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=========================================================== This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 16:06, Mon 10 Apr 2006. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- The stairs, the stairs... Aaron thought, his old joyful glory at finally being able to vent his frustrations lost amidst the crush for survival. He was a machine then, swinging, striking, stabbing. Alone in his mind and purpose for once. He would not distract himself with idle thoughts, as he shoved with one hand, stabbed into a dusty eye socket with the other. The stairs... Berd and the stairs, like a battle cry for king and country. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- "Chance - Dorian!" Luke's voice rose clearly over the howls, the screams, the ugly sounds of combat. "Knot with us - we four will protect their backs!" Without a weapon, the dark-haired man was seriously impeded. He needed to come in range of the dead to attack them, and the dangers of that showed. Blood, thick and dark, ran down his arms and from gashes in his face. His scalp bled from fingers tangling in his hair to pull him from his feet. His clothing was torn, his cloak long since abandoned as a detriment. But his hands still gripped and broke, his feet shattered legs and feet, and his forehead was laid open anew by a savage headbutt that smashed the skull of a too-eager corpse. To fall was to die. With a roar, he swung one dessicated body from its feet and hurled it into those between himself and the four warriors ahead. Come, then! I challanged the unchallangeable! I thought the unthinkable! I breached the unbreachable gates! The dead hold no fear for me! Bloodied fingers tore a skull from vertebrae, smashed it into another. Two of the dead latched onto his legs, and Luke stove in one with a brutal stomp before going down to one knee under the weight of two more. Rising with a surge of strength, he threw them of, a hammerblow brutally separating the one from his leg. More blood. More dead, piling on. "Meredith! Fight! Swing the cursèd sword!" =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena heard Berd's call and looked in that direction as she continued fighting hacking away at key joints such as knees and hips so they could not sontinue moving."Devlin, stay with me I am going to start fighting harder to get to where Berd is. Wishful thinking it may be, but perhaps if we make it out they cannot follow us. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- When the fight actually starts Meredith is taken aback. The risen corpses are relentless and it becomes apparent from sheer number that Luke needs her assistance more in the front than the rear. Still she hesitates with Verite, but the blade does not seem to hurt them very much. In fact, she notes as Luke rips one to shreds, they do not appear to be feeling pain at all. Still, she cannot desecrate the dead. Then again, what would happen when the magic compelling them to action failed? They would fall to the ground, forgotten, to be shrouded in dust for another millenia... and so Meredith fights her own, internal fight, while the others battle the undead. She is interupted first by Berd, flying and leading the way towards the stairs, and then by Luke and his command to wield Verite. For the first time she truly sees him, and the blood staining his clothing, the scratches and gouges marring skin already made pale and thin from Dorian's spell. Her friend was suffering for her inaction. She was as responsible for his wounds as if she had caused them with her own sword. Her eyes harden and she rises Verite into a fighting position before darting in front of Luke. Leaving him to guard the rear. Immediately she begins to cut and slash, finally wielding the blade with a surprising amound of skill and finesse. Her movements are quick, precise, and efficient as she tries to open a path to Berd and the staircase. Luke! Berd has found the staircase! she calls out in a loud (for her) voice. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- In the instant respite Meredith gives Luke, Berd suddenly swoops from the door. There is a flash in the air as something falls, and the little dragon glides high again, back to his position, a scrap of silk caught in his claws. Kirilindë's hilt, a hand-span of shining blade protruding from the brass guard, spirals over and over, tumbling towards Luke's bloody hands. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- Luke paused as Meredith slipped by him like a ghost, her blade suddenly flickering in vicious cuts meant to dismember the shambling corpses. Then he punched a hand through the ribs of one coming in from her flank, seized it by the spine, and hurled it to her other side, driving those back. "Then get to it - your back is warded!" Despite her weaker frame, with a weapon Meredith was more capable than he of keeping them off without suffering injuries. As long as he covered the areas not threatened by the rapier.... Then, with the area around them cleared for an instant, Luke lashed out with one hand to snatch the sparkling hilt from the air. As a sword, it left something to be desired. As a bladed extension of his fist, that was a different matter. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- On and on, the battle continues, confusion in this chamber, and in the other, where Vhuul continues to fight the Archons. The undead keep flowing down the stairs, a seemingly endless tide of corpses, dead before they even enter the fray. There is no longer stone underfoot here, the battlefield is composed now entirely of crushed bone and powdered flesh, and though the way seems endless, the stairs are definitely nearer now. There is a sudden roar from the deepest crypt, and a mass of choking dust billows out as a section of the roof falls. Two Archons move, briefly, to the entrance before darting back into the cloud. Something is screaming in there now, and the whole mountain seems to quiver beneath the impact of hellish forces. Then, like kings out of some ancient legend, raising themselves up to lead their followers to victory, James and Aaron grow taller. They have reached the foot of the stairs! The dead howl and renew their attack, but now they are restricted. They can no longer attack from all sides. They are constrained now to attack from front and rear, and those two faces are well protected by steel and sinew. Those behind find themselves constantly forced back and falling, while those in front fall and are trampled as brittle-boned legs are hacked at and torn away. Soon, all the questors are mounting the steps, and shortly afterwards there is a deafening crack as the ground tears open and a blast of scorching heat washes over them. The whole chamber is suddenly illuminated by a lurid reddish glow as most of the floor crumbles, falling hundreds of feet into a deep pit of molten stone, taking the dead with it. Now there are only the walking dead higher up the stairs to be concerned about, as they continue their unskilled attempts to strike down the heroes. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- As one of the rearguard, Luke received a first-hand look at the devastation down the stairs. His eyes widened, catching the light like a cat's and threw back the hellish glow. Seeing no point in warning the others - the travellers were moving as quickly as they were able - he kicked another groping corpse into its fellows, taking another step back from the inferno, then another. A bone turned under his feet, and the man slipped, falling to one elbow. Pain flared on his face, but he hurled aside the corpse that leapt atop him, and scrabbled to his feet again. "I fought...against blades of light..." he rasped, and shook blood from his eyes, "...under skies of flame...warred against Dominions...within the Gyre of Jupiter..." Kirlinde's truncated blade smashed through a fragile skull. "You think...*you* can take me?" "Perhaps you can, but I'm not finished yet," he snarled, and slung yet another corpse into the wall with such force that it shattered. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James allows himself a small sigh of relief when his foot hits the first riser. The push forwards had cost him, but not as badly as he feared. He would have a fine collection of bruises and scratches in the morning, and need a new set of clothes, but he hadn't received any serious injury yet. He was profoundly grateful that the local culture didn't include burying the dead with weapons. With no time to spare for a glance behind as the blast of heat washes over him, James can only assume that one of the others will warn him of any immediate danger from that direction. Instead his attention is focused on a rhythm of hand, foot, elbow and knee strikes. Against a foe that feels no pain it's more a case of deconstruction than incapacitation, James is quite literally taking each foe apart. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "Wow..." Aaron said to James between swings and gasps of breath. "If this keeps up... I'll be dead on my feet!" He chuckled slightly, which turned into a growl as he loosed limbs and bones into the dusty air. The environmental change had come as a shock, but that was lost in the destructive drudgery of the constant stream of shambling dead that needed cutting down. Aaron cleaved the outstretched, fleshless arms from a corpse with one horizontal swipe, bones breaking off just beneath the shoulders. He grabbed it by its exposed ribcage and smashed its head in with Ilsefranvir's hilt. "Onwards and upwards!" he yelled to his comrades. Then he used the body as a shield, shoving corpses away with its bony bulk in one hand, swiping at the exposed exhumed with the other. He took a breath of fetid, ancient death, then shoved the body forwards through the throng of corpses, swinging this way and that, hoping to force a way through to their final destination. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- While Meredith had come to understand and justify her actions, she is unable to escape the gravity of her actions. Tears silently stream down her cheeks as she works to destroy and desecrate the dead that attack them. The tears blur her vision, but she still strikes with the precision of a trained and battle hardened warrior... a precision and training that have been taken from another. With a swing of Verite's unnaturally sharp blade, bone is cut like butter. After completing the strike, Meredith instantly reverses the blow, bringing the simple sword around for a second blow while stepping forward and onto the stairs. The way is clear, allowing Luke and Meredith to gain the stairs just as the floor begins to rumble. The blast of heat hits her back hard, setting the wounds already there to a fire of their own, but still she fights on, refusing to look back, to be distracted. She strikes the corpses tirelessly, driven by a guilt that is only magnified by each of Luke's wounds. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Now in the middle of the group on the stairs and unable to swing a sword, Devlin trieds to get James' attention long enough to return his weapon. He'll hand it or toss to him if possible. If James won't take it then he'll try to give it to someone else that can use it. Evin if they come upon another are, Serena is doing a better job of protecting Devlin than he is doing for himself. He's not above allowing a woman to save his life and he plans on staying close to her. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd shot up the stairs like a missile, banking and arcing as necessary to avoid walls and groping, decayed hands. He hunted for the top, searching for the means to escape this trap, and lead the others to freedom. All the while he firmed his mental defenses. Once they broke free, once they reached the edge of the Broken God's denial, they would face Her. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd climbs, and finds peace, not far above. The dead interred here, while legion, where finite in number, and it seems that they many of the later ones may not have been bound by the same oaths and rituals that tied the earliest to Vhuul. In the upper crypts, they sleep peacefully still. The battle slows and thins as the group climbs higher, and finally those in the van find themselves with the steps upwards their only enemy. Some are wearied from the combat, and still there is the climb itself to face, while below there is fire and noise and falling stone impressing upon them the urgency of the escape. There is a ripping sound, deafening in its intensity, and a crash, followed by a wind which drives a cloud of stinging ash and embers before it, lashing the backs of those who have fought their way through an army of the dead, and behind them those same dead can still be heard howling as their dry flesh burns. The whole mountain seems to vibrate, a deep bass note strummed on the stretched fabric of this place, and the stairs, so long in darkness, are suddenly lit, far below, by the smoke-tinted light of the rising sun, filtering through a great cleft in the mountain. Then there is a shifting of the world, and the cleft is sealed by a million tons of sliding stone and earth, and a cloud of dust billows up the stairs, temporarily blinding and choking those who still breathe. And something moves down there. Something which hisses and crawls and writhes as it struggles, burning, up the broken stairs. In flames, parts of it break away, falling back into the waiting abyss far below. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- "I expect...that answers the question of 'which is more potent," Luke gasped, leaning against the wall with one hand. He stopped climbing, looking down the stairs. Far, far down. "Metatron seems to have weakened it. Severely. But it must be destroyed." He flexed bloodied fingers, their nails mostly torn away. "Who knows what kind of power it might summon if it breaks free of the radius of the Broken God? We will have our power...but so too will it. And it just might be able to summon its fellows at that point." "Someone pass me a blade." He pushed himself upright and stretched his back, closing weary eyes. "I don't really feel like climbing anymore. Maybe I'll just sit down here for a spell, and...wait for company." His nod encompassed the stairs and the fiery creature far below. "If the edge is good enough, I might even be able to pull a Sampson." One hand tapped the unstable walls, leaving red streaks behind. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena had placed her arm around Devlin as she caught her breath and also to help him if he needed it with his injuries. After reaching the top and looking below Serena shuddered. That was a close call for all of them and yet another reminder of the powers of those that were allies or opponents. After Luke spoke Serena's eyes narrowed and glancing at Devlin decided Luke was in worse shape. Serena walked over and said,"You may borrow mine Luke until I get you the rest of the way up the stairs. However, I must have it back as soon as possible. I am showing a great deal of trust in you by giving it to you at all. then with a sigh Serena added,"Everything you say is true Luke ,but I think you are weak and injured. I would like to help you. After all, if I don't then who will pop up behind me at the oddest moments." the last was said wearily but with an obvious smile. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith spent the trip up the stairs mostly coughing and wiping ash and dust from her eyes. Being in the rear she spent the most time in the clouds and it has coated Dorian's cloak (which has now seen better days) and her own underneath. Thank goodness she had the hoods up, else it would have been caked in her hair, instead it is just on her face, caking where her tears flow. When she finally makes the top, Meredith suffers another coughing fit, the coughs wracking her small frame. When it is over she wipes sooty sweat from her brow and dirty tears from her face. She sheaths Verite, worrying about cleaning the blade later. She notices that Luke has stopped climbing and she walks down to his stair. She regards him and his wounds and the guilt roils in her breast. She knows what she must do. Meredith shakes her head when Serena offers her sword to Luke. Her words are for Serena, but her eyes remain on Luke. Please Serena, keep your blade. Luke is too injured to fight... you are she says to him before he can protest and it is largely due to my inaction. For that you have my sincerest apologies. When we escape the influence of the Broken God I would ask that you allow me to heal you, but I would have to touch you, only to heal, not to take. I promise she says solemnly, seriously and holds up a hand I ask only that you consider it. It can be discussed more later. For now you have given enough Luke, let us finish this. Will you allow me to assist you up the stairs? He needed to get to safety, and then would come the time to fight. Her eyes are still on him, silently urging him to accept her offer. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- Luke slowly held his hand out for the sword. "Well, Serena, given that you are of Amber descent, I would say that finding this blade afterward will be fairly easy for you." His smile was ironic, and he shook his head. "Only one can weild a sword at a time, and I have the necessary strength. Were this dependant upon skill, I'm certain you'd be better suited - you proved that, below. But this is going to be more of a hack and chop thing, I suppose." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I shall do my best to disturb you from time to time. I'll make sure to pick the most awkward moments." He coughed, delicately, then grew more serious. "I wish I could take your help, Serena." His eyes slowly turned toward Meredith. "Meredith," the man said quietly. "All of you need to escape. That-" and he jabbed a hand out of the mountain, toward the sky "-needs you. You as much as the others." His smile is surprisingly cheerful, if exhausted. "I shall take you up on that offer, Meredith, if I make it out of here; between you and Serena, I have no doubt I'll be in tip-top shape in no time." He nodded, thoughtfully. "As for leashing yourself...perhaps I see you a little differently, now. A little more clearly. It's only fair you get to do the same, though it might cost you. But the others?" His hands gestured down the stairs. "How will they stop that without dying?" He looked down at his hands for a long moment, then again up to Meredith. He leaned back and studied both women, so different and so worthy of life. "All of you are more important than I. And I did not bring Chance here to have him perish." Pain crossed his face. "Haven't had many friends, really. Not since I fell out with Berd. I don't want him to die, Serena." He looked down the stairs at the approaching creature. "If you stay, Devlin will stay. If I don't, Meredith, James no doubt will. We'll end up with all of us standing here when that thing arrives." He closed his eyes. "I don't want any of you to die." His eyes opened, startlingly dark as always. He took a breath, held it, released. "Would you two ladies do me the honor of giving me a hand up?" The dark eyes sparkled with amusement. "And if either of you have a plan, I'm all for it. Last stands are not exactly my style...." Coyote, he was. Annansi, El-ahrairah, Aesop's Fox, Raven and others. Kitsune. Rabbit. Loki. Gods, firebringers, and small, clever animals crouching under the leaves. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith offers her hand to Luke as soon as he mentions it. His words make her very sad, and intensify the guilt that is already sitting on her chest like a dead weight. Here he was saying he could see her more clearly, being worthy of living when he was not, when she had just lied to his face. Oh she could heal him, but not in the way she had presented it. Thank you Luke and there is such feeling packed into those simple words that it could only be that she is thanking him for more than allowing the women to assist him to the top of the stairs. She struggles with what to say next, being that she suffered from the same problem Your self worth... it is... more than you give yourself credit for. she wants to say more, but the words stick in her chest, ensnared by the guilt that resides there. She cannot force them out of her lips, cannot speak a truth to him that she is not ready to admit to herself. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena listened to Luke's words and felt both honored and sad at the same time.It was an honor that Luke felt she was worth living even above himself. However,it greatly saddened her that he put so little value on his own life. After Meredith took one of Luke's hands Serena leaned down and took the other. "Luke, I understand that you feel we are more important, and I feel honored that you feel that way about me, but your life is worth a great deal as well. We need you whether you believe that. I don't think I can let you go alone down there. I will go with you, certainly two will have a better chance at surviving then just one." Serena replied seriously and her tone indicated she was very unlikely to take no for an answer. Serena looked back at Devlin and if she succeded in catching his eye she smiled sadly. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd floats down to land on James' shoulder. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James comes to a stop when it becomes clear that the waves of undead have finally stopped. He rests for a moment, bent over with his hands on his knees, until he has some little breath back. He accepts Fangmir back from Devlin with a wordless nod of thanks. Once he has recovered he surveys the group. Everyone has made it, more or less in one piece, for which he is grateful. As Berd lands on his shoulder, James lifts his head to regard the little dragon carefully. "No, Luke, go. It is a noble offer, but you are already injured. Here where the Broken God's influence still holds, I have the best chance of succeeding. And if, as you say, Sampson is required then Fangmir's edge and my strength will be sufficient." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Where it passes, things burn, bones, dry flesh, even the stone itself catches flame, if only briefly, and a hot, sulphur-tainted wind rises around it. Like a serpent of flame and smoke, it climbs the stairs, slowly, haltingly... Sometimes it falls back, tumbling down the burning stairs, only to struggle upwards again. The battle in the depths has wounded it, and now it pays a terrible price for every step climbed, as parts of itself break away, rolling and bouncing, blazing into the conflagration far below. Closer and closer it climbs, scrambling up the steps, scattering embers and ash into the depths, stone shatters as it passes, crippled and wearied by the conflict. Heaving its crippled bulk onto the final stretch of the staircase, it pauses, and then starts to climb again... wreathed in the stench of brimstone. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith is shocked by Serena's words... she wants Luke to continue to fight? He looked too injured to Meredith, but Serena was the healer, so Meredith keeps quiet and does not second guess Serena's opinion aloud. In fact, there is nothing in her countenance to betray the feeling. It is hidden behind the bland servant's face. Meredith frowns at James's words, but he is right. If strength and sword skill were needed he was the best among them. After settling Luke up the stairs Meredith removes Dorian's cloak and then her own cloak. She shakes it out, and it becomes apparent the places were ash and dust had settled through the holes singed in Dorian's wool cloak had not burned through hers. She fans it out and offers to put it on James, his once nice clothes torn and ripped by undead claws. Please James. It will protect you. she says to him quietly while regarding him with serious eyes full of unspoken words. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd sits silently on James' shoulder. He doesn't have much choice, now restricted to 'normal' psychic communication. Abruptly Berd launches himself into the air, to settle upon Luke's shoulder. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- Luke, with the aid of the two women, pulled himself to his feet. "Don't feed the ego, ladies," he muttered. "It's huge and hard to control as it is." His eyes sharpened, and his breathing steadied. "Truthfully, I don't want to die. Also truthfully..." He looked down the stairs again, an expression of doubt on his torn face. Then he shook his head. "But Serena, only one person can hold a sword at once. If I use yours, that leaves you unarmed." But James interrupted, and Luke turned to study him impassively. He looked down the stairs again, then up to James. He stared down at the creature a second time, then put his face in his hands. "James," he said quietly, his words muffled. "You'll die." Both hands raked through his hair, and Luke winced as some torn locks were tugged. "You certainly are better suited for the job...the irony of this is amazing. Here I am, volunteering to take the place of a human to do battle with a monster that crawls from a sulphurous pit." Luke looked up at the ceiling. "Are you laughing, brother?" he whispered. The man looked back at James as Meredith hands him her cloak. "Pride has always been my downfall, James, and it certainly won't let me go so easily. I am no fool, though, and see you are the best for this place. I can only ask this - allow me to stand beside you. There is room upon these stairs for two." Then Berd landed upon his shoulder, and Luke's face twisted in fury. "Don't you dare. Don't even think about it. You old bastard...no. Not this time. Leave it to James." He looked at the soldier, waiting for his choice. "You can take one more person, James. I offer myself. No doubt others will do the same." He glanced at Serena, then back up at Berd. "And you, old man, would do better above than down here." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian leaned on his staff, feeling older than usual. The lack of power felt vulnerable. "Disposable as I was meant to be, I would offer my assistance, but I would be merely a distraction in my current state." With the possible exceptions of Luke, he knew the others would say he wasn't disposable. They were noble like that. (Luke was too, of course, but he and Dorian were not on best terms at the moment.) "Unless you think a distraction is called for...." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Chance ----------------------------------------------------------- Chance stepped back from the stairs a bit. "O, that way madness lies; let me shun that..." He speaks with a contemplative tone, as if actually considering the opposite. "You know my passion is to stand with you, Luke, but reason says I am yet again best suited to be the cheerleader one more time." And I'll cheer the loudest. He knows that. "And as epic as this battle may seem, don't be afraid to fight dirty, guys. I don't suppose that thing has a set of family jewels...." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "Chance is right. Kick that thing in the sack if you find it." Aaron said, sounding strong and composed despite the battle facing them. He knew he had to make a decision, and though it pained him, he made it gladly. "We've already got enough enormous ego here, I don't think my volunteering to fight beside you two will make much difference. Despite the fact that I want to, that doesn't mean I should." He shook his head. The others would need his sword just as well, and his strength was nothing compared to that of James and Luke. "I will continue on, but not before I'm sure of the both of you." Aaron gestured back the way they came. "It approaches, slowly but surely." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James accepts Meredith's cloak gratefully. Hopefully it had some warding against fire and heat. He ignores Luke's dire predictions and considers for a moment. "Okay Luke, you stay. The rest of you get out of here. When you hit the boundary and your powers come back I need one of you to take five paces back towards me and mark the place with a low line of rocks or debris," bones "something that I'll notice." "Luke, take Fangmir; cut stone from the wall in chunks about so big." James measures out a rough rectangle a bit over a cubic foot in size with his hands. "After Metatron's efforts the Vhuul is likely to be super-heated, we go toe to toe as a last resort only. I'll bombard it as it climbs. It will also make the tunnel easier to collapse if we run out of options." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- And, as Aaron states, it does approach, slowly but surely. The flames which wreath it are less now, sputtering and flickering, and its movement seems slower, more pained, but it does approach, scrammbling up the steps. Until eventually it gets close enough that the sound of its movement can be heard, a scraping and scratching, like the claws of a dog on the stone. The flames are almost gone, though red heat still glows through cracks and tears in the charred surface of its broken body, and dense grey smoke still pours from it. It stops then, looking like a vast bundle of scorched rags, that some giant has simply dumped on the stairs. There is a mewling noise from it, and then silence. And then it speaks, the voice almost inaudible, a whispered echo of its former roar. + THE VHUULAD IS GONE. DESTROYED noW. + + THIS IS THE LAST YOU WILL SEE OF MeTATrON THOUGH. IT TOOK ALL OF OUR STRENGTH AND NOW we DIE. WHEN BERD CAME TO US WE KNEW THIS WOULD MEAN THE END, BUT WE CAME. + + BROUGHT ALL our REMAINING EMBODIMENTS. THERE IS NO MORE LIFE LEft to US. + + WE DO NOT THINK THE VHUULAD CONTaCTED OTHERS OF its KinD. AT THE END IT SCReaMED FOR AID, aND THAT AID DID NoT CoME, EVEN if ITS VOICE SHATTERED tHE MOUNTaiNSIDE. + Silence then, for a while, before the Voice whispers once more, + aAaaH... BuT IT WaS Good to do BATtle onCE MORE against the vhuulad, berd. to know, once more, what metatron once was... + =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- James' message is not welcome to Berd, obviously, but he silently prepares to move up the stairs with the others. After a moment, though, as the creature comes closer and it becomes apparant that this thing is no danger, he pauses. A look of dismay comes over his reptilian features as he surveys the form, the size, the heat. What fools we are, Berd thinks. Fearful fools. It is not aflame - it is fire, itself. Sending Luke a quick message, he floats through the air to the smoking creature, to settle gently beside it. Metatron...I grieve for you. That you gave of yourself so fully. Were Cyan here Berd knows she would be in tears, but he cannot weep. His mental voice grows more quiet, now. Would that I had some way of healing you...but your weapon itself prevents me from doing so. Clever, clever Voice...and so very brave. The drake's words are a quiet caress as he shoulders Metatron's pain as best he can, taking it away from the creature before him. What Metatron once was...what Metatron is, even now, shall never be forgotten so long as the universe stands. I will see to that. I hope that I face my end with such strength of purpose and bravery. Reaching out, uncaring of the heat still radiating from the Archon, Berd touches the smoking ruin of its body. Nothing should be alone at the end. A thin, keening cry comes from the drake, and his eyes shine in the dim light. You won, Metatron. You won against the beast, and you won yourself again. Where you go from here, I cannot say, but your name will live forever in light. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Metatron (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- + The wEApon? Ah... We haD FORGOTen iT in our hASte. WaIT. + There is a moment of change, a flickering return of sensations. + It is doNe. it functionS no MOre now. + =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- The bridging returns between the Questors, and Berd's eyes begin to shine like suns. Then I give you this, Metatron. A final touch of home, perhaps? One, single life to live? Or merely heart's ease? I do not know if it is enough to heal, to stave off this last death, or if it will only serve to carry you away. But it is yours. The drake reaches out, his spirit dipping deeply into the Underflow, and forms a conduit between the poor, crushed creature and that vital fluid of creation. And the conduit changes. It aspects, as Berd places his will upon it, altering it to match the incredibly complex signature that makes up Metatron's ravaged spiritual presence. Serena...any other with the capacity to heal, I call upon you now. Dust falls about the Questors, and the mountain itself shifts slightly. Abruptly the light grows in the passage as a trench, climbing all the way into the sunlight, is carved in the roof. Swirling dust glitters in the air, and the stairs become a brilliant ladder reaching up toward the exit. To your reward, Metatron, or to a final life. I cannot say which - that is beyond me, now. But whatever the path, you shall walk it in light and without pain. And with my love, that I give to all things, and my respect, of which you are truly deserving. Berd's words are hung with a deep sorrow, a yearning toward something lost and never to be recovered, and a hint of hope. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Chance ----------------------------------------------------------- Chance new the hearts of men, he thought, well enough. Very few would face there last moments without wondering or thinking on what would remain when they were gone, what legacy would remember their name- be it children, buildings built, works of art, or thier deeds. What about gods? What about this Metatron? Were these really his thoughts as his flame finally died out? Did he regret anything? "I'll play your song, Metatron. You won't be forgotten. It's what I do." Because everything around me dies eventually, anyway. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- Aaron stepped forwards, unable to contain the emotion in his voice. Like his comrades, he seemed exhausted. "I will pass on your memory, and that which you have shown me. I... regret that I could not know of you more, my Teacher." Aaron sighed. "I will not forget." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith goes on tip toe to secure the cloak on James and positions it on him with a servant's silent skill as he speaks. She moves as though she is readying a lord for a hunting expedition instead of a friend for a dire battle. She smooths the sides of the cloak down into place so that it hans properly and steps away, satisfied. And then everything changes. It is not Vhuul that slowly drags towards them from a fiery hell, but Metatron, on his last vestige of life. Meredith fades into the back of the group as they express their sorrow and mourning for the Archon's passing. She did not know Metatron well, but the Archon's actions were steeped in bravery and honor. It had sacrificed itself because of their desperate action. Now they must ensure that the sacrifice was not wasted, that this war was ended. She needs to find out more from the mountain, the world, but she saves her energy to assist Luke. Metatron's grievious injuries were beyond her ability, the nature of her 'healing' would not help the mortally wounded Archon. So she remains distanced from the group, allowing them the privacy and time necessary to bid Metatron farewell. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Devlin watches the dying Metatron emotionlessly. Still, and especially now, he is keeping his feelings hidden away. Someone would have to rip through his mind and take his thoughts from him. He's sure that they could, but was betting that they wouldn't. Suddenly feeling returns, Devlin knows that he and Nightbrand can once again change shapes. Immediatlely the rips in what appears to be Devlin's clothing mend on their own and his wounds begin to heal. At the same time the man quielty placed that flask that he's been carrying against his chest and as he presses the his body actually swallows the thing. When he withdraws his own hand the flask is securely within him. Something else they will have to tear him apart to get. Devlin doesn't wait any longer, he turns from Metatron and the rest of the group and begins to leave, then stops and looks at the Archon as it lays there. "Metatron" Devlin says, "If it is still within your power to do so you tell your kind this. If they do not stop their plans, if they continue to destroy the universe.... this node, and its inhabitants. I will find another of the Vhuulad. I will realease it to realease the rest of its kind. Your kind and its had an agreement, it seems your kind has broken that pact. Tell them to honor the agreement." Devlin does not wait for any response, instead he turns and moves up the stairs and away from the creature; out of the cave. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Metatron (NPC) ----------------------------------------------------------- + We aRE dyiNg, bERd. we usED everYthing we haD to DEFeat the VHuuLAD, and now thERE is NOthing LEFT. What YOU sEE here IS the lasT portion of OUR fiNAL eMBoDImeNT. This tiME. DeaTH iS permanent. + At Devlin's words, the broken Archon moves slowly, painfully, and calls after him, + Do you NOt sEE? It iS noT ouR PEople who Make this WAR aGaiNst YOU. TheY, thE SerAPHim, ArE tHe eNeMiES of My PeOPLe ToO. We figHt TheM, bUT wE arE OutNumbEREd a THoUsanDFolD, AnD noW thEY are STrongEr, since oNe of the hAtchING woRLds waS dEstrOYed. TheY haVE mORe jOiNInG tHem. + + ThoSE wHO ATTacK yOUr wORLDs woUld DesTRoy aNY of Us beFOrE wE coULD deLIvER thE fIrST woRD oF YOuR MessaGE. ThEY woULD nOT lIstEN. Do YoU ThINk We hAVe noT TrieD tO StOp tHEm coMMitTING tHIs atTroCIty? + The Archon howls then, a mournful, metallic sound, and for a moment, it seems as though it has died, as crystals of ice form across its surface, and then melt awat again. + CloSe noW. cLose. bErd, liSTen to uS. this is impoRtant. there is oNe of us who has become a leaDer for the seraphiM. harbonah it iS Called, and harbonah has a trAcker hunting for this grouP. a human known to us only as the general. this general is dangerous. a human so competent that archons will serve it. you must... find charyk. there is a thing you can use. before... broken god was broken... there was... hgreeeeee... the thing which sundered broken god... find charyk... hgreeeeeeeeeeegh... find the snswer.......... + And then the frost returns. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- Luke had taken James' blade with a sigh of relief, hefting the heavy weapon experimentally before turning his attention to the wall. Dorian's comment received a grunt, and a quick shake of the head. Not dismissive - only guarded. "You can't always get what you want, Aaron," the bleeding man agreed, quietly. "But if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need." He smiled, sadly, to Chance. "I've always like the Rolling Stones, you know. Maybe you could sing one of their songs for me." His smile turned vicious for a moment. "And don't worry - I practically invented fighting for keeps. When you're up against an enemy like Berd…way back when, anyway. Now, not so much." With one hand he clapped Chance on the shoulder. "Good luck, friend." But the preparations were for nothing. Luke had done no more than sink the blade into the wall - …good point, that… - when the identity of their pursuer became obvious. Leaning against the sword, Luke closed his eyes and slowly slid to the ground as Berd launched himself off his shoulder. "Give me a moment, old man." It looked like it would take more than a moment, though. Metatron's words seemed to touch something inside the injured man, and he covered his eyes with his hands, leaning on his knee. '…to know, once more, what Metatron once was…' I know. He raised those eyes in faint hope as Berd attempted to sustain the creature, then turned them to Devlin as the man spoke his ultimatim. His own, dulled vision hardened, and he clenched savaged fingers…fingers that began to heal, even as Devlin's own tears and rips vanished. But as his form grew less injured, it grew less solid. Paler and paler Luke became, until almost, almost one could see right through him. He opened his mouth to speak, but then Devlin turned away, his body closed against words. So Luke marked his passage with his eyes, narrowing them against the sudden sunlight in the newly-formed gorge. Then come Metaron's final words. And then silence. Luke hardened his heart against the pain. That thing was not his brother. Heroic, yes. Worthy of sorrow, yes. But there would be time for that later, when Chance sang his songs. "The General," he muttered, and pushed himself up, wavering, still bleeding from some wounds that would not close. "A traitor in Amber. Best hope it isn't Prince Benedict." Then he moved to kneel beside Berd, and lightly run his hands over the frozen form before the dragon. "Did you still want to bear this?" he asked quietly, holding out Kirilinde's broken hilt. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Devlin ----------------------------------------------------------- Metatron's words actually made him stop and turn. "Harbonah. Then I guess I better find a way to get my message to Harbonah." Devlin is almost oblivious to what is going on around him; almost, but not completely. At least he's paying attention more to the others than they seem to be paying attention to him. "I do not plan to be found by this General." He finally says, "Because I do not plan to do anything else to draw any attention to myself. I plan to hide while I persue two goals. The first is to find the resting place of more of the Vhullad and then once I have to have my message delivered to Harbonah. The egg is his, he will know what is planned as soon as it is released from its cocoon and I make my intentions clear." Devlin already knows that none of the others agree with him, that they likely believe him to be insane. But he's betting that the he will not have to follow through on his threat; that the Seraphim can be made to leave if they believe him capable of following through on that threat, so Devlin must believe that he is capable of following through on that threat. The dark man looked at Serena. He did feel something; his feelings for her had grown since the night they had met by chance. Was it chance? or was he somehow drawn to her? He could easily... but he must have a goal, a firm plan, something that this group had never had, but now he had one and he was tired of moving aimlessly and hoping for the best... He somehow already knew the answer to his question, but he asked it anyway. "Will any of you join me in my quest?" Without waiting for an answer Devlin turns and leaps up the stairs. As he moves through the air he bigins to transform; it is a very familiar form and befor he lands the change is complete. A wolf lands on the stairs, yet he can still speak and he calls, "I will wait for any that will follow" The wolf leaps again and literally disappears into the thick shadows. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James can't help but feel a little let down that the crippled creature on the stairs is Metatron not the Vhuul. Uncharitable perhaps, but inevitable. It takes a little while for the body to break down all the adrenaline stirred up by a fight to the death. He does not grieve for Metatron as some of the others do, the angel of fire is simply to alien for him to feel any true empathy, but he understands the sacrifice that has been made. Metatron was ancient beyond imagining and had the caution of his years. Without their intervention he likely would have survived the Seraphim's attentions, now the immortal died. It is a solemn occasion suitably marked by the others' reactions. If the General is Benedict, we are in a lot of trouble. Our best chance would be to stay ahead of him. Devlin's ultimatum causes James some sorrow. So he wasn't bluffing. "I won't follow you, Devlin, and if you try to release another of these monsters I will oppose you as I would have opposed Dorian in destroying the hatching world. I won't skip Ragnarok by ushering in Armageddon." Devlin may indeed be able to communicate his threat to Harbonah using the egg, but James doesn't believe that the Seraphim will back down. Harbonah would likely be destroyed if his plan failed, the threat of the Vhuulad is unlikely to deter him. And now Metatron has brought news of another answer, whatever this charyk is. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- Aaron shook with the rage of it, old anger boiling up as image after image of people, friends, comrades and family he had lost on this awful quest. Devlin's words only served to fuse that rage into an frozen feeling in his chest. He had seen how the man had tried to flee... with Serena in tow. Turning his head to stare at where Devlin had been with one eye, the swirling colors in it flowed and flared, an autumn forest set ablaze. "Death. He has threatened our very destruction. I demand his death." His voice hissed, cold and intent. Ilsefranvir's blade snaked out and lightly encircled Aaron's torso, the tip of the blade pointing behind him at Devlin. It seemed to be staring towards Devlin's exit. "He is a threat. We must kill him." Arianne's cold voice emerged from the darkness. The blade slid out further, inching over Aaron's shoulder. "We must do it now." The blade snapped back as he turned, and Aaron charged out of the cavern on Devlin's trail. "I will not allow it!" =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- For a long time Berd has sat next to the cold remains of Metatron. Another gone. And then chaos explodes around him, and suddenly Berd can't think. The group is tearing itself apart around him, and for all of the versitility of his mind, he finds himself paralyzed. Almost as though he argues within himself. Should he stop Devlin? Aaron? Devlin is wrong, but...should he trust Devlin? Berd has been wrong, terribly so...but this is too much. Isn't it? Aaron should not kill the man, he should not...shouldn't he? Or is it necessary to... His foreclaws take the nicked and worn hilt from Luke, turning it over labouriously. If only Cyan were here. She was the one who acted. She knew, at a moments notice, a path to take. Perhaps not the right one (rarely the perfect one, to be true), but she always moved. What would she do? What would she do? His eyes turned to Luke, then followed Aaron. Devlin's words had shaken him to the core, and now the little dragon held a terrible responsibility in his spirit. Strike now, or let them go. And which? Which to strike? Devlin's plan could not come to fruition. But...was it a true plan? Or a trick, to fool the Archons? Could he take a chance? What would she do? Too many voices cried within him, all of them with different words. The drake paused another few heartbeats, glancing at Dorian now, then Serena. He gathered the reins of the world around them, gave an experimental tug, prepared himself. You stall, Berd. DO something. Meredith...when I return, I will have a request of you. Of your skills. For myself. With that, Berd rose slowly into the air and floated after Aaron, his mind already seeking the fading traces of Devlin. High above, the sky began to boil. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by D'Ombra ----------------------------------------------------------- The wolf hears Aaron begin to go into a rage, and that is all it takes.... =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian doesn't know if Devlin is still within earshot, much less within the world, but he suspects not. "Devlin," he says, hoping he is. "If you use the egg to contact Harbonah, then I suspect you will instantly be his pawn, his slave. Your message will not be delivered and you will not have the power to carry our your plan. You will be one more enemy we fight. In this plan, you are not better than Dorian himself." He can say no more, not even knowing if the man still remains to hear a word of it. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Chance ----------------------------------------------------------- Chance tries to think. The egg had been back at that other world, whatever it was called. He was sure someone said Luke had gone back there after Dorian's Coup de Main, but he wasn't sure what had become of the egg. "Pardon me if I missed a bit, but where exactly is the egg, now?" =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- "He'll be gone, Dorian." Luke sank back down to the ground and closed his eyes, putting one hand over a bleeding set of teeth marks on his bicep. "He'd be a fool to stick around, and he doesn't strike me as such." The dark man stared at the remains of Metatron a final time, then looked up through the cleft at the sun. One corner of his mouth quirked. "I'm betting that DEVLIN has the egg, Chance. Well, at least we made it out alive. Right?" Uncertain would have been a good way to describe his tone. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- Aaron sudddenly skidded to a halt, swallowing a bellow of rage. "What the hell do you want now?!" he asked as he accepted the mental nudge, having a feeling he knew who or what it was. "You better have more answers or a damn good reason to bother me." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith had settled into leaning against the wall while she figured the group would plan its next move. Devlin appeared to have his own plans though and she watches the dark man him depart while apathy settles heavily on her shoulders. Most likely Serena would be joining him. He was acting foolishly, forcing a break in the group and the others into decisions they were not ready nor fully capable of making at the moment. He was pushing everyone too much too soon. A rational conversation after a day of rest, mourning, and recory would be better received than making everyone feel like he was backing them into a corner. The side of her that has watched various interactions noted this clearly, while the safeness of a servant's apathy kept her from attempting to explain this to Devlin. Aaron's reaction was more passionate and his cold fury and potent rage emanate from man and sword in waves. Meredith slides down the wall and curls up on her side, hugging her arms protectively around her ribs. She turns so that her back, covered only by her stained linen shift, is facing the others. She ducks her head down, seeking to make herself as small a target as possible. She has learned that if she stays out of the way then she may avoid becoming an outlet for such strong, violent emotions. Even after Aaron takes off after Devlin, she holds the position, cautious of man and sword returning before getting a handle on the killing rage. When Berd addresses her she does not move to answer him physically, but through the bridge she replies in a small, tightly controlled, bland voice Of course... I am at your disposal when you are ready Berd. Aaron's exclamation echoes to them and she flinches. The feeling is still intense in his voice. She could still become an outlet for the thwarted emotions. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena stood there stunned as Devlin declared his ultimatum and for her all seemed to come crashing down. The reactions following were no better Aaron threatening to kill him, Dorian explaining that if he does reach his goal he will likely be taken over and turned into a pawn. All of the options before her seemed temporatrily unsurmountable. If she went with them she would be considered the enemy. If she did not go with him she would loose the only person she had ever connected with on such a level in her long long life. As Serena turned her eyes to the dead Metatron Serena sighed heavily and then turning to Luke said tonelessly and with no indication of which way she intended to go,"Luke, I would like my sword back now please." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Upwards again, and into the uppermost tunnel, where they had first entered the mountain. Devlin is gone. No trace of him. As a shapeshifter, the means of travel open to him are many and varied. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- Luke slowly turned to look at Serena. A thin smile crossed his face, and he wrapped one hand around her sword's blade, holding out the hilt toward her. "I fear I have put blood on your blade. Best be certain to oil it." His eyes gleamed strangely in the odd light of the crevice. His smile was strained. "I'd avoid Aaron, though. He seems perturbed." His voice dropped lower. "I found you with Devlin. I helped bring the two of you back to the others. I did that because I thought you might serve a greater purpose - both of you. I have made some astonishingly poor choices in the past regarding my associates, but I trust you and he." One hand waved toward Meredith. "Save your magic, Serena. Meredith has said she will help me. Go, before he is too far gone to follow." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena nodded as she took the blade back from Luke and shortly after that her espression changed and it looked aas though she was listening to something noone else could hear. Serena listened carefully as Luke spoke and said,"I will go Luke. I understand your point. " then she turned and said louder,"I am not your enemy any of you I am going because I believe what Luke has said is true. Please do not try to follow us. I do not wish to fight any of you. Perhaps with me along Devlin can be tempered. I wish you all well until we meet again." Serena then turned and ran out of the building following Devlin and with her voice she called"Devlin!!! Wait for me I am coming with you!!! as well as her mind voice directed and powered as loudly and as powerfully as possible. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Chance ----------------------------------------------------------- "Wait," Chance said. "Is this the part where we all go our separate ways and meet our end alone?" =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- After Serena left, Meredith slowly uncurled from against the cave wall. The older woman would join Devlin and be gone. While this would not satisfy Aaron's rage Meredith believes that Serena's going with Devlin will temper the intensity of his feelings. She would be a calming influence, a voice of reason, one to share the views that Aaron himself would, only in a voice Devlin would be more likely to listen too. Meredith would not be surprised if they joined up with the duo again before too long. The young woman pulls in a deep breath to help steady her nerves as she bends her legs under her and settles into a kneeling position. Her gloves weigh heavily on her hands, the sensations making her skin crawl. She wants to rip them off, but tempers the impulse. The gloves were always on the edge of her mind, their subtle presence whispering to her softly. She was so used to their song that she was able to ignore it and cast it aside easily. Besides, theirs was a simple story. Only now the melody had changes, the words the gloves whispered to her now told of desecration and destruction. Of fighting and violence. It was harder for Meredith to push these thoughts to the side, since everyone's powers had returned the gloves had been repeating her sins steadily into her mind, a never ending recitation of her wrongful deeds. Luke's words help bolster her strength and she is able ignore the story. For now. If you would like to do this now, please have a seat next to me Luke. If not, I will await your call. Meredith says quietly to Luke. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "Wait!" he yelled into the ether. "I'm... sorry." he ground out. "We are in a very compromised position at the moment. If it was up to me, I'd have already thrown in my lot with you." Aaron admitted into the Trump contact. "But we ran into a snag or two, and now one of ours has turned coats." Gripping Ilsefranvir, he heard Serena yell after Devlin. "Make that... two of ours." he hissed, and punched the cavern wall. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- It's cold on the mountainside. The air clear and frost-laden. Overhead a few stars are still visible, and the moon rides high, even though the eastern horizon is flooded with the glow of impending sunrise. The group file out onto the bare slope. Broken stone, shaken loose by the tremors of Metatron's fall, slides and moves under their feet, clattering and scraping down the rocky incline. And in this desolate place a small bird sings a greeting to the dawn. Life goes on. There is a word, a clue to work with. Charyk. A place? A person? A thing? Gaining this clue has cost them dearly, so they should make the most of it. But where to start? The sun rises, flooding the sky with flame and colour, and the dragons of Samhain sing a chorus to greet it. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "On one hand, I say should let him go and stumble into his own folly. He is a casualty. I am inclined to say that, and yet- obviously- disinclined to do so. I don't want to see him hurt. He has already left this world, Aaron. The problem is we hardly grasp his power, and what he is capable of. Though his ways are subtle, he could prove to be mor dangerous than most to our cause." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- James moves over to Meredith and returns her cloak, laying it across her shoulders and fastening the clasp, although he has trouble getting it to sit right while she is kneeling down. James suspects that Dorian is correct in his assessment of the threat posed by the egg to Devlin and by Devlin to the remaining groups goals. He had never doubted Dorian's wisdom, but this clone seems more open than his precursor and willing to share his insight. "Let's hope that Serena can...moderate his behaviour. I doubt she will turn him from his purpose, but she might restrain some of the wilder steps he might take to achieve it." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for the invite, Meredith." Luke half-crawled over to Meredith and sat himself down with a grunt. "My fana is rather ragged. If you can assist, I would be most grateful." His voice regained its sardonic edge, though that seemed more a function of his personality than anything directed at the listener. He grinned up at James as that one arrived with the cloak, and fumbled under his torn shirt at Dorian's words. "So he's gone, Dorian? Good. I lost track of him, but I think that was caused by something he did. Sorry, Chance, I couldn't take the chance of him hearing." So saying, Luke brought his hand out from under his ripped clothing, impossibly bringing forth a familiar object. "Ta-daah. One egg of destruction, hard-boiled." His grin was ferocious. "Perhaps a bit more restraint right here, eh James?" His face grew more serious. "I saw in Devlin a mind capable of heading in a different direction than many. A mind that matched his ability. Subtle, unexpected, and ever-changing. In a good way, not like others we have known. I do not think I was mistaken regarding his nature, though. He is not a destroyer." Old man, you've lost the trail. You might track Serena, but why not put some trust in her? And Devlin? And me? At that last, his mental voice grew slightly aggrieved over the bridging. His eyes grew more serious and he looked up at Chance. "Chance, I believe there comes a time when all people have to find a different path. I think this is it for Devlin, and perhaps Serena, too. Torn between two roads, poor girl. It may be we need to split apart for a time, to open spaces between some of our group, for the sake of unity - and if that isn't irony, I don't know it - and to remain hidden from our enemies. Devlin has a plan. This ensures he will not fall victim to some flaws in said plan - he will have to find a way to contact Harabonah on his own." The egg was displayed again, then he placed it on the ground with his hand atop it. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- Shapes spiral up out of hidden clefts in the mountains as the light grows, swarming like angry hornets, if hornets were as big as horses. They gather around the higher peaks, calling to each other, and then drop beyond the mountains, their voices fading as they sweep down towards the lowlands, and their favoured feeding grounds. A few lag behind though, with injured wings and bleeding wounds, legacies of the battle which has been fought here. Colateral damage. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd slowly floats back across the broken ground to where the group stands, sits, and kneels. He shoots a quick look at Luke, then studies the remains of Metatron, lying on the stairs. There is a surge in the air, and the remains crumble to dust, borne away into the sky by a wind from nowhere. Berd sighs, and glances toward Dorian. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- It takes Meredith a moment to respond to James when he returns her cloak. She does not even seem to realize he is there until he is refastening the clasp at her throat. Some of the clouds clear from her eyes, but she still seems distracted as she smiles wanly and mumbles her thanks. The same is true when Luke approaches her. It is the least I can do for you she murmurs quietly, happy to be able to get the now accursed gloves off. She pulls off the glove on her left hand and cannot help sighing in relief. She places it down in her lap and looks at it with hatred but pauses before removing the glove from her right hand. She looks to Luke, slightly concerned. I will focus only on the... healing, but it is possible that other information, images, skills may come through. I cannot completely control what comes through. After what happened with Dorian, you should know the risks of touching cyanide Meredith smiles softly, showing that she said the last part in jest. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian lifts his head to watch the drakes soar. He can't help but feel sympathy for the wounded ones. Those too wounded to hunt will become prey, and they know that. In some way, he feels like they do. He is a cheap and poorly equipped imitation of the original. He misses this place, though he has truly never been here before. He wishes he never came, and yet it might have been timelier than he imagined. He pulls his cloak around himself and thinks. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd glances at Meredith for a long, considering moment, then returns his gaze to Dorian. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian turns to Berd and nods. His eyes are distant for a moment, and then he turns back towards the direction the Drakes have flown. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "Yes..." Aaron said, still maintaining the contact. "I will not speak for the remainder of this group, but I have already made my decision." Aaron stopped, taking in the rest of his comrades. "Friends, our supposed benefactor is in contact with me as we speak, the warrior in jet and gold. His offer of asylum, apparently, still stands." When Aaron stopped, he stopped to distance himself from everyone else. There was a reason for it. He hadn't been the same since she died. Aaron had decided already, that he would not let himself continue on until he discovered the truth. It was not his direct intention, not yet, but he had many choices he could make, many paths he could take, to get that "end" result. "I intend to take him up on his offer. Alone, if necessarry." he said finally. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- Dorian's gaze doesn't move. He is concentrating on too many things at once. Yet, at Aaron's words, he is remembering a world full of forest and talking beasts, and a giant tree with roots that sank deep into the underflow. It is interesting that a journey began there, on Aaron's world. "Go, then, Aaron- and anyone else who wishes to do so. I must stay here. I promised someone answers, and I mean to keep that promise. Berd has indicated he will accompany me for some time. Tell this warrior our business is pressing, but we may find opportunity to accept their hospitality at a later time." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- "I don't like it, Aaron, even more so since Metatron said the Archons are once again acting through a human agent. Maybe you have reason to trust this warrior in jet and gold but I'm uncomfortable delivering myself into the hands of a total stranger even to accept sanctuary." James doesn't declare for one course of action or the other but it's clear that without more assurances he'll be staying. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- "Probably something to do with the person we've been trying to duck, right Dorian?" Luke chuckled, still waiting to see what Meredith could accomplish. "Well if you and the Old Man are going to handle that problem, I'll be going along with Aaron. No sense in leaving the larger part of the group completely uncovered. I can help with that, at least. I suppose you'll be joining up with us as soon as you finish, Old Man?" he asked, shooting a quick look at Berd. Then he coughed. "Of course, 'larger' part might be pushing it a little. Myself, Aaron, James and Meredith, if they come." His eyes looked back to Dorian, measuring the man again. Finally he nodded. "Don't worry, Dorian. We'll keep a spot warm at the table for you." Then the man glanced at James. "Maybe less than four. Perhaps we should rethink this, Aaron. We don't really know this person, now do we?" =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith feels the weight of Berd's gaze but says nothing. If he had something to say he would say it and she is not one to ask. And then Aaron is leaving, and Luke wants to go with him. James seemed inclined to stay with Dorian and Berd. She remains quiet, not speaking her intentions. Let us get you tended to so you are ready to go if you so wish Luke Meredith says. She takes a moment to gather her thoughts, but the niggling presence of her right glove is still there, a constant distraction in a time when she could not afford to be distracted. She removes the glove deftly, and then slips the hand into the folds of her cloak quickly, not wanting the others to see it. She is careful to keep it from hitting the cloak. Thus prepared she centers her will and focus. I have been told that it may tingle then she takes his opaque hand into her own. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "No, I don't know him from a hole in the wall." Aaron shook his head. "But... it's my decision, and I'm sticking by it. I'm not asking any of you to come with me, but he seems interested in all of us. However..." he paused, unable to let the possibility pass. "If it is a trap, then some of the group must survive. Honestly, I wouldn't want all of you to come with me for specifically that reason. Those of you who wish to come can." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd looks up from his study of the hilt. I would go with you, Aaron, save that what Dorian and I do will be of critical import. This situation must be dealt with immediately - consider the Vhuul, and what Metatron died to prevent. Devlin is one thing; the Queen with such knowledge is another. He falls silent for a long moment. I wish that I could accompany you. Our people fracture again, and we grow smaller. There comes a point where small groups cease to be efficient at evading notice, and only become good at one thing - growing weak. I will rejoin you as soon as possible. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena stopped running once she realized Devlin either could not hear her or chose not to and that is when she hear the bird singing her name. Knowing Devlin had used Birds in other capacity her only option was to hope it was a sign or messsage from Devlin so she turned towards the bird and began walking towards it's singing of her name. Serna was sure that Aaron at least would be quite irate at her choice. However, to the best of her knowledge Aaron simply did not know what Luke was exactly and how very very long, much longer than any other she knew in her life, that he had been around. It only made sense to her to listen to him and hope she could catch up with Devlin. Serena deeply regretted not sharing what she knew of luke and berd when she had the chance. However, for now she had to let that go as it was simply too late. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dworkin (GM) ----------------------------------------------------------- A small bird flies out of the diminishing gloom and perches on Serena's shoulder. It sits there singing brightly, pleased to have found her. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Serena ----------------------------------------------------------- Serena smiled at the bird and said simply "If you can tell him I am coming" and withthat Serena began walking swiftly as she shifted the Shadow around her on her way to the location she recieved through the message. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "I was hoping to not speak aloud our intentions," Dorian says with a smirk. "The walls really do have ears here." He turns to Berd. "When you are ready, old friend." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- Nodding, Aaron sheathed Ilsefranvir. If the warrior wasn't an enemy, then arriving with a naked blade was the worst way to make an impression. "Take my arm, Luke, whenever you're ready." he said, using it as a sign for the warrior to prepare for their arrival. To the rest of his comrades, he merely nodded. "Don't be afraid to contact me, if you can. I will get in touch with you... once I'm sure of the situation." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, I think for the moment I'll stick with Berd and Dorian. Hopefully, their business won't take too long. Aaron, once you and Luke have established this guy's bona fide's we'll hook up again." "But first let's give Meredith and Luke a moment. Chance, what are your plans?" James gives Fangmir a quick wipe, little more is needed as any mess remaining from the undead was effectively removed when the blade was plunged into the rock. He then sheathes his sword and sits with his back propped against a wall of the chamber, awaiting the signal for their departure. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- Berd glances toward James, and flicks his eyes to Meredith for a moment as she crouches beside Luke. As to how long our business might take...it could be swift, it might be slow. I truly have no idea. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith's hand tightens around Luke's and a slight crease dimples her brow, giving her a look of intense concentration. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Chance ----------------------------------------------------------- "Well," Chances shrugs. "I don't get the feeling that Samhain exactly digs my kind of music." He looks in the direction of Serena. "And I think Devlin and Serena's invitation to their little shindig got lost in the mail, so I'll throw my cards in with Luke. I know him the best, anyway. So, does this Warrior in Jet and Gold have a real name? If not, I'm going to have to shorten it down to just JG for convenience." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Dorian ----------------------------------------------------------- "Your presence is welcome, James." Dorian bows slightly in his direction respectfully. "Swordmen are a rare and valuable asset here. Sadly, I should tell you that a sword will stand out here. If you can conceal Fangmir somewhat, it would be wise to do so." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "I don't yet know his name, Chance. He's been... secretive." Aaron answered, somewhat agitated, though not at Chance. "I'm assuming we'll find out." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Chance ----------------------------------------------------------- "Yep," Chance agrees with grim nod. "They usually tell you their name before they kill you. Probably an ego thing, I suppose. Well, we might as well get it over with. Tell JG we're ready." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Berd ----------------------------------------------------------- You once concealed Fangmir with rock, James. Berd's voice is blunted with sorrow. Perhaps you might do the same again. It would attract attention, but not nearly as much. He glances at Luke, then to Aaron. Good luck, Aaron. Chance. Luke. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- "You too, friends." Aaron said finally... wondering if it really was the final time. "We're ready." Aaron finally said through the contact once Luke and Chance were in his personal space. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- "One more moment, Aaron," Luke said, and grinned at Meredith. His teeth were very white, and very even - not pointed in the least. But something in his smile made them seem so much more sharp, even if there was no threat in his eyes. He looked up at Dorian's little group as he waited for Meredith to finish. "Take care, Old Man. James, I expect you don't need a caution, nor a request to take care of the others. Dorian...." His eyes searched this new Dorian's face, then he shrugged. "I owe your 'twin' a little something, but you, no. Try to come back in one piece." =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Meredith ----------------------------------------------------------- Meredith's eyes are open but unseeing. Luke's grin is lost on her. Then her brow smoothes. The young woman takes a deep breath, preparing herself for what is to come. And then she takes. Moving quickly, not allowing herself to think or acknowledge the feeling of her physical self, Meredith takes from Luke. And then, though she knows it will not help much, she gives a little. As much of herself as she can afford, a drop in the ocean to the grievous wound, but with it comes the thought and intention of assistance, of a friend who cares. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by Luke ----------------------------------------------------------- Luke raised one eyebrow smoothly, and his smile twisted slightly, growing more ironic than barbed. Luke breathed out, exhaling. He closed his eyes for a moment. Perhaps something changed about him. Perhaps his skin was not quite so pale as before, perhaps his eyes were slightly darker. Perhaps he appeared a hint more solid. =========================================================== Re: Part 48 - To battle legends by James ----------------------------------------------------------- "I'll leave Fangmir behind. It has a way of showing up when I need it." Unless of course the Broken God was blocking his access to the Pattern. Still, James felt confident enough of his prowess in unarmed combat to risk the loss, particularly if it might avert some later conflict before it started. Accordingly, he stows Fangmir behind the bones of one of the dead still resting in this shallower part of the crypt. James watches carefully as Meredith works with Luke. He is concerned that she will somehow take Luke's hurts upon herself. Meredith's history of discipline and pain has created some of the instincts towards self-martyrdom that Jack used to display. When the time comes to depart, James says simply, "Fare well until we meet again. If we get separated look for me in Amber." He still feels a sense of loss as Aaron, Luke and Chance accept the trump contact and disappear. First Jonnee, then Devlin and Serena an now these three. Well, strictly speaking the litany should begin with Kaelyn then Andrej then Jack then Cyan then Jonnee. And how many before Kaelyn that might weigh on Aaron's mind? James didn't want to think that way. Had they now spread themselves too thin? =========================================================== |