Peoples of |
Contract | New Spells |
Dwarves | Dwarves are an ancient people,
still increasing slowly across the face of the Young Nations. They live
in citadels called dwarfholds, digging deep into the roots of mountain ranges
to obtain minerals and ores. They tolerate close quarters and crowding very
well compared to most races, and dwarfholds have very high populations.
When a dwarfhold gets too crowded even for dwarves, a number of them will
move to a new site and found a new dwarfhold. The four dwarfholds in the Young Nations are, in order of age, Durghan (Pop 34,000), Kuzurgach (Pop 20,000), Hazachun (Pop 10,000) and Iron Mountain (Pop 900). |
Elves |
The Elven peoples are a very ancient race, possibly even older than
dragonkind. They live in bizarre cities called shees, which they share
with a wide variety of other faerie creatures. A shee consists of a gate
or portal on a hilltop, or under a lake, or inside a stone circle, which
leads into a hidden land with an area of several hundred square miles.
The elves and other creatures live in villages and castles and towers
scattered over this land. |
Gnomes |
A dying race, their population decreasing with every year, gnomes are
now only found living in Zarn and Dernas, and a few small villages around
Seal Bay. Nobody knows why the gnomes are dying, all that is known for
certain is that less gnomish children are born each year. Some have speculated
that they may be under some sort of curse. |
Half-Elves |
It is rumoured that sometimes faeries and elves will replace a human
child with one of their own. This child will grow up as a human, but will
start to show increasing signs of strangeness as it comes of age. These
children are known as half-elves, and they are more common near Kings
Wood. |
Half-Orcs |
These savage half-breeds live wherever orcs dwell, notably in the Ice
Spires, the High Spurs, and the Ghost Peaks. They are also quite common
on the Wild Moor, where some are even raised among the human barbarians,
who value them as powerful warriors. |
Halflings |
Halflings are, like dwarves, slowly increasing in numbers, but nobody
knows where they came from originally. Their main settlements are Zarn
and Dernas and the smaller settlements to the west of Seal Bay, which
the often share with gnomes, but a small population can be found in every
human settlement of any reasonable size. |
Humans |
One of the newer races, the oldest human city currently in existence
is Shakhan, which is about 1200 years old. There are however legends among
humans of even older human cities, although the dwarves deny any knowledge
of these places, and the elves will neither confirm nor deny these tales. |
Peoples of
Contract | New Spells |