others, epecially Cyan had taken up positions around him. It was comforting, in addition to being tactically sound. He knew he fell into the catagory of support personel in a conflict, and that his job was to try to stay clear of a melee. However, it was more than that, there was something more intimate about the automaticness of the reactions the group had formed, the trust. It was odd to him. "We will have to make arrangements later to improve his memory. I wonder how much longer Aaron will be? We should consider establishing shelter and defenses... I could conjure such with a little time, perhaps?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Gil raises his head, eyes swimming into focus, "What? Is that it?" A frown creases his brow, "Doesn't feel any differ... " and then his eyes light on the retreating herd. "What the Hell are those?" Berd's head drops lower, snout pointing towards the still-hidden river, eyes narrowed to lambent slits. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "I suspect you have moved between worlds again, Gil," Cyan says, with a certain sad resignation. "Defenses might be a fine idea, Dorian...to answer Jonnee's question, yes." Her lips twist into a grim smile, and amber eyes flicker in the direction of the youth, before glancing at James, then Devlin. </i>They are quick - they guard Dorian and Serena.</i> Her gaze settles on the silent James for an instant. He has become more withdrawn...and I recall what he said before. No, that clothing does not suit him at all. It weighs poorly upon his spirit. "Dorian...you have the most experience of all of us. What do you make of this? And everyone else, of course," Cyan quickly amends. "I have never seen the like, myself." From Berd flows an invitation to the group, the opportunity to enter into another bridging, mind to mind. To those who join comes a vision, piercing through the mist on the waters of the hidden river. Impressions of huge footprints in the soft mud by the water, men leaping from the boat... the raft... to examine them. A brief glimpse of two somethings caged on the craft, like some bizarre combination of tiger, crocodile and porcupine. And a woman, her face concealed beneath the dark folds of a hooded cloak decorated with numerous odd symbols. The man whose eyes Berd has borrowed, for the moment, seems nervous of her. Not afraid exactly... more like he's worried of making a fool of himself in her presence. Berd's presence focuses upon the woman in an odd fashion, probing. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- Upon arriving back with Gil, James stays close to Dorian. He is not certain of Gil's reaction upon 'release'. Still, it seems Dorian has covered his tracks well, as James expected, there is no hostility at the coercion used. "No different? Well perhaps it will take time. As for those, they seem to be herbivores. Its' the predators we're concerned about." James accepts Berd's invitation. Like those. The hunting beasts are new to me as well. We should think about withdrawing to the ruins. They are defendable and we will be harder to track across the stony ground. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- "If it is a herd of predator's and we can get to a place that is defensible. I can set up an impenetrable shield to keep the creatures away from us." Serena comments as she too tries to get an idea of what they are facing. Serena is also still a bit concerned about Gil entering their group. There is just something about him that makes her distrust the man.It isn't the many warrior badges as Serena knew if her Uncle Benedict chose to do the same he would likely have a large amount of them himself. It was just a slight niggling sensation which she thought she ought to pay attention to and keepone eye on Gil. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "A fine plan," Cyan says in reply to both James and Serena, glancing at them in turn. She doesn't have to keep an eye on the water - Berd is doing quite well at that himself. "Hurry - everyone, take your packs and head for the ruins, but be wary - there may be threats within them. I once visited a world of nothing but dungeons, populated by an unlikely assortment of creatures. The people of the land lived by killing them, and taking their riches..it was horrible." Hefting her own pack, Cyan moves to take up the rearguard. For an instant, her emerald eyes fall upon Dorian, and a speculative look comes across her sharp features. Then she shakes her head. "Later," the bard whispers. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "I'll go and - uh - " Jonnee glances at Gil, then looks to Cyan, and starts towards the ruin, "Uh - tidy up that mess. The mess that I made in there. You know, when I dumped that trash?" Then he turns and runs, flat-out, back into the fortress. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "What do I make of this?" Dorian asks as he watches Jonnee speed away. "Nothing, Cyan. I've given up trying to outguess the, as you call them, Myriad Worlds. I've been reduced to merely a dance of acting and reacting, and that bothers me more than anything else." Acting and reacting. The interesting thing was, as Dorian saw it at that moment, was the realization that where ever they went, things were happening. They were merely spectators, intruders, in someone elses stories, interuptions and hiccups in vast interconnected plotlines, lives. "To the ruins, then. Let's move out. When we reach them, I'll work on physical defenses and Serena can work on hers." It was also time, he decided, to begin to stretch his abilities a little more, into areas he'd just begun to understand. As he moves out with the others, he concentrates. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Clouds start to gather, further up the valley, and the wind begins to build speed, hurrying them towards the hilltop. Collecting their belongings, even Gil, who has apparently learned to at least obey orders when he's unsure of the situation, the whole group starts to move towards the ruined fortifications, though none move as quickly as Jonnee had. By the time the first of the others passes the break in the outer wall, the young man, former inhabitant of the great city of Las Angelos, in the Kingdom of Califonia (wherever that might be), is already returning from his excursion into the deeper ruins, coming back to meet them. Only after he has crossed the rubble-strewn gap, by which time Jonnee is casually leaning against a nearby half-fallen wall, looking like he's been there all along, does Gil ask, "What's going on?" As he speaks there is an ominous growl of thunder, and rain starts to fall from the previously bright sky. Gil leads the way to a place where a structure stands, somewhat intact still. "Pretty good shelter here." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "The storm should slow them down a bit," Dorian announces. "I'm hoping it will give us a little time to errect defenses." The natural defenses of the ruins were a good start, but without knowing what was ahead, he prefered a few touch ups. "Gil, I did what I could with the memories, but there is little that can be done right now. They are there and mostly intact, but your mind is... well, mortal, if you'll pardon the lack of a better word. Later, we can see what can be done about that, but it might involve modifications to your body... I'll give you more details later, of course. For now, know that strangers approach from the water. That, and we're looking for a temporary base until our friend Aaron returns. Can you advise me on how to improve our defenses here-- assume you'd have mostly unlimited time and resources and we'll go from there." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd glances at the storm, then eyes Dorian for a long moment with glittering eyes before breaking into a wide, needle-toothed grin. Cyan, for her part, opens her mouth at Dorian's request to Gil then clamps it shut, glancing away. With a sigh, she moves back to the entrance, leaning against it with one forearm, keeping just out of being an easy shot for a bow, crossbow, or...any other projectile weapon. Well. Of course, Gil must be superior by dint of his age...despite the fact that the man remembers little. Knowing full well she's being petulant, the bard shakes off the irritation and crouches down, to get more comfortable. Amber eyes shine in the dimming light as she guards. I'm certain he will do well enough, in any case. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin follows the group up the hill into the ruins once again, and once there begins to feel useless once more. He finds a place to sit, whatching the others. After several more moments, "Is there anything I can do? Perhaps I can get a closer look at what's going on down there, or perhaps I might even hear what thise people are saying If I can get close enough." The man shugs. He's sure that these people have everything well in hand, but can't help his felling of uselessnes at the moment. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James grins "If I had unlimited time and resources I wouldn't be stuck here waiting for Aaron to get back. But I'd settle for rebuilding this fort, digging a well down to water level and garrisoning it with, oh, say, 50 elite soldiers. That would do for a start." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Hmm. I will work towards that end, James. However, as one with knowledge of pattern, I think you'd have an easier time supplying the fifty soldiers, than I; or am I to be the sole laborer in this project?" Dorian, with a grim face, sets about the work of construction, using a variety of tricks up his sleeve, to make the changes to the 'fort', as needed. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James looks surprised. "I suppose I would at that. But I didn't think we were planning on staying that long. If we're serious about this place I could walk through the worlds until I find one where this fort still stands, might save you the effort of rebuilding it. Or you can fix it and maybe Jonnee and I can go off recruiting. Doesn't bother me." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Somewhat surprised, Cyan glances toward Devlin. "If you can and would, yes... having someone close enough to hear them, and discover their plans, would prove extremely useful. For example - are they, indeed, hunting? Or have we disturbed some kind of sacred place?" She frowns, studying him with ruby eyes. "You seem to suggest you have the means to do so without discovery." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin smiles at Cyan strangly, almost like a wolf might smile. "I may be able to get close enough. There are shadows everywhere. But I have a question." He looks around and lowers his voice slightly, "Can I... hmmm... can we talk," here Devlin taps his head hoping that she will understand what he means, "the way you and your friends have been? Or can I contact you through your little dragon friend?" and he looks around for Berd. "Much of this is knew for me and until a few hours ago I did not know that I could talk to anything other than Nightbrand in such a manor." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan frowns, glancing around for Berd. Sure enough, the dragon sits on the rock with a quizzical expression on his scaley features. Cyan nods, slowly, turning back to Devlin. "Of course," she says, quietly. "I am sorry this was not made clear. We have been in a hurry, and my...no, no excuses." The man's smile is a trifle disturbing, and for a moment the bard wonders if he plans to have her for lunch. Shaking the thought away, she continues. Nightbrand? What might that be? "Berd will attempt to open up a bridging between everyone here...I thought he had...oh, he has. Well, you may have missed it - it is difficult to recognize, if one is not familiar with such things." A rueful smile. "I have the dubious benefit of having lived with him all of my life. In any case, when he offers, simply accept the offer - Berd will not push, nor force such a joining." There is an...object, metaphorically placed at the edge of Devlin's mental defenses. A line. If taken, it opens into contact. OOC - Currently, Berd's bridging holds Cyan, James, and Devlin. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin stands and begins walking back down the hill, out of the ruins and toward the valley. He allows the connection from Berd and in his mind speaks to whoever is listening. * I do not think I should do this in front of Gill. If you see a black haired wolf please call him D'Ombra. * The man is not sure if he should explain further and then does, almost as if speaking to himself in his own mind. * I don't know why he needs another name, but Nightbrand has always called the wolf D'Ombra. I would imagine that it makes it easier to distinguish who one is speaking to or about. * Devlin isn't sure if that makes sense to anyone that is listening. Perhaps it will when/ if the others see is friend. Once well away from where the warrior can see him Devlin begins to change. His black clothing begins to turn to black hair, his face begins to extend, and his body begins changing shape. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin makes his way back out of the ruins, moving down the hillside and into the thickets and rapidly-dissipating mist in the valley. Behind him the walls of the fortress seem to be growing, almost like a living thing. Dorian and the others, under Gil's instruction, repair the walls and reconstruct the defences of the ancient fortification. Gil uses muscle to move stones into place, but others use more subtle means whenever his back is turned. Stones move themselves, and gradually it seems that there must be more people helping than originally. How else could the work go so swiftly? Still there is no sign of anybody emerging from the mists. Then the scream echoes up from the area of the still-hidden river. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- The large jet back wolf turns its head to look back up the hill. It seems that the walls of the ruined keep begin to rise before his black eyes. He can easily hear the work that is being done, and he wonders how it is accomplished. Perhaps that will be learned in the future. Without waiting longer the animal turns and melts into the nearby shadows of the trees. Keeping to the shadows D'Ombra makes his way closer to the mist. He cannot see anything through it, but he bigins to hear what is being done and he realays the information to the others through this strange link through the small dreagon creature. He will have to study that further if time permits. He wonders if he can take on the powers of the dragon given enough study. * They queitly make a camp near the bank of the river * D'Ombra slips closer to to men maing camp until he can see the caged creatures, the likes of which he has never seen before, except in the brief glimps given earlier by Berd. * Suddenly one man moves carelessly, too close to the bars of a cage, and there is a flurry of movement from the occupant. The snapping of bone and the wet ripping of flesh. The man shrieks. * The copper-smell of blood in reminds D'Ombra of hunting and how long it has been since the last time he chased down his own meals, perhaps... no that must wait. * A woman appears next to the fallen man, dressed in ornate robes, richly decorated with delicate designs, and leans over him, while staying out of reach of the cage. A shake of her head as the man lays before her, groaning, then she plunges a knife into his chest, and the groaning stops. Other men stand silently, their heads bowed. * D'Ombra slips closer to the men on the bank of the river. Carefully slipping from shadow to shadow. Careful to remain unseen by anything. What is it these people hunt? Is it the large herd beasts that are now behind him, outside the mists? Or is it the people that are now in the hill rebuilding the ruins of an old keep that they hunt. The wolf's shadowy head turns its ear toward the sound of the people attemping to discover the answers. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James is happy to bend his back to help in the reconstruction. He briefly considers using the Pattern to speed the process but doesn't want to risk tampering with the 'variables' of this world. It's pleasant in a way to relax into the physical labour of lifting, moving and placing and interesting to learn from Gil's extensive knowledge of defence and siegecraft. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena had replied to Dorian's mental knock and statement with a simple feeling of acknowledgement and agreement that all in the link could feel. As the others began physically rebuilding the area of defense Serena stepped approximately fifteen feet out from the physical construction. Serena began walking in a circle around the area where they planned to make their stand and began to build a Defensive Shield that will block anyone that Serena does not acknowledge as she ties the shild to herself leaving a lynchpin to let members of the group in and out as is needed. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- While preparations continue at the fort, Gil keeps his eyes on the sections of the wall he's working on as much as possible, trying to avoid seeing the things going on around him. Most of them are, by his standards, impossible. Stones don't move themselves... Somebody of James' size shouldn't be able to lift the loads he does. Nobody should be able to... Clouds of coloured mist shouldn't solidify into stone and timber... Serena paces the area outside the wall for a few minutes, and then pauses, seeming to survey her work, though Gil can't see any work to be surveyed. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena surveyed the protective ward and pleased at the work turned and walked back into the center of wher the fort was being built. As she stood there she looked first up and then down to gauge the size of the next protective barrier. This one would be set to keep things from being able to attack from the top and the bottom. After evaluating the area Serena muttered a series of lynchpins and used her hands to indicate the shape of the protective bubble surrounding them. Serena made it so as any in her group could shoot out of the protection but nothing could penetrate in.Serena then tied the spell to herself and sat down to think of anything else that could be done. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan, sickened by the display through the link, closes her eyes for a moment, leaning on the wall behind which she crouches for cover. Those beasts...we should not let them near us. Be careful, D'Ombra. Berd, with a look of disgust, turns his head up toward the sky for an instant. Cyan glares at the little dragon, then looks away. Hypocrite. The bard stands again, still watching, still prepared for any action on the part of the 'visitors'. We are the visitors here, I think. Her eyes stray back toward where the others work, and widen when she sees James carefully moving timber into place. Spirits, he is likely stronger, even, than Jack.... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan typed:Be careful, D'Ombra. I shall be careful. Your wolf friend is here. He is... surprisingly quiet for a normal animal. Some time passes They've set up tents. It seems they plan to stay for a while. Several of the men are working to assemble a box-like structure, slotting together boards brought on the raft. The thing is about six feet long and three wide and high. All the panels are ornately carved, except the flat top, which is smooth and plain. Looks like a coffin. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James stops for a breather. There is a sheen of sweat on his face but from his breathing it would seem that he is not yet pushing himself to his limits. And he is smiling. "I haven't had a solid workout in a long time. And it feels good to be building something." James explains to no-one in particular. "Anyone got a water bottle handy?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Time passes and the rain continues, finally beating the mist back into the earth and revealing the encampment to those in the fort, and the ruins to those by the river. The light is not good, beneath the storm clouds, and little detail can be made out at such range. The group on the hill, though, has the advantage of eyes on the edge of the camp, watching from the dense undergrowth and reporting to them. Gil finally looks around, "I don't think we can do much more, not now, not with this mess. But it's better now than what it was when it was worse than what it is." He chuckles, "Which is about as good as can be expected." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena turns to those who are building the fortress and starts explaining what she has done."I have put my strongest protections around the fortress fifteen feet outside this area. In addition, I have placed one above and below as well. Any of us can pass through with no trouble. However, anyone else is shut out. Unless they have some capability to break through, which would be highly unlikely." Serena then picked up her bag she is always carrying and pulled out a flask and smiling she held it out to James, " It's not water . However, it is an herbal remedy I concocted to keep you hydrated and increses your energy level. Your welcome to half of it. However, don't drink anymore than that." Serena turned to the others and said,"I have three more flasks in my bag if anyone else would like some." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- More quiet than Jonnee thinks - to hear him speak, Hunter is a stumbling puppy. *Amusement* The coffin-structure worries me...have you seen aught else? James' endurance and physical strength is impressive, and not a little fearsome...had he been the sort to inspire fear. Cyan imagines that, were she an enemy, that would be the case. ...flicker of memory, an ape-like creature cannoned from its feet, bones crushed at the heavy impact of the man's kick while the broadsword cleaves through a thick club to cut deeply into another's body... Did she see that? During the battle in the ravine? 0 However, the man has never been anything but calm and reasonable with the other members of the Quest, even in heated situations. A learned response, from past issues with his great strength? And his comment about 'building' doesn't pass unnoticed. He has spent much time in a terrible war, where things only become broken. Another insight into the mind of one of her companions. Stealing a quick, topaz glance at the bottle Serena holds out, eyebrow rising slightly with interest, Cyan shakes her head. "My thanks, Serena - best if that stays with those who require it. I have done little but watch for the enemy, I fear. Soon, people will consider me a layabout. Devlin continues his own scouting - I believe we will have adequate warning." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- I do not think they have come here to fight or hunt. I do not know. They have moved the box that looks like a coffin under protection... a tent of sorts. The woman, perhaps she is a priestess or something, she has place a red cloth with golden fringe over the coffin... box... and on this she has placed a golden candlestick with seven branches. Each branch of the candlestick holds a red candle. Along with this there is also a black-handled knife with a red gem set it the handle. The items came from a locked case. They must be important. She appears to be chanting something but I do not understand the words. Perhaps it is in some language I do not know. It seems that they have come for some type of a religious ceremony, perhaps? All together there are fifteen of them. Some of them carry simple weapons, like cleavers about the length of a short sword. Others have simple spears and heavy knives. They are using the cleaver like weapons to gather branches which they use to construct their camp. These people do not appear to be dangerous. I could be wrong. If not for those strange beasts... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "That sounds like an altar to me." Jonnee states, "Not sure I like the idea of a knife being used in a religious ceremony though. Makes me think of, like, sacrifices and stuff. Unless it's just a symbol, or something." He looks about, his face hopeful, "Anybody got anything to eat? Hard work makes me hungry. The metabolism, see?" Then he has a thought, "Hey, Dev - uh - D'Ombra. Is the altar, or the cover, bloodstained?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Even from the hilltop fort, people can be seen moving about in the camp now. Dark shapes in the lightning-shattered gloom. At first they seem to be walking fairly aimlessly, working on the construction of the encampment, but after a few minutes they start to move towards one particular structure near the centre... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena smiles at Cyan and replies," Good enough Cyan. However,I have it if and when you need it." then she turns to Jonnee and says sounding truly apologetic," Unfortunately I don't have any food. Sorry about that." As Serena watches the movement towards the center she decides to propose a suggestion," What do you all think of me doing a little reconnaisence work? I would like to get a closer look at what is going on down there. I have a feeling it could be important." Serena also worried about the idea of blood sacrifices and if that was indeed what was going on she wanted to know about it and if possible stop it in some way. However,that was just a vague plan in her mind. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd, listening intently, cocks his head to the side and nods toward Cyan's rucksack. Twin, bright points of light appear in the air, manifesting as tiny faerie, both of whom flit over to the sack and tug at the bindings until, finally, they open. The male faerie collapses, wheezing, while the female flips open the top. Wearily, the male zips in to help her, and a moment later both fly out, staggering under the weight of a small bag, obviously containing a few more of 'Mum's' sandwiches. The two, almost dragging the bag, float over the grass to Jonnee, placing it down at his feet. Indeed, inside the bag are two or three sandwiches. Fish salad, from the look of it. And not canned fish, either - Mum obviously got these from a nearby lake. "An altar?" Cyan's eyes widen. "Agreed, Serena. I believe we should join D'Ombre...sacrifices are an abomination. They serve the darkness, nothing more. If you have a means of moving silent and unobserved, it would be best if you go to where D'Ombre stands...I will move to a midway point, to join you should there be trouble." For Jonnee, she knows, the whole area is pretty much a 'midway point'. Berd begins to rise, but Cyan makes a swift gesture in his direction. "I think you should stay here, Berd. Lest you have some ideas with which the rest of the group may not agree." Looking aggrieved, the little dragon sinks back down to the ground, sighing out a small puff of glittering smoke. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena nodded somberly replying," I have what is known as a spell of partial invisibility. Full invisibility makes it so you cannot see where you are going or hear what is going on. I can get fairly close as,unless they are looking for me, they are not likely to see me. I hope that they don't have their own pet sorceress, but they very well might." After a moment Serena added,"If they are going to do a blood sacrifice I will have to think of a way to try and stop it from happening without calling attention down on us. I appreciate your backing me up Cyan. I feel alot safer with you guarding my back side." " Does anyone have any objections to this plan? I feel the sooner the better." Serena asked directing the questionto the others in the group. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Rolling onto his back, Berd stares up at the sky. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James takes a drink of Serena's herbal concoction. Mindful of her warning, he drinks slowly and is careful not to have too much. He's not 100 percent about the taste, but it is very refreshing. "I've got no objections Serena, but do be careful. D'Ombra seems to have a talent for this kind of thing...but then I don't suppose I've seen this sorcery of yours." "I'll keep an eye on the camp from the top of the fort. If I see trouble I'll let you know using Berd's link." "Do you want to come with me, Berd? I'd like you to show me how you do this mind-link thing, if you can. There's got to be a more elegant way than just shoving my thoughts at somebody." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd's head comes up, and he stares at James for a long moment before his voice resonates deeply through the Bridging. I/Berd am most/extremely pleased/appreciative to {accompany/join} (Heavyhand/scarspirit). The little dragon pushes off, gliding through the air to land on James' shoulder. Difficult/convoluted to {explain/describe}. <b>Resonation</I> {carried/borne} by (lifespring/deepflow). Similar/akin to (Farviewer/distancespeak/worldjump/Designation: palanquet/Trump). Perhaps/possible (Heavyhand/scarspirit) {absorb/learn}.... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- "No, no blood, except for the man th4e beast killed." "It seems that it is not the season for storms like this. It seems they think someone else is causing this weather, Us? Why would they think we are causing the storm? Odd" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- There are just over a dozen men, and it doesn't take them long to gather. Soon all are crowded near the shelter, or (in the case of the luckier ones) actually beneath the makeshift roof. From the east a single shaft of sunlight breaks through the gathered clouds and falls square on the structure which serves as a focal point for the gathering. On the raft the caged beasts begin a mournful howling... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- {Take/have} (care/caution)! (Shamen/priestess) {holds/carries} growing/surging (might/power)! =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "Oh, now, that's just great isn't it?" Jonnee grumbles around a sandwich, ""Got a power surge going on down there, and I'm still eating. Berd, anything a smart, handsome, litt- uh - compact dragon can do to screw with this surge?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- From his perch on James' Berd's focuses bright eyes on Jonnee. His voice still echoes clearly through the bridging. I/Berd {dislike/amwaryof} {poking/inserting} (clawtip/finger) into (plugbase/electricalsocket)...(purpose/reason) for (surge/ritual) unknown/shadowed. Possible (surge/ritual) innocuous/beneficial to (people/tribe).... If no (sacrifice/bloodspill), then I/Berd would rather {watch/observe} and {prepare/ready}. There is definitely a sense that the little dragon is preparing himself to defend, should any of the ritual be directed at them. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Well, mostly because we are causing the storm, D'Ombra. Which means, they may think our defenses are more sinister than they are. I hestitate to lower the storm, though. I don't want to clue them in that we have a spy. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- The rain eases, and to the east the clouds begin to break up, allowing more sunlight through in scattered beams and rays. In the improving light of the now-unshrouded vale, more of the herd beasts can be seen in groups further along the river in both directions. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "What?" Dorian hisses. His lips curl back to reveal his white, slightly crooked, teeth. "How dare...." The older, competetive persona emerges as the dark man's nostril's flare and his brow knots up tighter than dried leather. A slight tremor seems to ripple through his being as his dark pupils dilate. He bends his head forward, as if assuming some great weight on his shoulders. While the dark man has softened a lot in recent months, the older lurking Dorian doesn't like competition. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena feeling the power surge from the priestess decides to put up a bodily defense spell over the group to defend against magic. After uttering the appropriate lynchpins she turned to the group and said,"I hope I have succeeded in blocking the power surge." Then as she walked next to Cyan Serena said with mild urgency," I am going now. If you wish to follow let's go quickly. Time is short. Would you like to be partially invisible as well?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- The woman is chanting and doing some type of dance as she waves around the knife in the air, in patterns. The blade actually leaves trails behind in the air that glow for a while. The men hav also begun to chant. Each time that the woman says... the word is "Rahashid" they all repeat it. It seems jthe knife is simply a prop in the ritual... Some of the dance the woman does looks like she is fighting something. If we cause the rain and it is the source of their worries then perhaps we sohould let the rain end? I do not see how this hanful of people can be of great danger to us. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- "Coming," Cyan says quietly, "though I begin to suspect they will not be sacrificing." Her lips twist, slightly. "I have been wrong, of late. Regardng many things...so best that we check. I will remain visible, for the nonce, and hang back partway - you need not use a spell upon me, then, and can spare it for later." It might indeed be best to allow the rain to lapse. I think you are correct, D'Ombra - it has given us enough time to prepare, and we are ready. She misses Dorian's muttered comment. Berd, however.... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena begins easing her way down towards the group that is chanting and with a flick of her wrist about halfway down she is carrying her sword. In her opinion, there is no reason to go into the situation unprepared. Although she does not look back she knows Cyan in somewhere behind her simply because Cyan had said she would be her back pand cyan was obviously a woman of her word. Serena set the invisibility spell to about 95% and combined that with sticking to any shadowy areas that are available. By the time she gets close enough to really tell what is going on she is quite drenched. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- The storm intensifies again, bringing even more fury with it. The clouds gather once more. They roil and swirl, and start to circle and then... scatter and the sun breaks through for a moment, before the gap closes, coincedentally timed with a thunderclap which makes it seem that the clouds had actually slammed together. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan silently creeps along a ways back from Serena, making certain to keep out of a line-of-sight with the people near the river. She won't attempt to get close enough to listen in - that's not her purpose. Instead, she stays fully out of sight, but close enough that she could provide support to Serena, if necessary. Regrettably, the rain comes down heavily, here. Her hair quickly plasters to the side of her head, and the bard shivers, once. Strangely enough, the silk shirt remains reasonably dry, water beading up and sliding cleanly from it. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena watched what was goingon carefully and from her stand point it appeared the priestess was trying to stop the rain. The woman seemed to be getting desperate at the lack of success. Serena wondered what would happen if she were unsuccessful. Something told Serena that if she did not succeed there could be a retaliation from the men who are with her. Serena, although drenched to the skin and cold chose towati and see what happened. If her instincts were right the woman could end up needing assistance. If nothing happened in the next fifteen to twenty minutes Serena would hed back to the fort and report. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- The black wolf watches the desperate chanting of the woman and the way the men seem disapointed. We will gain nothing by frustrating these people. We should let the storm end, Dorian, or whoever it is that is causing it. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "I agree with D'Ombra. That thing looks like it's trying to turn into a twister, and if that happens my guess would be that all bets are off." Jonnee calls back from the gap in the wall where he watches Cyan's progress through the darkness of the storm. "No telling how they'd react to that. Or even if we could stop the thing if it decided to come this way." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian smirks and relaxes, letting the tension flow out of him like the opening of flood gates. Without a word he looks for a place to sit down. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- Privately, James agreed with D'Ombra, Cyan and Jonnee that it would be better to let the storm lapse. Images of sticks stuck into ants' nests pass through his mind. Still, he suspects that arguing the point with Dorian would just make the sorceror more determined to win. Still, standing on the roof in such weather is not pleasant. It's not the rain so much, although the rain makes it difficult to keep tabs on Serena and Cyan, it's more a matter of trying not to get struck by lightning. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd continues to sit silently upon James' shoulder. After a moment, the little dragon breathes out a small cloud of reddish smoke that dissipates...leaving the rain not quite touching James any more. It now vaporizes instants before landing upon his clothing. After a moment, the Drake also begins to radiate warmth - not nearly hot enough to harm, but merely warm enough to keep out chills...and possibly assist in drying wet clothing. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- The tempest dies, as suddenly as it had started, which is often the case with such storms. What is not so often the case is the way the clouds are pushed back in all directions at once; a rapidly expanding circle of blue sky appearing above the encampment. As it spreads, the sun touches the wet grass, and the land begins to gently steam. Today will be hot... =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena could see that whatever crisis was about to occur dissipated with the ceasing of the rain and the arrival of the sun. Relieved that she didn't have to hurt anyone serena began creeping her way back to the fort. Once she arrives Serena says," Well,crises averted." and glanced at dorian whom she was fairly sure had used the Pattern to manipulate the weather that or a spell. Grabbing one of her bags Serena took out one of her flasks and drank from it. After cyan returned serena had a plan of what she need to do next. However, she wanted everyone to hear it. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Averted, indeed." Dorian smirks with a touch of irony. "What will they do now?" He asks the empty air, leaning forward to rest his face in his hands. None of them truly understood. Weakness. He couldn't bear to let something overpower him without a fight. He couldn't just drop the storm without showing them he did so by choice. Feigning weakness, Tai-no, a tactic he'd never quite mastered the use of. "Has anyone considered talking to them?" No. Aaron wasn't here, was he? They were leaderless. A hydra with no heads. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan slips back into the slowly steaming camp, her own hair still plastered down against her head. Raking her fingers through it, the bard ties most of it back with a leather thong, leaving a few ringlets to dangle around her face. "If you wish," she offers to Dorian, "I could go make the attempt. Not a bad idea, really, trying to speak with the people. We are making several assumptions that they might be hostile to us and our purpose - perhaps it would be better to parlay? We have learned much from others encountered on the road." For a moment her amber eyes are far away as she relays her thoughts to Devlin over Berd's bridging. Then, gaze focusing, the tall woman pulls a small, white cloth from her beltpouch and begins wiping down her sheathed sword. "Jonnee or James, and Devlin, who is already there, could stand as support or come to the parlay as well. Though we may not wish to let them know how many we are." I am growing more suspicious. Time was I would have simply walked straight down there in the beginning and spoken to them. I do not know if this 'growth' makes me pleased, or saddened. A touch of both, I suspect. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena really did not care for the condescension in Dorian's voice. The more time she spent with Dorian the more he annoyed her. It seemed as though he thought he was the only one who had any decent ideas or thoughts. Serena replied ignoring dorian entirely." I have no problem with you going to speak with them Cyan. I have expended a large amount of magical energy and spells. I need to take some time to replace the one's I have lost. If anyone absolutely needs me I will be over there." Serena then pointed over to a fairly secluded place in the fort where she could still here them if theier was an emergency but it provided a degree of privacy. Unless someone objects Serena makes her way over there and begins to work. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- I think speaking to these people is an excelent idea. comes the reply to Cyan's thought. </i>I do not think it would be wise for me to just appear in their midst. I will remain hidden amoung them just in case they decide to be hostile.</i> =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- "Cyan should talk to them." Jonnee states, his words only slightly muffled by the sandwich in his mouth. He swallows before continuing, "She's got a way with words, and she's easier on the eye than Dorian." He winks at Serena as she passes him, and grins, "I'll go with her. Even if they search me, they won't find any weapons, but I'll still be armed. I can just pretend to be a harmless servant, or something, while she does the talking." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "...and she's easier on the eye than Dorian." Indeed. Dorian almost smiles as he lets his head rest. It bothered him, though, in truth. He'd never admit it to them, but it bothered him. They were locals, most likely. Locals who by all accounts were minding their own business, trying to correct a local problem. Yet, the old Dorian reared its ugly head, bent on domination and force, displays of power meant to intimidate. It was pointless, stupid. He was irritated, lately. Something about Aaron's actions bothered him. Aaron had bothered him on many occaisions, somehow, but this was differnt. The ease with which the man had stepped down and disappeared. He couldn't decide if it was the fact that Aaron did something Dorian couldn't, or if simply appeared to be weakness in the man. Either way, he'd made a mess of things here. He should just let the others handle it now, and keep to himself. After a moment of quietness, letting his thoughts calm. To the group, he thinks, "Thank you, Cyan." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Of course, Serena...I understand the necessity. I hope it goes well." Cyan has met sorcerers before, Dorian being a...notable example, to say the least, and is aware they need time to replenish something. Their magic? Their knowledge? Someone tried to explain it to her once, and just managed to befuddle the bard. Of course, that was a decade ago. With experience, Cyan is relatively certain she would comprehend. Very well, D'Ombre. I shall count upon you and Jonnee to safeguard me, should things go awry. As they oft do.... On the heels of that last, amused thought, she bows to Jonnee with a quick laugh, topaz eyes sparkling in the growing sunlight. "Thank you, sir. 'Easy upon the eyes'," she says, trying the phrase out for herself, head cocked, a touch of crimson in her cheeks. "I wonder if you should speak with them...if all else fails, at least you might charm them." Waiting for the inhumanly quick young man to join her, the bard turns toward Dorian, raising an eyebrow. It is my pleasure, Dorian - the suggestion was a sound one. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan and Jonnee make their way out of the fort, and Gil moves across to the gap in the wall to watch their progress with some interest. The two descend the long slope, through the tendrils of vapour rising from the wet grass and earth. As they approach the camp, they cross a trail of footprints left by the herd beasts, and the scale of the creatures becomes truly evident. Each print is nearly five feet long, and three wide, and sinks inches into the ground. They are twenty yards from the camp when one of the men in the open-sided shelter glances in their direction, and promptly raises the alarm, "Strangers come!". The men turn and step forward to meet the two visitors, though their hands stay clear of their weapons, and behind them the woman stops her ritual, her face pale and drawn as she places a knife into a secure-looking trunk and locks it. She looks tired as she steps through the line of men to face newcomers. When they are less than a dozen yards away, she speaks, "Well met, travellers. Be you of the Joruc?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Good day to you!" Cyan calls, sapphire eyes bright. Her sword is slung over her back by the red, braided cord, and her smile wide and true. "The Joruc? I know not that term. We are travellers, nothing more. I am Cyan, of No Place In Particular, and this is Jonnee of San Angeles." The bard sketches a short bow. "Are you expecting these Joruc?" she asks, curious. "It might be that we know of them of another name...I hope we are not trespassing upon one of your sacred sites." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Chialla (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- "A sacred site?" The woman laughs, and almost all of the men grin, while a few actually burst into quiet laughter of their own. "Ah, forgive me please, I have been most rude. I am named Chialla, of the town of Greenford, some seven days down the river from here. This is no sacred site. These men are here to assist me in the release of two carthuu which were captured near Greenford a ten-day since." She gestures towards the raft. "They are, after all, dangerous creatures and we prefer not to have them too close to our homes." "The Joruc are... the Joruc. Sometimes we meet them in our travels. Occasionally they... make things difficult for us." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Switching gears, Cyan smoothly continues. "My apologies." She waves toward the ruins. "The ruins, and you were performing some kind of ceremony - I thought it wiser not to disturb you during your work - and thus, I have made an incorrect assumption." She eyes the beasts with some curiousity. "Do they prey upon your people frequently? Or is this an isolated occurance?" So this is an expedition to release captured beasts into the wild, nothing more. And into our laps, so it would seem. What luck for us. Her mental tone is heavy with irony. "As for the Joruc, I find your description long on suspense, and short on details." With an easy grin to take any hint of offense from her words, Cyan leans against a large stone. Her emerald eyes again dart to the creatures. "Are they something with which we need concern ourselves? If you can capture these creatures, and the Joruc are a threat...." Raising her hands, Cyan shrugs. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Chialla (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- "The ritual was a simple spell to break the storm. It was agitating the beasts, and they are dangerous enough at the best of time. I had to kill one of the men after he got too close to the cage. It was kinder than letting the venom do it." She looks up at the clearing sky, then back to Cyan, "It is not the season for such storms. I suspected that Joruc might have been behind it, which is why I questioned yourself and your companion. They appear as humans, but are not truly human. They are fickle and flighty, sometimes helping and sometimes hindering, and sometimes both in the same day." "If Joruc are about, then cold iron will keep them at bay, though not much else will." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- It is good then, that we decided to talk to them. Still, we know not how long Aaron will be gone, so our shelter is not in vain. This world seems to possess much danger. Yet these people do well. Dorian continued to rest in silence, seated with his back against a wall of their little shelter, while he waited to hear more. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Faerie. Cyan's lips thin, and she feels a cold sweat on her brow. Grimacing slightly, the bard nods, the sudden fear overriding her current pique, and pushing her to speak through the bridging. Berd, did you hear? Faerie. Again. At least from the sounds of it. She hopes not. Cyan truly hopes not. At the thought, some of the ruby colour bleeds from her eyes, leaving them pale and worried, hinting of transluscence. "I am...truly sorry for your man." We did that, Cyan thinks distractedly. Had we spoken to them, before we attempted to raise our defenses...what is happening to us? "I understand, possibly, regarding the Joruc, if they are truly the same beings I have encountered, myself, far away from here. By a different name, they are known to me." Closing her eyes, Cyan swallows, hard, then bows. "But while I am no Joruc, and you may prick me with an iron blade to determine the truth of my words, I fear the fault of the storm was mine." By association. "From this, one of your men has died. There can be no excuse - it was brought into being in haste. We have been hunted, and sought concealment, but we should have spoken to you first - we hold power enough to escape, in any case." Still sitting on James' shoulder, Berd lets out a hiss of exasperation. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Chialla (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- The woman tenses momentarily, and she frowns. "You are saying that you made the storm, and not the Joruc?" Behind her the men start to mutter, and their expressions grow hostile. Chialla raises her hand, without even looking in their direction, and they fall silent again. "If that is so, then there is a wereprice to be paid. Kallar, bring me the box." One of the men, Kallar presumably, moves to the altar and returns with the leather-covered box. Chialla opens it with her key and removes the knife. Then she steps towards Cyan, holding the blade in her left hand. "Cyan, clench your right hand into a fist, then extend the two middle fingers." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian sighs, a heavy sigh through his teeth, his head shaking slowly with his eyes closed. People always wanted to interfere in other's affaris. Everywhere they went. How much was it to ask to be just left alone. Oh, for the love... Cyan, she said herself they killed the man because he got too close to the animals-- his mistake. All the storm did was agitate them, it certainly didn't cause anyone's death. Don't comply, Cyan, or I'll have to intervene. If it were another member of the party, he might let them make their own choice. He'd worry about the cause of the feeling later. He only knew he wouldn't let them touch Cyan. Not the least among his thoughts was that he caused the storm, not Cyan. How simple-minded of them to not even consider things like that. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee steps forward, stopping just behind Cyan and to her left. His arms are held low, and spread slightly. His hands are open, palms forward, to show that they are both empty. That's right, he thinks, I'm unarmed, no threat at all. I'm not even that big. No threat at all. He keeps his expression carefully neutral. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- "Hold a moment," Cyan says, raising her hand in a warding gesture, frowning. "Chialla, I know not your laws, but from where I come, we tell our criminals the price they must pay before they do so. I ask that you explain this to me - what is the wereguild you will seize? Is this not a fair request?" Dorian, please - this is, as the saying goes, 'my call'. We will not expose the others, and I must ascertain what she wishes, first. We have broken their laws and, by our actions, caused the deaths of one of their people. Had we not toyed with their world, they would not have been in these straits. A hint of strained amusement touches her mental tone. Though I am well comforted to know I have both yourself and Jonnee at my back, as well as the other in the shadows. She can feel Dorian, hovering on dark wings in the bridging, his hidden mental strength and powers poised to fall like an avalanche upon the people before her. Behind Cyan stands Jonnee, an smiling knot of leashed violence, blue sky from which the lightning might strike without warning. And who knows where D'Ombra might be, now? The air is fraught with violence, Chialla and her people all-unknowing. Please. Hear them out - there has been enough killing, she sends. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- <backpost> "Thank you Berd." Protected from the rain, James waits in relative comfort until the storm breaks and Cyan and Serena return. He is surprised that it is Dorian who suggests talking to the natives after his recent display of power, but it does make sense and, of course, Cyan is the person to do it. James follows the conversation over the bridging. Faerie. I can't say I like the sound of that either. Serena, would your wards be effective against such creatures? </backpost> And then the knife comes out. Over the link the others can feel the hostility rolling off James in waves. To D'Ombra it probably registers as a sensation of pricked ears and raised hackles. No! Cyan! Dorian responds. Listen to him, Cyan. He stepped too close to the cage. And it wasn't your storm! Frustration at his helplessness colours James' mental tone. Without Jonnee's speed, he's too far away to intervene. James considers walking the Pattern, but Cyan's too far away to affect directly and unless gunpowder works on this world there's no weapon he can think of to make a lethal shot at such a distance. Cyan makes her plea for calm. Summoning every last vestige of self-restraint, James keeps himself in check. Barely. For their sake the explanation had better be good. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- Unseen, D'Ombra has been moving and is now almost behind Cyan and Jonnee, in their shadows. There is a mental growl, We... You... owe these people nothing. I was here, I saw the incident, and agitated or not the man was too close to the creature's cage. A caged animal will lash out at whatever is close enough. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Chialla (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- Chialla pauses, the knife still held in her left hand, as a look of confusion passes across her face. "It is the law. You must make recompense, at least in part, for what was taken. For my own part I cannot tell you what form that recompense will take, because that might influence your decision. A decision which should be based upon honour." "I see now that you are unfamiliar with what I had thought was a common law. It is your choice whether you will do this or not. You can deny it, if that is your wish. But for me to tell you what the wereprice is, in advance, could affect your choice, and that is in violation of the law." "A matter of honour should not depend on price." =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyan grits her teeth. Honour, from their point of view, could mean her death. The removal of those two fingers as requested and thus a second crippling of her skills. It could be nothing more than a cut. I will pay a fair price, but the others are correct - we are not wholely to blame. To take a life for a life, in this case, would be wrong. Can she trust them to be just? The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Just because they have had poor dealings with the Fair Folk does not mean they are good people, themselves. She has nothing on which to make her decision. Except.... No. Wait. She does. I have plenty. For an instant, Berd's approval dances in her thoughts. Angrily, Cyan thrusts the little dragon away from her spirit. I do not require your praise. Then she speaks over the bridging. Please do not interfere. I believe no lasting harm is meant. Sorcery, technology, the Pattern in its infinite variations, all of these things are beyond her. But people...people she understands. With a look of wry amusement, the bard turns and pushes Kirlindë into Jonnee's hands (should he take it - otherwise, she sets it down upon the damp ground). "Please guard this for me." Ironically, the man is far, far more dangerous without her blade. Then Cyan faces Chialla. Stepping forward, she unhesitatingly pushes forward her hand. "Be careful," she says quietly, no threat in her voice, only concern. Perhaps they mean to only cut her hair to the length of two fingers, as one would with a child who acts without thinking properly. But if the blade dances too near her neck, Cyan knows the others might very well act...with tragic consequences. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee holds out his own left hand and takes Cyan's sword. He forces a brief smile, and a nod of encouragemnt. If it goes wrong, I can have this back to you before you can blink. he sends over the link, You can be sure of that - I won't let them harm you for something you didn't do. Even if you had done it, I wouldn't stand by and let them harm you. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Chialla (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- The woman steps forward, and again raises the knife in her left hand. She holds it before her, held horizontally and across her body, pointed to her right, not at Cyan, and then... She presses the flat of the blade against the tips of the bard's extended fingers, and asks, quietly, "Cyan of No Place In Particular, will you swear on this, the blade Tireth, which has power to bind oaths, that you will do what you can to honour the memory of the fallen man, Nethick, and that you will serve in his stead until the task which brought him here is done, or until one week has passed, whichever is sooner?" "One week!" gasps one of the men. "But he... " "I have spoken, Horal. It was an accident, and this woman did not strike the killing blow." "Will you swear this, Cyan?" =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee's mental sending puts a small smile on Cyan's face - the situation is grave, so she holds back her feelings. Still, relinquishing her blade, she pauses for a moment to place one hand on his wrist in thanks before turning back to Chialla. The blade moves, and Cyan doesn't. She waits to see the results, and is not entirely surprised when it comes nowhere near her body. The woman's request, though - that is a shock. For an instant the bard struggles to comprehend what Chialla asks, and an instant only. Then she presses forward slightly with her hand. "I swear. I swear to honour the memory of Nethick, and to serve in his place, barring slights against my own honour, until the task is completed or a week has passed, whichever comes sooner." The copper-haired woman nods, slowly. "I swear." A man has died. It must be answered. It is only a week. Berd gives a small, grating snarl and turns around on Jonnee's shoulder, curling up to go to sleep. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by James ----------------------------------------------------------- The tension gradually leaves James' body. Cyan is unharmed. That doesn't mean he's happy about the situation. Cyan may have felt honour-bound to comply, but the man's death was not her fault and so the punishment did not sit well with James' sense of fair-play. Then a thought occurs to him and he smiles. Maybe less. She said one week or until the task is completed. Find out exactly what they want done, Cyan. If we can't finish it within 48 hours I'd be very surprised. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Jonnee ----------------------------------------------------------- Jonnee almost slumps to the ground as relief flows through his veins and he relaxes. It seems that there is no more danger of bloodshed here today. He steps towards Cyan and Chialla, ready to return the bard's weapon. He holds the sword awkwardly, never having had any need to carry a blade that wasn't built into him. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Cyan ----------------------------------------------------------- Amusement spices the bridging for an instant. A very, very good point, James...we may be capable of simplifying their task, which aids us both. Sorrow, then. It does not bring the dead man back. I wish there was more we could do, but.... Jonnee she can feel, his presence beating against her back, slowly diminishing as he relaxes, much as James has. A motion, and she steps to the side, politely not turning away from Chialla, but facing the young man. "My thanks, Jonnee Kay," the bard whispers with a quick smile and a flash of thankful, topaz eyes. Taking Kirilinde with one hand, she touches him on the shoulder with the other, nodding slowly, before turning back to Chialla. "It may be I can assist you, here and now, and allow you to return to your homes. What is the task before us?" Us, not you. For the nonce, Cyan is part of their company, with the same responsibilities. Some of them, no doubt, do not see it that way. =========================================================== Re: Part 38 - Arrivals and departures by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- The mental equivalent of a sigh, vibrates through the mindlink. It was worse. Cyan didn't need the burden of this task, he'd caused the storms. While he didn't agree with the need for any sort of punishment, he agreed even less with the Cyan accepting that punishment for him. Had a total stranger accepted it, he might have walked away and forgotten it. Had they tried to force it on him, they would have had to do so by force. But Cyan was not a stranger. She was familiar in a way he couldn't yet comprehend. True, she meant something to him, she'd proven a valuable companion. Yet, she was somehow different from the others; soft, but not weak; sensitive, but not vulnerable. He certainly couldn't say that of the others in their group-- excluding the newer ones, maybe. No, it was more than those things. It had begun back with Mum and the cabin. It felt like a need being fulfilled, but in a distant way; like home, or a letter from a sibling. In an odd way, one he almost hated, she evoked the same feeling as Mum's food. There was no need for differences. She was an ally in a battle. He loathed that he had grown to see her different than the others. He would squash it. But for now, he had to try to fix things. With quiet and slow resolve, Dorian stands and gathers his staff, then heads out of the ruins and towards Cyan and Chialla. =========================================================== |